Chapter 427

Qin Ran found it funny and did not know whether she should laugh or cry as she said, “Enough. You two should stop messing around. Let’s talk about something formal. Ye’zi, please take good care of Qin Sheng and keep in touch with me after you arrive in Ningbo. By the way, Qin Sheng, you should not always bully Ye’zi. I can’t promise you that Ye’zi won’t give you a beating.”

Qin Sheng said smilingly, “Sister, I am an honest and obedient person. Why would I bully Ye’zi? Moreover, Ye’zi is a beauty who is supposed to be held gently in one’s hands.”

Qin Ran glared at Qin Sheng and said, “You are so flirtatious.”

On the contrary, Nan Gong replied solemnly, “Sister Ran Ran, rest assured that I won’t let anything happen to him. However, I can’t promise you what I will do if he isn’t obedient to my arrangement.”

Qin Ran chuckled and said, “All right. You are a couple of quarrelsome friends. Set out now and get back to Shanghai early.” She had to rush back to the company to attend a meeting before 9:30 a.m. She feared that she would have to stay in Shanghai for a long time this time. Everything was in full swing in Beijing. It was said that the old guy had gone to Mount Wutai yesterday.

Though Qin Ran could not understand what on earth had happened, she could feel that the stormy crisis was going to fall upon them. Otherwise, her father would not have gone to Mount Wutai to disturb her Eldest Uncle.

Originally, Qin Ran had intended to accompany Qin Sheng to Ningbo, who was more eager to question the elders of the Lin Family in person and ask them how qualified the Lin Family was to look down upon the son of the Qin Family. Unfortunately, she had pretty urgent issues to attend to in Shanghai. Even Wu Han, who was supposed to go to Beijing to work after the Lantern Festival, had been summoned over by Qin Ran to be her temporary assistant in Shanghai.

It was not until Qin Ran gave them more advice that she got in the car and left. She believed that Qin Sheng could handle the issues in Ningbo well. Moreover, she had prepared a helper in Ningbo for Qin Sheng. To say the least, her Small Aunt was ready to back him up. In Qin Ran’s opinion, a negligible Lin Family should not deserve much attention from the Qin Family and cost them such great efforts.

After Qin Ran left, Nan Gong, who was not polite to Qin Sheng anymore, said enigmatically, “Grand Young Master, let’s go.”

Qin Sheng, who was not anxious to take his leave, said, “Hold on. Another friend is still on his way.”

Nan Gong glared at Qin Sheng agitatedly and said, “Who else are you waiting for? Why are you so picky?” She had known that she would not come across anything good once she came from abroad. It turned out that her guess had been true. Before she had time to pay a New Year’s Call to the Old Master in Beijing, she had been sent to Shanghai to protect Qin Sheng. If she had known her mission beforehand, she would have chosen to delay her journey back home for several days.

Qin Sheng was silent. Anyway, he would avoid talking to Nan Gong as much as he could, lest they fight with each other when there were disagreements between them. After all, he could not beat this violent woman.

Lao Chang arrived by taxi soon after and saw Qin Sheng standing by the Jeep Wrangler from afar. However, he was somewhat surprised that there was another woman by his side. Of course, Chang Baji did not know that this woman was one of the pivotal figures who had saved Qin Sheng in Huang Mei Town last time.

After Chang Baji arrived, Qin Sheng ordered him directly, “Get in the car and set off.”

It was Nan Gong who was driving. After all, it was only two hours’ drive. The driver could be rotated on the way. After Chang Baji got in the car, Qin Sheng introduced Nan Gong and Chang Baji to each other briefly. Nan Gong, who was not a stranger to Chang Baji at all, got Qin Sheng’s point after she saw Chang Baji. With this man by their side, they would have one more guarantee on their journey to Ningbo this time. After all, they had no idea what they might experience.

Chang Baji squinted his eyes. Even though Nan Gong was skillful in martial arts, she was a woman after all. Chang Baji was somewhat unconfident about her. Knowing what Lao Chang was thinking, Qin Sheng said, “Lao Chang, don’t take this girl lightly who is driving now. She is a total cowgirl. Even I could not beat her.”

Chang Baji replied thoughtfully, “Oh.”

After Qin Sheng finished his words, he was somewhat regretful. That was because after Nan Gong heard his words, she stepped on the brake all of a sudden. It was unknown whether the driver of the car behind them had been scared or not. Qin Sheng had been indeed scared, who had almost bumped into the windshield in front of him.

Qin Sheng glared at Nan Gong, who shrugged and said innocently, “Sorry. I was somewhat distracted a moment ago.”

Though Qin Sheng was angry, he had no choice but to make up his mind that he would not offend this woman along the way. He thought, “I’d rather avoid you since I can’t afford to offend you.”

Along the way, they barely talked to each other. Qin Sheng lowered his head and focused on replying to messages on his mobile. Chang Baji closed his eyes and refreshed his spirit as he rested himself. Nan Gong was driving attentively.

After the Jeep Wrangler got on the highway, Qin Sheng, who had not informed Lin Su in advance, sent a text to her, which went as follows: “Honey. I am on my way to Ningbo. Are you ready?”

After Qin Sheng sent the text, he closed his eyes, started to think about how he should face the Lin Family, and wondered how the Lin Family would try and humiliate him this time. He knew that once he showed up at the Lin Family’s place, it would act as a message from him to his former enemies, saying that he was back. In that case, how would his various enemies, including Yan Chaozong, Qu Huanxi, and Third Master Wu, deal with him?

Qin Sheng estimated that this group of people might not believe that he would be so bold to dare to come back again after he had offended so many people and exerted great effort to run away. He thought they would wonder whether it was because Qin Sheng was not afraid of death or he did not take them seriously at all.

Qin Sheng wondered whether this group of people would reinvestigate his family background after they found out about his news. Probably none of them would be willing to take great pains to do that. After all, they had known his family background well and known that he was nobody else but an ordinary man. They would doubt that Qin Sheng could turn the tide within a short period of two months.

However, even if somebody intended to investigate him, it would be difficult for them to find any trace of him based on their social standing. What’s worse, what could they do even if they found something out? At that time, the situation might become more interesting. Qin Sheng was eager to know what they would look like at that time.

It was not until an hour later that Lin Su, who was with the Lin Family in Ningbo, saw Qin Sheng’s text. That was because someone had tried to convince her again, who turned out to be her bestie this time. Lin Su was not angry about that at all. After all, what everyone had said did make sense. However, in her opinion, it was she who should decide what to do with her life.

After Lin Su saw the text, she smiled sincerely. She was not excited at all. That was because she had believed that Qin Sheng would come to her sooner or later.

In order to see Qin Sheng as soon as possible, Lin Su yielded to the Lin Family in the end and took the initiative to walk out of the small building, where she had been put under house arrest for two months.

However, only she knew the reason why she had done so well.

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