Super Soldier

Chapter 182 - Xiao Bing and Lord Long

Chapter 182: Xiao Bing and Lord Long

Liu Kexin was bewildered, “Pretending to be my boyfriend needs practice?”

“Of course.” Xiao Bing grinned, “Surely you don’t think they will believe we’re lovers just like that. This kind of thing is sometimes even more difficult than your dance training.”

Seeing Liu Kexin’s startled look, Xiao Bing said, “Eye contact, intimacy, tone, attitude and gestures between a couple, can you express them in front of your parents?”

Liu Kexin shook her head awkwardly.

Xiao Bing grinned, “So sometimes even graduates from an acting school can’t pull off being someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend without being found out. You’re lucky to have met me. I’m a born actor. But you… You need some practice.”

Liu Kexin said hurriedly, “Bing, tell me what to do. I will do my best.”

Xiao Bing nodded, “No one knows you better than your parents. So if we can’t make ourselves look exactly like two lovers, they will definitely detect it. So I’ll spend one week training you to help you get through this.”

“From what I gather, my dad can’t wait a week, because the Yu family is waiting for an answer,” said Liu Kexin miserably

Xiao Bing asked, “How long then?”

Xiao Bing frowned as he watched Liu Kexin raise two fingers. “Two days? That’s a little difficult…”

Liu Kexin’s heart sank seeing the dilemma on Xiao Bing’s face. “If Bing can’t help me with it, I’m afraid no one else in the world will be able to.”

Xiao Bing’s head went blank for a moment, as he did not expect himself to have such an important place in this girl’s heart. “She has placed enormous trust in me. No, I cannot let her be disappointed by me or by life itself.” Xiao Bing then patted his chest while saying, “Two days will be enough. I assure you your parents will never discover a single flaw.”

Liu Kexin was elated, “Really?”

“Of course,” said Xiao Bing with iron certainty. “Just trust me!”

“I do trust you.” Liu Kexin’s big eyes glittered with innocence.

Since Liu Kexin said that this meal was to show her gratitude, Xiao Bing let her pay the bill. He thought it would make her feel less guilty too.

After dinner, Xiao Bing walked the girl home. Since it was not yet time for her parents to see him, Xiao Bing left quietly after seeing Liu Kexin enter the house.

While Xiao Bing was about to get into his car, two black cars pulled over at each side of Xiao Bing’s car and six men in black and one in a yellow checked shirt came out. The man who wore the shirt looked to be in his early thirties with hair dyed yellow. He had black tattoos all over his arms and looked very arrogant and overbearing with a full face of stubble.

He went and stood before Xiao Bing and the other men surrounded him. Xiao Bing merely gazed at the man in the shirt, because he was the only one who looked more powerful than others, but he was not Xiao Bing’s match either.

The man in the yellow shirt was a muscled man and had sharp eyes. Xiao Bing could sense the strength within his body. He deemed this man at least of Concealing Strength Stage.

The man cupped one hand in the other as a sign of respect and said, “Mr. Xiao, my master invites you to his house.”

“And who is this master you’re referring to?”

The man in the yellow shirt replied with pride, “He comes from Shangyang City, L Province. I’m sure you’ve guessed.”

Xiao Bing was surprised. “Longyan? The second master is here?”

Indeed, no one who came from Shang Yang city can make this man in the yellow shirt this proud, except for the Second Master, father to Long Xiaoyun, who was killed by Xiao Bing. Long Yan had reasons to come for him. But Xiao Bing had not expected that Long Yan had the balls to come to this city to see him directly.

His master could be none other than Long Yan. As the spiritual and physical pillar of the Long family, Lord Long would not deign to come to this city himself, unless it was about his vendetta with someone. If an ambitious man was willing to take such risks, then he was either insane or has a death wish.

The man in the yellow shirt did not answer his question. “Mr. Xiao, please come with us.” Though there was respect in his voice, he sounded like he would not take no for an answer.

Xiao Bing cast them a sweeping glance and snorted, “What if I refuse?”

