Super Soldier

Chapter 77 - Xiao Bing VS Zhu Mingyu

Chapter 77: Xiao Bing VS Zhu Mingyu

“Yezi, go sit down with your father and wait for me to come back.”

“No, I want to watch you on the sidelines.”

Saying this, Yezi walked to the first row of seats at the edge of the field without looking back, and sat down with those gangsters, regardless of what kind of people were sitting around. Ye Xinyi on the VIP seat said, “Father, look at my sister…”

Ye Bancheng said, “She can do whatever she wants. Lei, go stay beside Yezi and protect her.”

“Yes.” The voice sounded just like metal. The speaker dressed in a black suit had a strong body and a square face with no expression on it. After being instructed, he left the VIP seat and walked toward Yezi.

Master Hou glanced at Lei, and his eyes flashed fanaticism that was not easy to be seen. Although Master Hou had enough masters, for Bao Lei, the top master in the Ye Family, Master Hou still wanted to take on him.

Bao Lei stood by Yezi with no expression on his face. He looked at the several gangsters sitting next to Yezi on both her sides. Suddenly, he said in a loud and unassailable voice, “Get out of here!”

These gangsters were not easy to mess with. They stood up one by one with ferocious faces. But Bao Lei didn’t even look at them. They suddenly felt that a terrorist breath directly hit their chest. Those gangsters sitting around Yezi all fell out and then ran aside with a terrified look.

At this time, Dumbass came in from the outside. He stormed in and swore at the same time, “Shit, I ate too much last night and my stomach ached badly. Where is Brother Bing? Oh, there he is. I’ll find a place to sit down first.”

After looking around, Dumbass saw Yezi sitting on the edge and immediately ran toward her. When Bao Lei looked at him, Dumbass could not help trembling. This kind of look was too terrible as if a sort of power was going to crush him at any time.

Yezi said, “Uncle Lei, he is my friend.”

Bao Lei answered and sat down on the right-hand side of Yezi. Dumbass giggled and sat down on the left-hand side of Yezi.

Next, Yezi began to turn a blind eye to everything around her. She could only see Xiao Bing, who was in the middle of the field. After Bao Lei sat next to her, she asked, “Uncle Lei, do you think Brother Bing can win?”

Bao Lei looked at the blind man and Xiao Bing in the center of the field. His pupil emitted thunderbolt-like terror light and said word by word, “These two men have concealed their strength. We will not know their real strength until they start to fight. For now, I can only predict the chance of victory is 50%.”

There was a flash of worry in Yezi’s eyes, with some determination.

Xiao Bing was wearing shorts and a pair of sports shoes. His right arm was all wrapped with white straps. After seeing his arm, the Peony Fairy showed delight in her eyes. Ye Bancheng frowned and murmured, “Is he hurt?”

Zhu Mingyu “looked at” Xiao Bing and said coldly, “You are here.”

“Well, here I am.” When Xiao Bing stood in front of Zhu Mingyu. His strength had reached its peak, and his eyes showed the light of self-confidence that couldn’t be concealed. In his whole life, Xiao Bing had never failed. Even if he had been wounded today, he would still not tolerate failure!

Zhu Mingyu said coldly, “Today’s battle is between you and me. The winner can live; the loser has to die.”

“Of course.” Xiao Bing’s tone was as aggressive as a wild animal. “I will kill you.”

The shouts and screams around them became crazier and crazier. Suddenly, an exposed hostess took a microphone to the stage and made a circle around the venue. Finally, she stood between Zhu Mingyu and Xiao Bing, holding a microphone and saying in her sexy and attractive voice, “Dear friends, today let’s see the cruelest, strongest and bloodiest fight. Let’s scream and cheer for them. Let me interview the two of you. What do you want to say about today’s fight… er… ”

With a light, no one had seen clearly what happened. The hostess’s throat had been cut off. Only Xiao Bing clearly saw it. Just now there was a dagger in Zhu Mingyu’s hand. He cut off the hostess’s throat accurately in an instant. The hostess’s throat was broken, her blood gushing out. She didn’t even know how she died. Why had this happened… She fell to the ground, continually twitching in pain until she died.

Zhu Mingyu was expressionless and cleaned the dagger lightly with his clothes even though he was fast enough just now and there was not any blood on the dagger. His tone was cold, “She talked too much. Let’s start to fight!”

The cheers and screams reached the boiling point, and everyone was shouting Zhu Mingyu’s name. The blood of violence was burning in these gangsters. They longed for blood and violence. Zhu Mingyu’s actions ignited all the cruel genes in their hearts and let the dark side of their hearts burn up.

Xiao Bing stunned for a moment. Judging from what this man just did and how the woman died, Xiao Bing could tell this Zhu Mingyu was very ruthless as if any human life in his eyes was not different from a straw. When a person was disabled and strong-minded, plus his ruthless character, there was no doubt that this person would be very terrible.

