Super Soldier

Chapter 50 - Liu Piaopiao's Perfume

Chapter 50 Liu Piaopiao’s Perfume

The room was full of laughter and happiness when they were having their dinner. After that, Ye Bancheng invited Xiao Bing and Liu Piaopiao to his bedroom, and the three of the Ye Family stayed in the living room.

Ye Xinyi took a glimpse at Yezi and asked, “Little sister, are you really dating with Xiao Bing?”

Yezi nodded, “Yes.”

After hearing Yezi’s answer, Ye Xinyi fixed her caring eyes on her sister and sighed, “Dad actually likes him now, so he probably wouldn’t stop you two. But is it truly possible for you, who was born in such a big family, to be married to an ordinary man?”

Ye Tianming laughed, “Sis, you must be mistaken. Brother Bing is not an ordinary man. Can an ordinary man have the ability to invite Zhang Yizhi to treat our father?”

Ye Xinyi said, “I know what you mean. But it will be much worse if he truly isn’t that simple. Have you ever thought about it? Do we really know his background? We are both told that he came from the army. But which army? And who knows if it is true? If he was not ordinary, then why is Xiao Bing, a man who is capable of inviting Zhang Yizhi to treat our father, just a busboy in a small noodle house? Don’t you think it’s weird and horrifying?”

Ye Xinyi felt the same when she first heard that her little sister was dating with Xiao Bing. She didn’t deliberately think it that way. She was still worried when thinking of it, even though Ye Tianming came to know Xiaobing better after having spent some time with him.

Ye Xinyi intended to speak again when she saw Ye Tianming fall silent. But Yezi suddenly stood up and stared at Ye Xinyi and Ye Tianming with her big, beautiful and uncompromising eyes. “My sweet brother and sister, this is my own business. Of course, you can hold your own opinion, but Xiao Bing is my man now, so I never allow you to say bad things about him behind his back, let alone meddling in our relationship,” said Yezhi, with conviction.

While Ye Tianming intended to mediate, Ye Xinyi said crossly, “Yezi, you know we are doing it all for you. Don’t you think he’s too mysterious for you?”

“You know you can reserve your opinions if you have some,” said Yezi, who seemed to be furious. She rarely argued with her sister from small to large, but she became fierce and unyielding for Xiao Bing at this moment. “You can have any different thoughts or opinions and you can even share them with others behind my back. But please don’t say them in front of me. It’s the minimum respect you can show to your sister!”

Then she went upstairs angrily, pushed her bedroom door open, walked in, and slammed the door.

Ye Xinyi frowned, “Yezi was never so angry with me since she was a girl.”

Ye Tianming sighed with a bitter smile, “Sister, Yezi is always a girl with such a temper. She was spoiled but also restricted by us. Don’t you know that she is by nature the most stubborn person among us? Perhaps she usually doesn’t care about the trivia. But she will never let anyone touch the things she truly treasures in her heart. I think we should stop bringing it up unless we have enough evidence.”

“You trust that Xiao Bing?” asked Ye Xinyi, frowning.

“I don’t know.” Ye Tianming shook his head while smiling. “I only know that since Yezi loves him so much, perhaps he is not a bad person who harbours evil ideas. Our sister’s intelligence is no lower than ours, so is her ability to judge a person. We easily forget about it because we always regard her as a little girl. Since Yezi chose to believe him, we can only show her our support if we don’t have the evidence.”

Ye Xinyi said in a cold voice, “Even he’s not as evil as we think, a daughter of Ye Family will never marry a noddle house busboy, and unless he can prove that he has another identity. Father will most likely give Xiao Bing some money for saving his life. But he will never allow our sister to marry such a poor busboy!”

Ye Tianming sighed a bit. From what he learned about his father, he knew how this would end, because one could find nothing but interest disputes in a rich family.

“I consent!” said Ye Bancheng solemnly. Sitting up in his bed with Liu Piaopiao giving him a light massage, Ye Bancheng stared at Xiaobing, who was sitting on a chair.

Xiao Bing was surprised and delighted, “Really?”

Ye Bancheng nodded his head and smiled, “Xiao Bing, you are my lifesaver. So I have no reason to tear you two apart in that aspect. I don’t know if you do have other identities. But the Ye Family is a big and wealthy family. I don’t care if you’re financially suitable or not. I only care about one thing.”

Then Xiao Bing asked, “What is it?”

