Chapter237,Part1: 1 - Strange Freak ④

Chapter 237 Strange Freak ④

Part 1

“Master~, Lucia Onee-sama……! I’m here to support you!” (Tino)

“Oh, Cry. How’s it coming?” (Sven)

“Ah, thanks for coming. Of course, it’s perfect!” (Cry)

A group of members wearing 《First Step’s (Hajimari no Ashiato)》 symbol―――Tino, Sven, and the others *zurazura* entered the room. I welcomed them with a badass smile.

They must have come to support us because the opening ceremony of the Supreme Martial Arts Festival is coming up. They may not all have come to support us, but it was a large group.

The spacious lobby in the inn was filled. But it is not like it was uncommon for strong Hunters to gather at this time of year.

The lodging we were staying at is a high-graded one, but not unaffordable for the most skilled hunters. The curious glances soon stopped looking at us.

Eva, in her white uniform, as usual, was also in the mix. Apparently, she had been safely escorted by the Hunters.

Surrounded by these strong Hunters, I have the illusion that I have become strong myself. Sven smiles wildly at me and asks.

“How is it? Are you getting used to Cleat’s atmosphere? I don’t think I need to worry about you guys, but for those who come from Zebrudia, we play away, so……” (Sven)

“You don’t need to worry about that. Do you think Liz or Luke cares about that? They are already doing some warm-up.” (Cry)

“No…… But what about you?” (Sven)

Sven’s expression was full of dismay.

No, of course, I am perfect, too. I have been lounging around in the inn the whole time, so there is no way I am away or anything.

Before I could answer, Tino assured for me.

“Sven. There’s no way Master~ would let the pressure get the better of him.” (Tino)

It had been a long time since I had seen Tino’s face.

I *kyorokyoro* look around the spacious lobby and see Lucia, who is standing next to me as my escort.

“Master~, I will――I will use all my savings to bet on you Master~ !” (Tino)

Come to think of it, I wonder if there will be betting going on?

It is an individual competition, but it seems to be just barely possible because there is no one who will intentionally lose when he or she is strong enough to participate in the Supreme Martial Arts Festival.

I unintentionally laughed at Tino’s joke.

“Hahahahaha, thank you. I wonder if I should try a little harder this time!” (Cry)

Well, there is no way you can bet on me as I am not competing, tho’.

“Yes, good luck! I will learn a lot from this!” (Tino)

Tino looked up at me with *kirakira* sparkling eyes. Good, good, good, watch and learn from Liz and the others.

As I nodded good-humoredly to my friend I hadn’t seen in a while, Eva stepped in between us.

As usual, her wise eyes stare up at me through her slim glasses.

“Master, I met Touka-san. It seems you have requested some work from her.” (Eva)

“Hm, aaaah. It is just business. It is not a big deal, it is just Luke and Liz who said they wanted to do some warm-up before the tournament.” (Cry)

“Warm-up, is it?” (Eva)

I crossed my arms and put on some air.

“It is kind of a tradition in Cleat this time of year, right? Well, it seems to be going a little better than usual, tho’――” (Cry)

I hear the Fox Mask Fan Club was quite excellent. These days, not a day goes by that I don’t see the name of Touka in the newspaper.

As someone who is often attacked by Monsters and bandits on my travels, I am lucky to have fewer bad guys around, and lucky that the name spreading out is Touka and not mine.

This time I am more brilliant than ever.

“You are in good spirits, even though it is right before the martial arts tournament. Lucia-san is not going?” (Eva)

“It is because I have to take care of Leader.” (Lucia)

Lucia gives me a reproachful look, but I can’t help it since I can’t relax without an escort.

In the first place, you didn’t particularly complain about this before, did you?

But it would be immature of me to point that out.

“We might get attacked at the inn……” (Cry)

“…… That is because you are doing something that could set off an attack.” (Sven)

Sven said that with a subtle look on his face. This is terrible fake news. When I looked at Tino, Tino quickly averted her gaze.

“No, you are wrong, you know. I assure you, I didn’t do anything, you know. Attacks occur even when I am doing nothing.” (Cry)

“………… Haaaaa.” (Lucia)

Lucia sighed deeply.

Lucia must know that I am a harmless person that can’t even harm an insect, so I am sure it is a sigh of resignation at my misfortune by just being there.

But for once, we are okay. Sven and the others are there, and the perimeter is completely solid.

The Imouto Kitsune, whom I should have abandoned in the desert, has arrived, but she is crazy about Aburaage.

Then I decided to change the mood a little bit. I am going to tell you a special story.

I smiled and said as if I was telling a secret story.

“Right, Sven. Actually, in this city――The real me is here.” (Cry)

“…… Haaah?” (Sven)

“Well, they say there are three people in the world who look exactly like you, right? I became his fan the moment I met him. And what’s more, even his companions look exactly like mine.” (Cry)

“!? Nii-san!? I! Would never! Say something like that!” (Lucia)

Lucia’s face turned bright red and she denied it, but well, your name looks exactly the same name, no?

He said she didn’t have an Alias yet, so if you take that into account――.

“I bet that’s the Lucia from the past.” (Cry)

Lucia was precocious and was only attached to me for a very short period of time, and it wasn’t that bad, but there was definitely a time like that…… I think?

Ehm? There wasn’t a time like that?

I looked at Lucia, who was shaking as if she was holding something in her fist, and blinked at her.

“Liz also said that you looked exactly the same, you know?” (Cry)

“Ni-i-sa-n? Next time, you say that, I will turn you into a frog, okay?” (Lucia)

Not good. I will be turned into a frog.

“Anyway, Sven should definitely see him. If you tell him you heard about him from me, he will happily sign an autograph for you, I am sure of it! And while you are at it, I hope you will see the other members too.” (Cry)

“………… Master~…… Why are you so overjoyed……” (Tino)

Tino said that with a dismayed expression on her face, but well…… Even you, Tino, would have laughed uncontrollably if you met your look-alike.

§ § §

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Tsun-tsun Lucia is so cute!

Tchao à plus!


Hajimari no Ashiato: It means Footprint of the Beginning

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