Chapter 348.2: Sytry's Strategy

How was iiit? (Uno)

I come out of the building, and Uno and Quint, who were waiting, each go to one of my sides. I shrug my shoulders at Uno's question.

I tried to probe him, but It wasn't promising. He didn't show any signs of being upset. (Adler)

Anyway, I need to find something out soon. (Quint)

From my perspective, there's no sign of any Monsters around him. Lucia-san doesn't seem like one either. (Uno)

While chatting, we walk through Yggdra, which is filled with Mana Materials.

I have already witnessed Infinite Variety's (Senpen Banka) skill once, but I cannot grasp Infinite Variety's (Senpen Banka) power at all.

We are getting results. I know how Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) works and what he did.

But I don't know anything more than that. Why is it that his behavior which can only be seen as laziness leads to the current result?

My Monster called Mirror of Reality is an extremely useful tool in information warfare.

This Monster reveals all secrets. Even though I have used it to its fullest, it is the first time I feel like I cannot find anything at all.

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The mirror in Uno's hand is currently capturing Cry's ongoing status. Cry is *gorogoro* rolling around and lying on the bed while yawning.

I thought that by provoking him, he would make a big move, but even after I threw my fighting spirit at him, he still wasn't even getting off the bed.

It is a shame that the mirror of reality doesn't have the ability to see into people's thoughts.

When I remember the content of the conversation we had earlier, I can't help but click my tongue.

If you have time to do some pointless snooping, why don't you help Sytry, you say?

His attitude was too arrogant towards Night Parade (Hyakki Yako) even though we slaughtered countless Hunters. Everything about him, including the huge difference that exists between Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) and us, makes me angry.

Hh Yuden hasn't been revived yet? (Adler)

There's only a little bit leeeft, after all, only its head remaineeed. Even if it absorbs the energy from the earth, it will take time. (Uno)

Tsk. Nothing's going as planned. (Adler)

Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) said that Yuden should be revived soon. However, its revival is not yet complete.

This shows that my trump card, Yuden, the Star-Eating Centipede, who was treated as a god by the ancient people, is lesser than what Cry Andrich imagined.

If you think about it normally, it is just a provocation. There is no way that Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka) would have such clear information about the ancient species which is the Star-Eating Centipede.

However, the situation has already reached a point where I am starting to question common sense. It is not just about how to subdue Phantoms. If we are able to discover the secret behind Infinite Variety's (Senpen Banka) divine strategy, we will become even stronger.

Please calm down, Adler-sama. We should still have a chance. (Uno)

We haven't seen his ability as a Guide yet For now, we have no choice but to participate in the operation as that man said. (Quint)

Says Quint as he sighs.

At least, Sytry's strategy seems legit to some extent. There is no indication that he will abandon us and I don't think he has such a normal personality in the first place. As expected, I am a little angry, but as Quint said, it is probably best to follow the instructions and see what happens, huh

Right. If that Phantom of a god becomes serious, that man will have no choice but to take direct action Depending on the situation, we may need to take action on our end too. (Adler)

My goal is to learn how Cry subdues Phantoms and the means to do so.

I am not doing volunteering work when lending Cry a hand. If the operation does not yield any resultsWe would have no choice but to do something about it.

After spending a sleepless night, I drag my heavy body to the magic research laboratory where Sytry and the others are gathered. It is still early in the morning, but by the time I, Serene, arrive, the main members have already gathered at the research laboratory.

Lucia, who is in charge of manufacturing the device, and Sytry, who has been given the overall command of the operation. My brethren from Starlight (Hoshi no Serai) is led by Lapis are also here. And the reason why Liz, Tino and Eliza, the Thief team, and Anthem are absent is because they are investigating the earth's veins and strengthening our defenses.

