Chapter216,Part1: 1 - Outsider ③

Chapter 216 Outsider ③

Part 1

“Eh? Of course…… I am going to participate. Don’t tell me, Leader, you are only telling me to not participate?” (Lucia)

Lucia looked at me with a scowl. It wasn’t a glare, but it had a lot of power in it.

As usual, I had Lucia magically recharge my Relics in my private and Relics room, which was connected to the Clan Master’s office.

The charge, which tended to take a long time at first, had somehow become a smooth process before I knew it.

In the past, she used to be out of breath after she finished charging, but now she can charge seventeen Barrier Rings and still look fine.

Lucia Roge is an accomplished Magi. She has mastered every genre of Magic and was even once chosen to be one of the strongest Magi in the Empire. And even now, she is constantly developing new Magic. But on the contrary, as his older brother, there are times when I worry about her.

“It is certainly tricky. No matter how large the venue is, the distance between us is that of a swordsman area, but killing is strictly forbidden…… Even if you are accidentally killed, it is not like I am allowed to use very powerful Magics.” (Lucia)

The Supreme Martial Arts Festival was open to all means of combat, so of course Magic is OK, but the truth is that most of the contestants are close-quarters fighters.

The venue was large but for a warrior who had absorbed enough Mana Material, that distance could be closed in a few steps, and in order to use powerful Magics, chanting and certain preliminary actions are essential. If you are an experienced Magi, you can make your preliminary actions as few as possible, but even that was still a disadvantage because omitting those movements was a tradeoff with its power.

However, Lucia seems to be very motivated. I don’t know how she is going to get her hands on a participation ticket, but she seems to know some Magi in the upper echelons of the Empire, so I guess she will figure it out.

She is surprisingly stubborn and rebellious, and there is nothing that I can do that will stop her.

I received the chain Relic that Lucia finished charging and *un, un* nodded.

“*Un, un*, do your best.” (Cry)

“Hah? Why are you talking like it is someone else’s business?” (Lucia)

“Eh? That’s…… Because it is someone else’s business, not mine.” (Cry)

The Supreme Martial Arts Festival is an individual competition, and I have no say in Lucia’s fight. The only thing I have more than Lucia is her age.

“Do you want some advice?” (Cry)

“If you have time to do that, shouldn’t you rather worry about yourself?” (Lucia)

“I know, I will be fine on my side. I am rooting for you.” (Cry)

Because, unlike Lucia, Luke, and the others, I am not participating. As expected, it would be strange for a contestant to worry about the spectators.

And this time, the Supreme Martial Arts Festival is just a fighting tournament, so compared to the fact that they are always fighting for their life, this is a relief.

“Just so you know, this is a one-on-one fight. Isn’t this the type of fight Leader is the least comfortable with?” (Lucia)

“Eh? No, that is not true. I like the tension of a one-on-one. But of course, it is not like I don’t like a group fight or a flashy fight.” (Cry)

If I was the one doing it, I hate all of them to the core, but if I am watching it, I love every second of it.

However, I have already seen a lot of flashy fights when I was working as one of 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》, so I kind of feel like “Whatever” when I see one.

Lucia, who should know my personality very well, blinked her eyes at my answer.

“…… Leader, aren’t you misunderstanding somethin――” (Lucia)

But then, I suddenly heard a light melody. In the fastest motion I could muster, I pulled out my latest smartphone from my pocket.

“Sorry, Lucia. I got a 『Mailu』. I have to reply quickly……” (Cry)

“…… Moh!” (Lucia)

I am sure that this was how people during Advanced Technological Civilizations used their smartphones.

『Mailu』 is a really useful feature to send a text to someone, and it was one of the many features on my smartphone.

I clicked on an icon with familiar motions. I have received a large quantity of 『Mailu』.

Most of them are from unknown senders and the things that are written are often incomprehensible, so those are called “Spam Mailu” among smartphone researchers. I heard that if you try to open them carelessly, your smartphone will explode, so you have to be careful.

The sender of the mail was the Imouto-Kitsune, who was still supposed to be a god in Toizant. In fact, only the Imouto-Kitsune?and the Ani-Kitsune?are registered in my smartphone contacts.

There was an image attached to the 『Mailu』. The content said only one thing 『It grew up』. The attached image was of a huge, towering tree.

It hasn’t been too many days since I left Toizant yet, but if the Imouto-Kitsune was still in Toaizant…… I don’t think there is much of the desert anymore.

“Look, look, look at how the trees have grown.” (Cry)

“I see.” (Lucia)

“I have to respond quickly…… You have to respond to it within five minutes, you know. If you can’t respond, you have to find a way to respond to it even if the battery died out. That’s the rules.” (Cry)

“I see.” (Lucia)

I immediately replied, 『Good for you』. Soon there was another strange melody playing.

“Ah, now it is from the brother…… *Yareyare* Good grief, it is hard to be popular.” (Cry)

“It is alright if I do whatever I want, right? I am done with the recharging, so I will go now.” (Lucia)

“Look at that, Lucia. He said 『They are very lively. You should learn from them, Kikkikan-san. This is a human being.』! *Yareyare* Good grief, of course it is natural that Term and Kechakchakka are more lively! I will send a reply. 『Please give me the Relics they have』…… And send. (Cry)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Lucia almost figured out Cry’s misunderstanding but fate stopped her from prying!

And love Cry’s response to the Ani-Kitsune. Completely ignoring Term and Kecha and just asking for their Relic!

Tchao à plus!


Here mail is written in katakana which means that Cry’s pronunciation is a little wrong when he says mail. Like when a foreigner pronounces the word a little wrong Moh: It mean geez or come on.In the MTL it is written Spammeister so wanted to put it. Spammeister master of spam XDImouto-Kitsune: Literally translated as Fox Little SisterAni-Kitsune: Literally translated as Brother FoxKikkikan-san: Literally translated as Sense of Danger. This is how the Phantom in Lost Inn call Cry

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