Stray Cat Strut

Chapter Forty-Six - New Plan: Kill Everything

Chapter Forty-Six - New Plan: Kill Everything

Chapter Forty-Six - New Plan: Kill Everything

Are you worried about the incoming horde of hungry man-eating aliens invading your city?

Coming to the realisation that while money is great, it doesnt mean much when theres an alien munching on your face?

Then invest in Protecto-Tech today! The worlds leading provider of VIP vaults and high-end protective services! Live a life of temporary luxury in one of our hyper-fortified bases!

No human experimentation, guaranteed!

--Protecto-Tech, prototype ad, 2050


The moment I was completely out of my old armour, the entire thing closed itself back up and stepped to the side.

It actually freaked me out a little. But the armour just walked itself to the rooms entrance and stood there, one back-mounted gun pointing out into the hallway beyond.

Alright, I muttered.

Just a safety precaution. What do you want to do with your old armour?

I dont know, I admitted. Think Lucy would like it?

It would need to be modified slightly to fit her proportions. Shes a few centimetres shorter and wider at the hips. It would be uncomfortable. She also lacks the augmentations or AI support to fully utilise the armour.

Eh, fair enough. Can it stick around in here and defend itself? Well see about picking it up once things have calmed down a bit.


I walked over to the box with my new arm. It had a single clasp on the front, which was handy because I only had one hand now. The case hissed as it opened and a bit of antiseptic smelling steam escaped the edges.

The arm wasnt too dissimilar to my old one. Sleek grey metal with a few plates that were edged in glowing neon. It was a bit less bulky. Likely the lack of a missile launcher worked into it. So how do I equip this one? Just jam it onto stubby here? I wiggled my stub.

More or less. You can expect something similar to having a sleeping limb awaken.

I raised the arm and turned it around. There was a hole for my stump, and some sections that would reach all the way up to my collarbone and over my shoulder bone thing... what was that called? The scapula or something.

You will have to remove your suit for it to make contact with your skin.

Lowering the arm back into its box, I unzipped the front of my armoured suit and tugged it off my right side. I hadnt realised how chilly it was here. Then I grabbed the arm again and slid it on. There was a warm pressure over my side, and a feeling of suction, like I was getting the worlds biggest hickey.

Then I suddenly had feeling in my new hand and arm. I gasped as I felt a million tingles running up and down the arm. It really was like waking up after Lucy used me as a pillow and cut off my circulation. Oh, thats annoying, I said. Moving the new hand around seemed to help, the pins and needles feeling fading gently.

Connection established. Everything should be functional now.

Nice, I said. Then I used my new arm to remove the rest of my undersuit. Need a new one of these. I slipped my feet out of my old suit, then flicked it aside like so much dirty laundry.

I glanced around. I was entirely naked, aside from the new arm, in the middle of enemy territory. Actually, give me a minute, Im gonna use the washroom while Im here.

How wonderfully pragmatic. Do you want an improved version of your under armour too?

Sure, I said as I started looking for the bathroom. It couldnt be far from the sauna, could it? I found it behind a faux-wood wall. It was the mens washroom, but no one was around to tell me no.

New Purchase: Armoured Stealth-Capable Undersuit

Points Reduced to... 34,009

My new suit appeared in a little box, and I unwrapped it--after washing my hands--then slid into it. It was about as comfortable as the last one, which is to say it felt like I was slipping into something made of the fur of a hundred newborn kittens. The design wasnt changed too much. Still mostly black with a few neon highlights and some armoured plates over important bits.

Okay, I said as I fiddled with the neck. It was a bit tight. Not uncomfortable, but nearly. Lets armour up.

The new armours back unfolded, revealing a space that looked about me-shaped. I placed a foot in the opening meant for it, then climbed in properly, the armour closing up around me and pulling me in tighter against the armours front.

My vision was entirely darkened for a moment before everything ahead of me lit up, the screens within the helmet part of the armour turning the world into a more vibrant version of reality, where shadows were only a suggestion.

I wiggled my shoulders and felt the armour responding without any noticeable delay. It was a bit weird to bring my hand up and see the armours hand move at the same time. It wasnt quite in the right spot. My meat hand was somewhere in the armours forearm.

Id get used to it in a minute, I suspected.

Whats this armed with? I asked.

Only two shoulder-mounted guns. They are a significant upgrade over your previous models.

I nodded, and then stopped. It was still weird moving my head.

Heading out of the room, I was stopped by my old armour. It grabbed my Void Terminus by the hilt and raised it up before me, holding the sword in my path.

Oh, right, I said. I grabbed the sword just under its guard, then leaned forward to see my waist. A small armour segment unfolded by my hip, and when I pressed the sheath against it, the armour grabbed onto it. Handy.

There was a mirror just outside the sauna, and I glanced at myself as I walked by.

The armour gave me a good boost to my height. I wouldnt be taller than the tallest man, but Id be meeting him eye-to-eye. I was also a lot stockier. My old armour had curves. This one had armoured plates. That was sexy in its own way, I supposed.

Also, a tail, with a very sharp looking thagomizer.

Alright, get me one of those Bullcats, and I think Im ready to go, I said.

A gun appeared in the air next to me and I caught it before it had time to fall.

If you dont have a current plan, then might I suggest some actions?

Uh, sure? I said as I started to look for an elevator or stairwell up.

The Family has an updating feed of the wave and its movements, as well as feeds from Vanguard on the front lines and from the various PMC commands. The current most urgent call for assistance is relatively close to your position.

What is it? I asked.

Vanguard Grasshopper has been injured and is requesting assistance.

I froze. Why the fuck didnt you tell me earlier?

The request is only seconds old. She is One point two kilometres north-west of your position. Your suit can fly short distances. Once youre out in the open it should be easy to make your way there.

Which ways north? I asked.

An arrow appeared, pointing me in the right direction, and I took off running in that direction. There was a wall in the way, of course, with a big window that opened up onto the busy city below. So I raised my new Bullcat and opened fire with full-auto into the glass.

My new armour was sturdy enough that I didnt even feel any recoil. The glass felt it though. It might have been that tough sort designed to withstand some damage and prevent office suicides, but it wasnt rated for dealing with anxious Samurai.

I shot out into the open air, trailing a cascade of tinkling glass. The streets below were teeming with aliens, some of whom took a moment to look up towards me.

Then my jump jets kicked on and my downwards fall turned into an arc that led me up and over to the next building. Myalis, acid bombs. Lets give those fuckers down there something to think about. Actually, fuck it, lets mix it up with some normal bombs too.


And while were at it, can we unlock the next tier on my bomb catalogue? I want more fun toys to play with.

New Purchase: Esoteric Single-Use Explosive Devices Tier II

Points Reduced to... 32,409

Expensive, but probably worth it. And honestly, not doing much to put a dent into my current savings. Thanks, Myalis.

Anything to lessen the Antithesis threat.

I sprinted across the rooftop, then jumped once I got to the other side. While in the air, Myalis summoned a heap of bombs for me, which I dropped with glee atop the alien hoard. Theyd be able to track my progress with the bodies I left behind.


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