Super Soldier

Chapter 295 - You Owe Me One Thing

Chapter 295: You Owe Me One Thing

Xiao Bing said loudly, “As for what the morality of Wushu is, you probably can’t understand it. The Wushu should be learned to end the war. As warriors, we should learn how to drop our weapons before we take them up, and we should not raise our fists before we put them down.”

While saying these words, Xiao Bing was no longer making fun or bantering like before, but was instead speaking with the sacred light on his face. Without his respect for martial arts, Xiao Bing would not have gotten where he is at such a young age, and even stand at the top of the pyramid of the entire martial arts world.

“Real warriors treat people with courtesy, and they will not hurt people and never bully the weak with their kung fu.” Xiao Bing was just like a highly respected master. At this moment, the students sitting in the audience were unexpectedly all filled with deep reverence. “And how about you guys? You guys have only scratched the surface of martial arts, so you think yourself infallible, and force the girls to be your girlfriend by relying on your poor kung fu. Don’t you feel shameless?”

Li Sikai answered awkwardly, “Brother Bing, it was Qin Long, not us…”

“You are the same!” Xiao Bing said aggressively, “You are the president. But what were you doing when Qin Long was threatening, bribing, and entangling such a weak girl? Have you ever discouraged him? The most important thing about being a warrior is to keep your promise. Have you done so before? No, you haven’t. After Qin Long from your Taekwondo club lost, you despicable guys just wanted to rally together to attack me. And you euphemistically said that no matter how many people I called, you would fight us with all 39 people. Are you going to shame on yourselves?”

All these words made Li Sikai and his members all full of shame and vexation, and they couldn’t wait to shrink down into their seats, hoping to disappear.

Xiao Bing said, “Not only you are not qualified to be a warrior, but also you cannot be considered as ordinary people. An ordinary person knows what he will feel ashamed about. What about you guys?”

These people kept silent, and everyone in the audience quieted down. They were just quiet, watching this scene. They thought that Xiao Bing really made a lot of sense. Even these ordinary people would turn their noses up at Li Sikai’s behavior and even all felt contemptuous.

“You couldn’t beat him so you chose the wheel war. Then you thought it was not enough so you came to the group fighting with all 39 people. Now you are dumbfounded. There are 39 people in your group, but there are three or four hundred people in the other group. Who will be the winner?”

Li Sikai was trembling with fear. Xiao Bing took a look at him, sneered, and said, “Even if you want to battle with me, I disdain to do so with someone like you. I also advise you to dissolve the club. Don’t bring other students down. The final thing… Don’t think that I am afraid of you. In fact, you are not even sh*t in my eyes. The reason why I called these brothers is to show you the truth about what is lifting a stone to drop it on your own feet.”

Finishing these words, Xiao Bing suddenly slammed his feet casually and gently, and then everyone rounded their eyes with astonishment. The ground was rumbling and shaking, which only made them feel that it was like an earthquake. After that, a large piece of the marble floor under Xiao Bing’s feet suddenly turned into a large area of powder.

“Holy sh*t!”

There was the sound of inhaling in the audience. Many people covered their mouths because they could not believe it, just feeling that they were having a dream.

Li Sikai almost collapsed on the ground, and each of the students from the Taekwondo club was paralyzed with fear. Xiao Bing just made one step on the floor, but a large chunk of the floor was crumbled into powder. “Is he still a human being?”

Then they understood that what had Xiao Bing said was right. He was obviously scorning the battle with them. Otherwise, they were afraid that the 39 people would not be the opponent of Xiao Bing alone.

These people were just from the clubs among college students. Just like Xiao Bing’s words, they were jacks of all trades and knew little about kung fu. They didn’t even step into the threshold of martial arts. The martial scholars had to be at the Refining Qi Stage at least. All these people even didn’t know what the Refining Qi Stage was. Xiao Bing could bully them like bullying a child. And that was also why Xiao Bing was disinclined to fight finally.

“Did you see that? F*cking awesome! F*cking awesome!” A female student jumped up and down.

Another female standing next to the girl gave her a big slap in the face, and shouted, “You dare to say that he is dead. I will kill you.”

Then, the two girls began to wrestle.

In the stadium, there were not just these two girls going crazy over Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing walked to Su Xiaoxiao and said with a smile, “Let’s go. It’s already so late. Would you mind if I treat you to dinner?”

Su Xiaoxiao stood up and answered, “Because you helped me, I will give you face.”

One of the two female students next to Su Xiaoxiao called out excitedly, “I wanna go, too. I wanna go, too.”

The other girl grabbed and stared at her. She smiled and said, “What the hell are you saying? How could you say that with such poor eyesight? Xiaoxiao, we are still in a hurry to get home. So we’ll go first. See you tomorrow. Bye.”

Su Xiaoxiao said, “Bye.”

The two girls ran off first. Xiao Bing walked up to Li Sikai and said condescendingly, “Do me a favor and tell Qin Long that if he dares to mess with Xiaoxiao again, I will break his two legs and threw them into the Songhua River to feed the fish!”

“OK, OK…” Li Sikai hurriedly agreed.

After Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao left, the spectators talked and left the stadium one by one. They had completely ignored Li Sikai and his members. Losers are never worthy of sympathy, and moreover such shameless losers.