Yggdra's warriors are also excellent, but they cannot move without me or the upper echelons of Yggdra ordering them. It is a sign of their loyalty, and although it is unavoidable since they have an irreplaceable mission to protect the World Tree, there are times when it frustrates me. The members of Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei) are different. They have the strength and will to think for themselves and act flexibly without fear of failure, without the Leader telling them anything. Maybe in such dire situations, independent skills are more needed than controlled action.

The only problem is Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka), which confuses me with his actions that have unclear intentions.

Ruin passed out again after saying just one sentence, and had not yet woken up. It is a miracle that they are even alive, and you can see that they are pretty exhausted.

The words they said to me last night had caused a fatal blow to my heart, and I still haven't fully recovered from it.

Why are you dressed like that?That's what I want to know. I was indeed the one who accepted the Relic that human offered, but it is not like I wanted to dress like that either.

Looking at me who has somehow managed to stay calm, Sytry says with a cheerful smile.

Good morning. Serene-san. I see you have stopped wearing the Perfect Vacation outfit. (Sytry)

Hh It-it is not like, I wore it, because I liked it. It-It was that human, who told me to wear it (Serene)

Currently, I am wearing a robe befitting the original Spirit People Princess.

The robe is made from plants that have absorbed a lot of Magic and have been enchanted with protective Magic by the previous generations of Princesses of Yggdra, giving it the power to ward off calamity. Of course, it goes without saying that the effect will be lost if you take it off yourself.

It was a mistake to be fooled by his natural suggestion to wear the Perfect Vacation. I can't help but worry about what Ruin will say when they get better. Ruin is also one of my teachers in Magic. I turn red all the way to my ears and object, but Sytry ignores it, smiles, and says.

We are about to start manufacturing the device now. We don't have much time left, so we will get it all done by the end of today. We also have Magic Recovery Potions, so we should be able to get by one way or another. (Sytry)

I-I see (Serene)

In front of a Magic Circle drawn with special dyes, Lucia Roje closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The Members of Starlight (Hoshi no Serai) gather around and observe the situation.

With each breath, Lucia's consciousness becomes more and more sharpened.

Concentration is important in Magic. As of yesterday, I knew that her power was on par with that of Spirit People, but looking at her again, the strength and stillness of her Magic power circulating within her body is amazing. She possesses all the qualities of a high-level Magi.

Then, Lucia takes a deep breath, raises the staff she is holding in front of her chest, and as she strongly hits the ground, she unleashes a series of spells.

Five Magic lights rise in sequence around the Magic Circle and stop. Almost at the same time, they fall as if they are sucked into the Magic Circle drawn on the ground. The entire Magic Circle glows, and the materials placed above it to build the device burst into flames.

Wind and water, earth and fire, magic released at the same time, mix together according to the engraved lines that form the circle and become a single spell. Kruz, who is watching the scene nearby, breathes out in admiration.

Lucia-san, you're really skillful, desu. Even though you've got a hint from Yowaningen, I never expected you to be able to do multiple activations so quickly (Kruz)

Being reckless is not that much different from the usual. It is because if I can't do that, there is always trouble coming later. (Lucia)

She says it casually, but any Magi would be able to understand how advanced that technique is.

Normally, a Magi cannot activate multiple magic spells at the same time. Even if they have a good sense, activating two would be the best they could do. In that sense, the technique used by Ruin, who has become a Phantom, to pseudo-activate multiple spells at the same time by setting a waiting period before activating the spell is revolutionary, but it is not something an average Magi can handle easily.

Magic is not something that causes phenomena to freely occur according to the caster's will. In order to set up a detailed waiting period between the activation of the spell and its effect, it is necessary to reconfigure on the spot the formula to some extent. The fact that Lucia is able to do that is proof that she is not only talented but also that she does not neglect her study of Magic on a daily basis.

At the very least, she is probably better than me in the fine-tuning of a spell. If she had been a citizen of Yggdra instead of a human, she might have become a great Magi who would even surpass me.