When the Peony Fairy saw the scene just now, she gave a slight sigh.

“Come on, come and kill me.” Seeing that Xiao Bing didn’t move first, but chose to look for his flaw, Zhu Mingyu said coldly, “Then let me take your life!”

Zhu Mingyu dashed to the front of Xiao Bing. His hand lifted the knife and fell straight into Xiao Bing’s face. A dagger also appeared in Xiao Bing’s hand. He was going to block Zhu Mingyu’s killing move. But the arc of Zhu Mingyu’s knife suddenly changed. The pointy end of the knife fell downward and went straight into Xiao Bing’s heart from top to bottom.

Xiao Bing quickly receded back and stepped back six or seven meters. The move just now surprised Xiao Bing and he was in a cold sweat. This person’s speed was too fast, and there was a seamless connection between the two moves. He was just like a killing harvesting machine. He didn’t need any pause between his movements or to think for the next step.

Master Hou looked at Fairy Peony, with a smile at the corner of his mouth. He said, “I never saw Zhu Mingyu fight. I didn’t expect he has such strength. Is he in the concealing strength stage?”

The Peony Fairy said with pride, “The Top Stage of concealing strength.”

“Oh.” Master Hou nodded. Ye Bancheng, who was sitting next to him, was shocked. Qi exercise, bone refining, clear strength, concealing strength… The concealing strength was divided into the Initial Stage, Middle Stage, and Top Stage. A man at the Top Stage of the concealing strength was a rare expert. Thought of this, he couldn’t help but worry about Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing’s mood also began to become heavy. Zhu Mingyu’s strength was beyond his expectations. If his strength hadn’t been sealed, Zhu Mingyu would not win him. But now it was not the same. His strength was sealed as the middle realm of concealing strength stage and his right arm was hurt…

Xiao Bing looked at Zhu Mingyu. He was wearing a black patch over his eyes, which meant that he recognized everything by hearing. In this case…

Xiao Bing walked around Zhu Mingyu from left to right. The whole person started to make circles around Zhu Mingyu’s body. Zhu Mingyu stood in the middle with no expression, no anger, and no joy.

Bao Lei calmly said, “The duel between two strong men is just a process to find out the flaw after seeing the moves. Mr. Xiao is very smart. Zhu Mingyu is blind. No matter how sensitive his ears are, a blind person can be found a flaw. Therefore, he wants to start with this aspect.”

Xiao Bing turned faster and faster. Soon everyone could not see him. They could only hear that every few seconds, a bang on the ground like the sound of an explosion. It sounded around Zhu Mingyu continuously. Soon, the pause between each sound was shorter and shorter. But it was louder and louder. As if Zhu Mingyu was wrapped with the sound, the ground at his feet also seriously trembled constantly.

Bao Lei couldn’t help to exclaim, “This Xiao Bing used his footsteps to make Zhu Mingyu unable to capture his figure. Then he kept crushing the ground with his feet. Every time he stepped on the ground, he would make a sound. Now the frequency of this sound is so fast that people can’t figure out where the sound came from. Since Zhu Mingyu relies on his hearing, he can’t catch Xiao Bing’s direction. Xiao Bing is really courageous and resourceful. He is a man of great wisdom.”

Zhu Mingyu snorted with cold. He secretly thought in his heart, “He is disturbing my hearing… What a cunning Xiao Bing.”

Master Hou in the stands couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “Xiao Bing is very clever. Peony, your man has met his opponent.”

Peony Fairy didn’t answer. She didn’t even hear what Master Hou was saying. Her eyes were staring at the battle in the field. She was extremely concentrated. Her body slightly leaned forward. It could be seen that since Xiao Bing found a way to crack, she began to become nervous.

All of a sudden, the ground crashed with a loud noise. The sound was far louder than those cracking sounds when Xiao Bing trampled on the ground. And then Zhu Mingyu felt that countless hidden weapons from all directions flew toward him.

The Peony Fairy stood up from her seat. She held her breath. Bao Lei also widened his eyes. He said excitedly with the speedy breath, “What a deep thought. When Xiao Bing was running, he took Zhu Mingyu as the center. His running track formed a circle, and he had crushed the ground of every place he ran. Then just now he used his strength to shake up every piece of gravel from the ground. Through a skillful effort, while shaking up the gravel, the gravel was like hidden weapons shooting toward Zhu Mingyu from all directions… one step after another… What a deep thought!”

Zhu Mingyu suddenly raised his hands. Much cold light spread out. The stones that shooting toward Zhu Mingyu were all hit the ground. At the same time, Xiao Bing’s right foot had reached Zhu Mingyu’s chest with the power of terror and speed!

To live or to die, it was up to this one strike!

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