Li Sikai looked disappointed. He knew that he could no longer d*ck around in this school. “Let alone the club, if I still stay in this school, I won’t be able to lift my head wherever I go.”

“Hey! Why did he and Su Xiaoxiao leave? What the h*ll? I haven’t had time to ask for his phone number. That’s my Mr. Right!” Xiaoman wanted to chase after him, but there was a crowd in the stadium, so she was anxious and jumped up and down.

Her good friend said with a forced smile, “Don’t you understand this? Do you really think that he is the brother of Su Xiaoxiao? That’s clearly her beloved. Su Xiaoxiao is the most beautiful girl in the school. You want to chase her man, but how…”

Xiaoman was mad, but unable to refute, looking dissatisfied.

Walking out of the school, Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao walked side by side on the street. Su Xiaoxiao’s hair was messed up with the faint cool breeze blowing. Xiao Bing stopped, then Su Xiaoxiao stopped and suspiciously looked at Xiao Bing. She saw that Xiao Bing had stretched out his hand and gently helped her tidy her hair.

Su Xiaoxiao was a little dumbfounded. From small to large, she had never seen such a man who would gently fix hair for her. That kind of feeling… It was hard to talk about. She only knew that her nose became sour and touched at this moment, as well as her heart, but she didn’t know why.

Xiao Bing smiled and said, “Your hair is messed up and covering your eyes.”

Su Xiaoxiao stared at Xiao Bing and asked, “Do you treat every woman so nice?”

Xiao Bing paused. It was just a subconscious reaction. Actually, he didn’t really think so much. But he never expected that Su Xiaoxiao would have such a big response. Since Su Xiaoxiao asked, Xiao Bing really couldn’t keep silent. He thought a little while, and honestly replied, “It is normal for a man to be a gentleman, but I do not treat every woman in this same way.”

“Oh, then you… treat me so nice just because of my elder sister?”

Xiao Bing was shocked, and the picture of Su Peiya’s death appeared in his mind. He thought of Su Peiya’s entrustment before her death. He was entrusted to take care of her family.

Xiao Bing’s eyes were clouded with pain. Seeing that, Su Xiaoxiao couldn’t help feeling the pain in her heart. She sighed and said, “Sorry, I should not mention your grief.”

“It’s OK.” Xiao Bing bucked up and said with a smile, “It makes me feel hurt. But doesn’t it also make you sad? It is the same sore spot that connects our hearts. However, one point that I can answer sincerely is about the question you just had.”

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly became very nervous with her eyelashes stimulated and the restraint on her face. It seemed that she was still calm as usual, but her heart was shouting to get the answer. She urgently wanted to know how Xiao Bing would answer.

Looking in Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes with seriousness, Xiao Bing smiled and replied, “When I saw you at first, I treated you so nice definitely because of your sister’s entrustment. That’s why I wanted to take good care of you. That was all because of your sister.”

Su Xiaoxiao felt a loss in her heart, and Xiao Bing continued to say, “But after I met you, especially after being in contact with you for such a long time, I found that I started to be attracted to you slowly. You are a very, very good girl, and no man can bear it. They cannot help being kind to you and protecting you.”

Xiao Bing shrugged his shoulders and said, “Actually, you have asked this question before. Maybe you forgot about that. But this time, since you asked me so seriously, I will answer you very seriously again. Let’s go. What would you like to eat?”

“Anything is fine.”

“Let’s just look for a place that has fried dishes. We’ll go and see if any shops are open now.”

Xiao Bing said as he walked forward. Su Xiaoxiao followed him and she suddenly felt a little bit warm, which made her eyes light up. “He said that he had a good impression of me. What kind of good feelings did he mean…”

They two found a shop with cried dishes, ordered two dishes casually, and asked for two bowls of rice. After the meal, they got in Xiao Bing’s car and drove back to the House of Xiao.

After Su Xiaoxiao showed her gentle side when Xiao Bing fixed her hair, she didn’t talk too much. No one knew what she was thinking. She looked a little cold and calm. She became unconcerned and relapsed into having apathy on her face when the car stopped at the entrance of the house. Su Xiaoxiao said in a cold manner of speaking, “Thank you for helping me today, but don’t think that will offset what you did last night.”

Xiao Bing hurriedly argued, “I didn’t do anything last night. I am really wronged.”

“I don’t care,” Su Xiaoxiao angrily said, “If you were a woman and I put my arm around you and slept for the whole night, then I told you that I did nothing, would you do that?”

Xiao Bing was stunned. He hesitated and smiled bitterly, then said, “I wouldn’t.”

Su Xiaoxiao said in a seductive tone, “You are sort of honest. If you tell others this kind of thing, who would believe that? Back in ancient times, we would be put in a pig cage and drowned. So keep it in your mind. In return for what you owe me, I will let you do something one day.”

Xiao Bing hurriedly answered, “Then how many things do you want me to do for you to make up for the thing this time?”

Su Xiaoxiao raised a finger of hers and proudly said, “Just one more!”

Xiao Bing sighed with relief and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet. You can just owe me for now. But you can be assured, because I will not make you kill somebody or set fire to a house, will not make you endanger the motherland, and will not make you violate the national justice…”

“Okay.” Xiao Bing compromised.

Su Xiaoxiao turned her back and snickered. She could finally handle this man. Well, what she should make him do was still a question. She needed some time to think about it later.

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