Super Soldier

Chapter 116 - Ye Xinyi's Tears

Chapter 116 Ye Xinyi’s Tears

This was an agreement on the transfer of shares. It stated that Zhang Haide would be paid a large amount of cash immediately, but this was only a part of it. Ye Xinyi also had to transfer some of the company’s asset in the province to Zhang Haide after becoming the chairwoman.

Zhang Haide had privately asked someone to evaluate the agreement. The shares of the Ye’s Group were valuable, but he was unsure as there were internal conflicts in Ye Family. Furthermore, according to the assessment, the total amount of asset that he wanted was fifty percent more valuable than the shares, so he would rather go against his father’s will and transfer his shares to Ye Xinyi.

Zhang Haide took the agreement and looked through it again. He then signed the document on the desk.

Ye Xinyi tidied the agreement and smiled. “For the payment that I need to make in advance, I will transfer the money to your bank account later this evening. As for the rest of the conditions, I will fulfill them after becoming the chairwoman. As we have already signed the agreement, you don’t have to worry that I will breach the contract.”

Zhang Haide said, “That is for sure.”

Ye Xinyi looked at Zhang Haide curiously and asked, “You have strong willpower. I don’t understand. Don’t you want to own me?”

Zhang Haide did not dare to look at Ye Xinyi’s eyes. He smiled and said, “Who doesn’t know that Big Missy is the most beautiful woman in Jiang City. You are young and beautiful. I would be lying if I say that I am not tempted.”

Ye Xinyi said curiously, “Then why did you…”

“As Big Missy is too charming, I think I can’t resist it. I am afraid that if I give in, I will never be able to decline any Big Missy’s requests anymore. By that time, I will not be Zhang Haide, but Big Missy’s puppet…”

Ye Xinyi giggled. “You think too much, but this is fine as well… You can take the large sum of money and the assets, which I will transfer you and lead a rich man’s life.”

Ye Xinyi glanced at the potted plant on the window sill and said, “Growing flowers and planting grass are actually quite good…”

After Ye Xinyi left his room, Zhang Haide took a breath of relief. His eyes flashed and muttered to himself, “She’s a terrible woman… I hope she can win this time. Haiz, I don’t want to pick a side. However, if Ye Xinyi loses, all my effort will be in vain…”

If Ye Xinyi lost, the money that he got would still belong to him, but he would not get the assets. It was equivalent to selling his shares for money. However, his shares were worth of more than the amount of money he received.

Zhang Haide analyzed the situation very well, but he did not know that after Ye Xinyi left the Zhang’s manor in a private car, she sneered as she looked at the scenery outside the window. “Is it so easy to take advantage of the Ye Family? The contract has indeed been signed. Although you have the contract, I am afraid that you would have been dead before you could even get the assets.”

Ye Xinyi had decided. She would transfer the money to Zhang Haide. However, if Zhang Haide really asked for the assets in the province from her, she had a way to kill Zhang Haide.

The driver turned around and asked, “Big Missy, are we going to the destination now?”

“Yes.” Ye Xinyi hesitated. She suddenly said, “Wait a minute. Let’s go to the hospital first. I want to visit my father.”


The middle-aged man, who was sitting next to Ye Xinyi said doubtfully, “Missy… We should be getting down to business, instead of visiting Old Master…”

Ye Xinyi said, “I want to have a good chat with my father. Uncle Li, do you think I am worse than Ye Tianming? Am I not as good as Ye Xiaoxi?”

Uncle Li shook his head and sighed. “Big Missy is as capable as them. You are more decisive than them.”

“Why, why does father not recognize me? Why is Ye Xiaoxi getting all his love, but not me? Why is he willing to hand the company over to Ye Tianming, but not me? I don’t want to fight, I really don’t want to fight! However, he should give either his love or his legacy to me!”

“But he doesn’t give it to me! Doesn’t give it to me!!!”

Ye Xinyi’s eyes reddened. She bit her lips and they bled. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She said coldly, “Go to the hospital.”

Uncle Li sighed. He watched Ye Xinyi grow up. Ye Xinyi had always been close to him, so he always supported Ye Xinyi. Although he did not agree with Missy’s plan against the home lord’s will, Missy was bent on doing it. He could only do his best to protect Missy as he didn’t wish Missy to pay with her life.

