Chapter233,Part2: 2 - Real Boss

Chapter 233 Real Boss

Part 2

I’m kind of getting tired of this already.

At my question, Sora nodded grandly and opened her arms.

“There is only one way for us to survive. Pretend we didn’t know anything. Don’t worry, your mask is a real one! With my approval as a “Miko (Shrine Maiden)”, “Byakko-sama (White Fox)” will become the real one.” (Sora)

Isn’t that…… Just improvising?

Both Sytry and Anthem were amazed by her.

“We will also, involve everyone else! We will bring in so many people that they will not be able to punish us carelessly! Watch and see, I will create a huge faction! We will be the “Ten-Tails of Fried Tofu (Juubi no Aburaage)”!” (Sora)

“…… Cry-san, what kind of group is this fox-lover group?” (Sytry)

“Umu……” (Anthem)

Anthem nodded gravely.

Well…… I have no idea. But looking at Sora’s appearance right now, I think I understand how they became a secret society. They are too much into this.

And at this rate, I will become the head of one of their biggest factions.

“I know, I will give my mask to you, Sora. It is valuable, no? Sora, you should become the head of one of the biggest factions.” (Cry)

“!? I don’t want it!!!” (Sora)

Come on, it is like it had become the old maid from the old maid game. Maybe I should just throw it away somewhere……

“I won’t let you escape. I won’t let you get away, “Byakko-sama (White Fox)”! It doesn’t matter how secretive the organization is, it is only a matter of time before you are exposed! The real Boss might be coming now! No, obviously the Boss will come! Please do something!” (Sora)

Sora was really desperate. Apparently, their secret organization has very strict rules.

I *pon* hit my hand and smiled at her pleading voice.

“Alright. I will do something about this.” (Cry)

“!?” (Sora)

“Seriously, you should have said it sooner. Your Boss is coming, right? I will talk to him myself.” (Cry)

“!??” (Sora)

Well, that settles it. I am a master of apology. While most people would hesitate to do a Dogeza, I won’t hesitate to do it if necessary.

No matter how strict their rules are, I am an outsider. If I pay attention to what I say and do a sincere Dogeza, I will be able to make them absolve Sora.

It is a little bit scary, but with Anthem as my escort, it will be perfect.

Sora who looked *pokan* dumbfounded for a moment, said fearfully.

“The other person will be the Boss, you know!? I hear that the Boss is a fearsome person, so even you “Byakko-sama (White Fox)” won’t――” (Sora)

“Hahaha, it’s alright, alright. I will do my best so it won’t cause you a problem later, Sora. You don’t need to worry.” (Cry)

You are overthinking this. Even if you say that the Boss is fearsome, it is not like I will get killed.

Sometimes a small problem will look like a big problem that can’t be solved. When that happens, all you have to do is to change your perspective.

The only person I fear to meet right now is Gark-san.

That’s when Sytry clapped her hands.

“With this, I guess StranGri meeting is over, right?” (Sytry)

“I am sorry for gathering you all so suddenly. But thanks for the help.” (Cry)

“No, no, Cry-san’s problems are also my problems……” (Sytry)

After all, what you should have are friends you can rely on. By consulting with them, I can organize my thoughts.

And there, Sytry grabbed Sora’s shoulder, which was frozen. Sora *bikuri* shivered and looked back at Sytry.

“Now then…… There is something I need to check, so may I have a word with you, Sora-san?” (Sytry)

§ § §

I don’t understand. Seriously, I don’t understand the situation, his intentions, or anything at all.

When you think that he had deceived me, he turns the situation around and wants to try to talk to the Boss.

”Shin Byakko-sama (True White Fox)” is truly a formidable opponent, to have so much power over Sora who was raised as a “Miko (Shrine Maiden)” who was expected to remain calm and collected at all times.

Sora is not a Treasure Hunter. She had close to no fighting abilities.

That’s why, even though I have only heard rumors about 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 power, I don’t think that he could beat the Boss.

Even if he had all his friends with him, I wouldn’t feel safe.

『Nine-Tails Shadow Fox (Kyubi no Kage Kitsune)』 is one of the largest secret organizations in the world. And the boss is also known to be unnaturally powerful even for this kind of organization.

I don’t know what kind of discussion he intends to have, but the organization will not tolerate any leaks.

There is no way that 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 would be let go after he tried to impersonate the Boss.

”Shin Byakko-sama (True White Fox)” underestimates too much secret organizations.

So I have to take action now, while the situation is not yet exposed.

Sora is a “Miko (Shrine Maiden)”. She is a priestess, someone who has a special position. She would lose it if it became known that she had misjudged the Boss, but for now she still has her authority.

”Shin Byakko-sama (True White Fox)” told me not to worry, that he would somehow manage.

However, it is the “Miko’s (Shrine Maiden)” duty to serve and lend her strength to the Boss who had been given a fox mask by the god.

I must do it. Even if it is a fake, there is no doubt that “Byakko-sama (White Fox)” is the “Byakko-sama (White Fox)”.

It is said that Sora’s ancestors, who were once persecuted because of the different nature of the god they dedicated to, decided to help and work together with the Boss of that time, who had been given a fox mask by the god.

Since then, “Byakko-sama (White Fox)” had been a beacon for Sora and the other “Miko (Shrine Maiden)” of the Fox-God.

It is said that there are several people in the organization who have a “Byakko (White Fox)” mask. But now, there is an outsider with a mask.

This is probably――A turning point in history.

I must not misunderstand whom I have to serve. No matter how terrible the consequences may be, no matter if the whole clan is decimated, if it is God’s will, then――.

I have already resolved myself. The shaking and tremors coming from my limbs have already subsided.

All that remains is to fulfill the duty of the “Miko (Shrine Maiden)”.

I solemnly returned to the hideout assigned to me.

When I unlocked and opened the door, I find a girl wearing a white fox mask who was *peropero* licking a plate.

“!?” (Sora)

My brain refused to understand.

It was, no doubt, a real mask.

My heart did indeed stop for a moment. My breath was blocked and my whole body went numb.

My gaze cannot tear itself away from the mask the girl was wearing.

The mask was real. No different from the one worn by “Byakko-sama (White Fox)”, a real mask.

However, the pressure I felt was incomparable to the one that “Byakko-sama (White Fox)” was releasing.

A god――No, a monster. My limbs couldn’t move at all.

Although her physique was smaller than Sora’s, Sora was experiencing for the first time the difference in each other’s rank.

I was stupid. Sora was stupid. Ignorant.

This is――The real Boss.

If this presence is the proof of being the “Byakko-sama (White Fox)”, then misjudging it with someone else can only be considered as being incompetent.

The real Boss looked over here.

We look the same, but you would never think that we are the same species. Then the real Boss said in a cold voice to Sora, who could not move a finger.

“It doesn’t taste good.? Give me better Aburaage or… I will attack you.” (Real Boss)

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Of course the Imouto Kistune will come when you talk about Aburaage!

Poor Sora, after being cooked by Sytry, now she is going to be cooked by the Imouto Kistune!

Also tonight is FF7 25th anniversary! I’m soooooo hype for that! Give me Remake Part 2! Give me more Zack!

Tchao à plus!

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