Come to think of it, you said that you are developing several new spells at your research institute At the request of Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka). (Lapis)

If you want to learn them, should I teach you? ButI don't think there is any point in learning them, since they are all problematic spells. (Lucia)

Lucia shrugs her shoulders at what Lapis says. Even as they talked, the device continued to be formed.

The *dorodoro* molten glass *guruguru* rotates around, forming some shape. It is a common belief that Magic can only be used to create rough objects, but each movement is completely controlled by the Magic Circle.

The device is completed by simply blocking out all external influences, inserting the raw materials, and injecting the spell into the device. It is easier said than done. It is an advanced Magic Circle that has been created through countless repeated calculations.

It only takes a dozen minutes to complete the device.

The device is shaped like an inverted cone. The main body part is made of a spiraling glass tube with a hole at the bottom into which something can be inserted. Although Sytry prepared a considerable amount of glass, the finished product is a device approximately one meter long. The Magic Circle loses its light and there Lucia breathes out while moving her shoulders, as if the tension has finally eased.

Multiple activation is a problem, but it also seems like each spell requires a considerable amount of Magic. Isn't it a failure to say that this Magic Circle is the fruit of your research for anyone to create the device? (Lucia)

Thank you for your hard work. Well, it is something that is activated by five people, so It is not a Magic Circle that is used many times, so there is nothing we can do about it. Now, this isThe result of my research. It is a Mana Materials Stirring Device. This is a small one, but all that is left is to insert the gemstoneThe magic stone that powers the device and it will be completed. (Sytry)

Spirit People are not good with metal. It is not that metal is poisonous for them, but it is probably something instinctive. I don't want to touch it if possible, and even just looking at it makes me feel like I am witnessing something abominable for some reason. Therefore, there are no metal products in Yggdra.

On the other hand, glass like the one used to make this device is neither good nor bad. However, for some reason, in my eyes, that device looks extremely bizarre and abominable.

Even though I shouldn't know how the device worksIt feels something similar to the alien atmosphere I felt when I looked into the altar in the deepest part of the Temple of Origin when we used the mirror of reality. Is it my instinct as a Spirit People telling them of the danger of this device?

I wonder what terrible device the humans have created I almost let those words out of my lips, but I stop myself just in time. Maybe in order to counter the rampage of the World Tree, which can be called the fury of natureAn abominable artifact comparable to its existence may be needed to counter the appearance of a Phantom of a god.

This is the only way to save Yggdra, and by extension, the world.

Is it powered by Magic Stones I just have one right here. (Serene)

Magic stones are processed Spirit Stones and gemstones that serve as catalysts for Magic. The pendant I am wearing is one of them. I prepare myself and approach the device. Just as I am reaching for the device, Sytry screams.

Wait! (Sytry)

!? (Serene)

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Sytry says threateningly in a low voice to me, who turns around with a startled look on my face.

No yet, don't insert it yet. The nature of Mana Materials is extremely complex, and not fully understood by modern human technology. If you don't activate the device in the right placeI don't know what might happen, okay? Maybe the world will be destroyed by humans before the god can do it. (Sytry)

Hh I-I am sorry. I understand (Serene)

I grab the Magic Stone and take a few steps back from the device. The device quietly reflects the sunlight and *kirakira* sparkle.

It is said that Magic Sword tempts its user. Maybe I was also seduced by this alien device. As I take a deep breath, Lucia crosses her arms and says in a chiding tone.

Syt, stop threatening her. You purposely didn't warn Serene-san until she got close to it, right? (Lucia)

Eh? (Serene)

Let's start the operation as soon as Onee-chan and the others come back and we decide where to install the device. Let's make some more before then. (Sytry)

I open my eyes and look at Sytry. Sytry *pan* claps her hands and says as if nothing had happened.

Thanks for reading Merry Xmas everyone! Hope you all have wonderful presents IRL and spend a wonderful day with your friends and family. Couldn't prepare a Xmas bonus chapter for you tho' I was supposed to post this one yesterday But hey, nice picture tho', right? (>.<)

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