The car headed for the hospital slowly. Ye Xinyi leaned slightly forward while she was thinking, “Father, if you approve of your daughter’s performance and ability and look me in the eye for a short while, I think I need not do so much anymore.”

In order to get everything, Ye Xinyi had become heartless and cruel!

When the car arrived at the hospital, Ye Xinyi got off and headed to Ye Bancheng’s ward. Bao Lei was guarding the ward and Uncle Li waited outside.

Bao Lei saw Ye Xinyi but didn’t stop her. He didn’t talk to Uncle Li.

Uncle Li had always been very jealous of Bao Lei. Bao Lei had reached the transforming strength stage. He was considered to be the strongest person in the Ye Family. Uncle Li was about to reach the transforming strength stage.

Although the highest level of concealing strength stage was one step behind the transforming strength stage, there was a huge difference. Furthermore, he didn’t know which level of the transforming strength stage Bao Lei was at.

Therefore, no one in the entire Jiang City, including Master Hou could easily hurt Ye Bancheng. However, it happened too unexpectedly and mysteriously, otherwise, Ye Bancheng would not be lying in the hospital, paralyzed.

Ye Xinyi went into the ward. Liu Piaopiao was feeding Ye Bancheng his medicine. Ye Xinyi went over and said, “Aunt Liu, you should go out for a walk. I think you are tired. Go downstairs and relax. I will feed father his medicine.”

Liu Piaopiao looked at Ye Bancheng and saw him nodding quiveringly. She then stood up and handed the bowl and the spoon to Ye Xinyi. Her voice was as captivating as ever. She said, “Be careful. It’s hot.”

Ye Xinyi smiled and said, “Relax. I know.”

Liu Piaopiao then exited the ward.

Ye Xinyi sat down at the edge of the bed and looked at her father who was looking at her. She said softly, “Father, I will feed you.”

Ye Bancheng was still drooling. Ye Xinyi picked up the handkerchief beside her and wiped his saliva away. She sighed and said, “Zhang Yizhi had already treated Father previously. How could this happen?”

Ye Bancheng looked somewhat confused and spoke unclearly, “Maybe… its… heaven’s will.”

Ye Xinyi sighed. She blew the medicine in the spoon and said, “Father, I am so distressed to see you like this. But, rest assured, I will take care of you in the future as you are my father. Come, take your medicine.”

Ye Xinyi fed Ye Bancheng a spoonful of medicine and wiped the drool away. She continued, “Father, I have always wanted to say that you should hand over the company to us and lead a good retirement. However, you refuse. You only let go after you fall sick. If you let go earlier, you won’t be in this state. I don’t know if you are angry at me…”

“Not, not angry.”

Ye Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Then I will say it… I really didn’t dare to say it in the past as you were too headstrong. You are now ill. I couldn’t sleep last night. I always recall those days which you would buy a lot of toys for us when you were on a business trip. I was really happy at that time.”

Ye Bancheng’s eyes flashed as he probably recalled his children’s childhood.

“But… sister would always snatch my toys. Haha… my sister is younger, so she likes to snatch toys. You would always tell me to give in to her. Hence, since young, I would always give in to her. She had all the things that I had. If she doesn’t have something, I will give it to her.”

“She, she is your sister.”

Ye Xinyi was done feeding Ye Bancheng his medicine by spoon. She then wiped his mouth. Her tone was still as gentle as ever. She said, “I recalled that, since young, you would tell Xiaoxi a story after you returned home every day. You would always make her happy. Did you know that I was feeling very jealous at that time? Although Xiaoxi is much younger than me, I have never received such a treatment.”

“You love Xiaoxi and you are strict towards me and Tianming. At that time, I thought you had your intentions. You probably thought that I was a person who could be entrusted with your legacy. However, I gradually found out that I was doing the same thing as Tianming. Whenever we completed a task, you would be appreciative of Tianming, but you didn’t care about me, as though you had never seen it before….”

“After we grew up, you arranged a position for us in the company. You then told me that Tianming would become the next chairman and I would have to support him in the future.”

“Haiz, I am just a tool and a maid.”

“Do you know that your daughter is suffering?” She was speaking in a very gentle voice. Towards the end, Ye Xinyi became very loud. After she finished, she started to cry.

Ye Bancheng looked at Ye Xinyi, who vented her frustration with a gentle tone. He looked somewhat confused and unfamiliar.

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