“Refuse?” The man in the yellow shirt grinned, “I know that the girl who just entered this building is your friend… Ugh…”

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Bing had the man’s throat clutched tightly in his hand even before he finished talking. In an instant other men surrounded him. But Xiao Bing’s imposing gaze stopped them in their tracks. They looked at him nervously. This was an all-familiar gaze. Only Lord Long’s eyes could give them very same chilling and dominating look.

Xiao Bing gradually loosened his grip and said icily, “If you want to threaten me, remember this. Don’t ever try to threaten me with my family and friends. Take me there!”

“Wha… what?” the man in the yellow shirt responded in a wobbly voice.

“I said take me to that coward you call master, ” said Xiao Bing with arrogance.

Xiao Bing then got into one of the cars. The man in the yellow shirt followed him with a terrified look.

It was a scene the man in the yellow shirt would never forget. Though he was not one of the best martial artists in the Long Family, he was still the strongest among the martial artists of concealing strength, so he did not pay much attention to Xiao Bing before.

However, he never had the chance to fight back when Xiao Bing delivered the strike. His life was already at Xiao Bing’s hands before he even realized that he should fight for his life. He felt nothing but fear towards a man like him.

The others got into their cars after the man in yellow shirt got in next to Xiao Bing. Soon all three cars drove out of the community.

Xiao Bing seemed to be at ease with his eyes slightly closed. Though the man in the yellow shirt considered Xiao Bing impetuous, he had to admit that Xiao Bing’s bearing was impressive.

The cars pulled over in the suburb and all the men got out. The man in the yellow shirt walked ahead with Xiao Bing walking next to him and the rest following behind.

The man in the yellow shirt found Xiao Bing walking in pace with him at all times. At first, he wanted lead Xiao Bing with his pace, but gradually he felt himself losing control of his legs and he was keeping pace with Xiao Bing, who was going faster and faster. He realized that he might not be able to stop even if Xiao Bing stopped first. The control of his pace was completely taken over by Xiao Bing and his legs were no longer under the command of his brains. He would probably keep walking like that till he died of exhaustion if Xiao Bing did not stop him.

There was a sudden cough drifting from the woods, which broke the rhythm and brought the man in the yellow shirt to a top. He was fatigued and soaked with sweat and his legs, which had turned to jelly, could no longer bear him up. He sat on the ground and gazed at Xiao Bing, terrified. “Devil. He must be a devil from hell!”

A man with tousled hair and a face full of stubble came forward. There was a beam of light in his eyes as they fixed on Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing felt an invisible force pressing on him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

“Good. No wonder the old sire thought so highly of you. You can demolish the body and spirit simply by controlling his pace of walking. It seems that your comprehension of martial arts has gone far beyond the Transforming Strength.

Xiao Bing put on a faint smile, “I’m flattered. And may I have the honor of knowing your name?”

“I’m Lord Long!”

Xiao Bing gasped. It was not the name that shocked him, because from his dominating spirit, Xiao Bing knew that he is no other than the mighty Lord Long. What he couldn’t believe was that Lord Long, the leader of the Long Family, dared to charge deep into the heart of his enemy’s territory.

Lord Long guffawed, “You seem surprised?”

Gazing at Lord Long gravely, Xiao Bing first nodded, then shook his head.

Lord Long was perplexed, “What do you mean by nodding, then shaking your head?”

“I’m surprised, yet I’m not.”


“I’m surprised because I can scarcely believe that, as the leader of such a powerful family, you dared to step into your enemy’s territory. That’s simply suicidal. And I’m not surprised because when I so you, I understood everything. Your impudence comes from the confidence you have in yourself. A confidence that comes from deep within you that attaches importance to no one.”

“That’s why you could actually come deep into enemy territory. It is unexpected but still well within reason.”

Lord Long guffawed again, “That’s a good analysis. I have to say I appreciate and respect you. You are better than most of my elite men, even my second brother Long Yan. So join me, so that your talent won’t go to waste!”

Xiao Bing stared at the man earnestly, but then he shook his head earnestly too.

Lord Long frowned and his eyes glimmered sharply as he asked sternly: “You don’t agree?”

“That’s right. As for the specific reason, I have mentioned it to the man you sent to find me.”

“Because of my brother Long Yan?”

“Yes!” replied Xiao Bing earnestly. “I won’t perform any service for you as long as Long Yan is still in this world.”

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