“Do you truly love my daughter? Do you really care for her? If you can give me the right answers, I will give you my consent to this relationship.”

Seeming solemn, Xiao Bing answered with sincerity, “Uncle Ye, Yezi is the first woman I have ever been in love with. I will always care about her and I will never mistreat her. I’ll always be there for her. And if anyone wants to do her harm, he has to step over my body first.”

Ye Bancheng was staring at Xiao Bing when he spoke. He seemed to have seen through Xiao Bing with his dim but sagacious eyes. Finally, Ye Bancheng smiled out of gratification. He sighed with emotion, “I’m finally relieved after hearing what you just said…”

Ye Bancheng suddenly had a terrible cough. Liu Piaopiao immediately patted him on the back and gently said, “You must have some rest. Mr. Zhang said your recovery will be a long process. It takes time for you to get well.”

“I know. I know.”

Xiao Bing had noticed that Ye Bancheng was tired. He barely could stand on his own feet when Xiao Bing helped him into his bedroom. Though he did become much better, he needed time to get a full recovery.

Xiao Bing stood up and said, “Uncle Ye, I will leave you then. Have a good rest.”

“Okay. Xiao Bing, let my driver give you a ride.”

Liu Piaopiao smiled, “Just have some rest. I’ll handle it.”

Then she gave Xiao Bing a smile. “Come on, Lil Bin, let me walk you out.”

His mind was instantly stirred by this usual smile. “What a siren!” He thought to himself.

When walking out of the room with Liu Piaopiao, Xiao Bing smelled the unique and pleasant perfume on her body. He could not help complimenting her, “Ms. Liu, is it F country’s limited edition of Night Sensation that you’re wearing? I have to say that it suits you very much. It makes you even more attractive.”

“Oh, I never know Mr. Xiao knows this much about fragrance.” The smile on her face was bewitching. One could not help wanting to get close to her, hugging her and having her, even though she just gave him a normal glimpse.

Xiao Bing’s arm constantly and accidentally touched her smooth and white arm, since they were very close when walking. Xiao Bing felt like he was electrocuted when touching her soft and warm skin. His throat started to dry. Pretending to be calm, he moved his eyes elsewhere and smiled, “Just a little bit.”

They walked down the stairs and there were only Ye Xinyi and Ye Tianming. Liu Piaopiao asked, “Where is Xiaoxi? She should walk Mr. Xiao out.”

“That’s unnecessary,” said Xiao Bing, smiling. “Studying is tiring. She should rest now. I’ll go back home then.”

“Alright.” Looking at the middle-aged driver who was waiting beside the door, she said, “Take Mr. Xiao home and safe-driving.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Ye Tianming and Ye Xinyi walked Xiao Bing out of the living room. Instead of looking hostile as she usually did behind Xiao Bing’s back, she put up a warm smile and said in a mild voice, “Brother Bing, you’re always welcomed here.”

“I’ll definitely come here again in the days to come.”

“Do you need me to walk you out?” asked Ye Tianming.

“Thanks, but no. You all can go back now.” Xiao Bing waved goodbye to them and got into the car. Looking at Liu Piaopiao, Ye Xinyi and Ye Tianming who were standing next to the door, Xiao Bing was impressed by the beauty of the Ye Family. Though Ye Bancheng was an old man, he was still attractive compared with his peers, let alone his three children. And as an old man, he even robbed the cradle and married a young lady with rare beauty.

Thinking of beauty, Xiao Bing recalled the woman called Julia he met near the noodle house. She was cold, dominating but also seductive by nature. And, it was not only because she looked like a porn star of R country…

After the car went out of the manor, the driver asked, “Mr. Xiao, where do you live?”

“Uh, I live in…” Before Xiao Bing could finish, his phone suddenly rang. He took out his phone and apologized to the driver, “Sorry, I have to take a call. Just follow the direction in the noodle house. I live near there.”

“Okay, Mr. Xiao.”

The numbers on the phone were strange to him. He answered the phone and heard a woman’s voice. It was strange but somehow familiar. She sounded like a mature but cold woman. However, there was temptation hidden in that coldness, making men want to get close to this rose, even though they were aware that it had many thorns.

Xiao Bing suddenly conjured up an image of a mature woman, who was wearing large-framed glasses on her cold and seductive face. It was Julia. He just met her on that day…

“How did she know my number?”

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