Chapter221,Part2: 2 - Fan Club

Chapter 221 Fan Club

Part 2

“Heyyy~, who, do you think, is the strongest contestant this time? Ah, except me, of course.” (Liz)

“It’s a Dragon contestant who’s wielding a sword. I’m sure there will be one. Cry’s here. I’m sure it’ll be there. Come on! A Dragon contestant with a sword, come on!” (Luke)

“Hmm, the winner is determined by the degree of exhaustion from the previous battles, isn’t it? Not all people are pure and innocent, so there are underground fights as well……” (Sytry)

Sytry said with a thoughtful expression. She seemed calm, but we must remember that she was also an Alchemist and was about to enter a martial arts competition. For now, I clenched my fists and said badassly.

“Underground fight, huh…… It is going to be so *wakuwaku* exciting. Come, bring me your arrows, your gun, or your Dragon!” (Cry)

“Leader, what are you talking about……” (Lucia)

“No, I just thought I should follow everyone’s line of thinking.” (Cry)

Because of what I said, Lucia looked at me coldly. It is just proof that even a coward can say whatever he wants from the spectating seat.

The town was bustling as if it was in the middle of a festival. There were several food stalls, and the smell of delicious food was everywhere, so I couldn’t help but have my gaze taken away.

Then I found a stall that caught my attention.

It was a stall where dragons made of chocolate and ice cream were all lined up in a row.

It is a type of food rarely seen in the Imperial Capital, but there is no reason why the combination of chocolate and ice cream can be bad. Lucia looks up at me with a stern stare as I stop in my tracks.

“Is something wrong? Leader.” (Lucia)

Lucia has the most decent sense of money in the Party. Every time I spent money wastefully, she would complain to me.

Un, un, you are right…… It is because of the debt, you know.

“………… I-I am going out for a minute. Wait here.” (Cry)

“Eh? Ah, okay……” (Lucia)

Well, she will forgive me somehow, so I am going to buy it. I have plenty of debt left, but strangely enough, my wallet is full.

Buying unusual snacks is also a fun part of traveling. I know, let’s take a picture with my smartphone and send it to them.

Avoiding the crowds, I approached the stall with great enthusiasm. Then, I was pulled by the hem.

I turn around. The woman who tugged at my sleeve and stopped me was a well-refined woman dressed in vestments like those worn by “Miko (Priestesses)”.

She had long, light blue hair――Maybe she was a few years younger than me and her swaying gaze and atmosphere were somewhat supernatural. Of course, I didn’t recognize her.

“Yes?” (Cry)

“Over here.” (Miko)

“Eh?” (Cry)

She only answered with one word and the “Miko (Priestesses)” pulled my hand when I was confused. She wasn’t strong, but I had even lesser strength than her, so just like this, she kept on pulling me.

While I was puzzled, the girl waded through more and more crowds, passed by a food stall, and took me directly into a narrow alley.

The last time I looked behind me, I saw Lucia looking at me with a *pokan* blank expression. Despite everything, Lucia always helps me out when I am kidnapped, but apparently this time she judged that I wasn’t being kidnapped.

Hey, but wait, she wasn’t violent but this is a kidnapping, right?

No, maybe it was too much of a leap to say that she is a kidnapper――.

“I think you have got the wrong per――” (Cry)

“No, no, it isn’t a mistake. Please come this way.” (Miko)

You definitely got the wrong person. I don’t have a very good memory, but I certainly don’t forget strange people.

But the kidnapper in front of me does not seem to be listening to me at all.

“………… Even though I wanted to eat a dragon.” (Cry)

“We will get it for you.” (Miko)

Seriously…… You will get it for me?

I walked between buildings after buildings while being taken. The narrow alley was completely different from the bustling main street, and not a single person was to be seen. The public order doesn’t seem to be that bad, but the mysterious “Miko (Priestesses)” smoothly proceeded in the alleys, which one would definitely not pass through alone.

Then, when we were halfway down the road――The door suddenly opened. It was only then that I realized that the building had a battered door.

The girl slipped into the open door with an extremely natural motion. She was holding my hand, so naturally, I slipped in as well.

“??????” (Cry)

“This way, please.” (Miko)

“?????” (Cry)

Without hesitation, we proceeded through the ruined interior and descended the stairs to the basement that suddenly appeared. And I *furafura* unsteadily followed her.

There was no light, but the rooms were clean and there was no unpleasant smell.

The basement had a sturdy-looking metal door that could not be imagined from going through the passageway up to this point.

The mysterious girl *kosokoso* sneaked through the door and said something. A *gachari* clack sound was heard, and the door unlocked.

“This way, please.” (Miko)

I did as I was told and entered the room, and I widened my eyes at the sight that unfolded in front of me.

It was a large room. Countless candles lined the walls, clearing the darkness with their dim light.

But the reason I stopped in my tracks――Was because of the countless shadows lined up in the room.

Their gender or their age was unknown. And even though they were so many, I couldn’t even hear them breathing, but the strangest thing of all was――That each of them was wearing a fox mask.

They all looked like commercialized products and the design was different from the one I have, but I am amazed that they have collected so many masks, such as a fat fox mask, a red fox mask, a laughing fox mask and so on.

That was when I understood everything and snapped my fingers.

“I knew it, you had the wrong guy. I am wearing a fox mask, but I am not a member of the Fox Mask Fan Club.” (Cry)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Yoooo did Cry just stumble inside a Fox (Kitsune) hideout just because he wanted to eat some choco-dragon!

He even prepared a body-double (Kryhi) to pass as Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) during his infiltration inside the Fox (Kitsune)!

What can I say but Sasuga Cry!

Tchao à plus!


Fan Club: Here in Japanese it is Aiko-kai, which can also be translated as a group or association of fans.

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