Super Soldier

Chapter 87 - A Crazy Fan?

Chapter 87 A Crazy Fan?

Xiao Bing had been on a mission in Africa a few months ago. Since then, he hadn’t had sex for several months. At this time, after being completely intrigued, he began to have a crazy passion for Bi Tingting. It also helped that they had just talked things through. Xiao Bing pushed down the knot in his heart and began to become free and unrestrained.

They became entangled with each other as they kissed.

Finally, after about two hours, Bi Tingting softly laid on Xiao Bing’s chest. Xiao Bing hugged her and said softly, “Tingting.”


“Tell me, if your fans found out that you were laying under me, would they try to tear me to pieces?”

Bi Tingting smiled gently and said with a charming smile, “So, you need to be nice to me. Otherwise, maybe one day, I will tell my fans, see if they can spare you?”

Xiao Bing was about to speak when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He cried out and looked down at his chest. Bi Tingting had bitten him with her teeth and there were neat teeth marks on Xiao Bing’s chest, which slightly bled.

Xiao Bing ground his teeth and said, “What are you doing?”

“Consider it revenge since you abandoned me for the last three years. Even if you abandon me later, at least you will remember me when you see this mark.”

Looking at Bi Tingting saying this with such a sense of justice, Xiao Bing didn’t know if he should laugh or cry, “All right, all right. No wonder the ancients said that only women and immature people are difficult to deal with.”

Bi Tingting looked at Xiao Bing with her charming eyes and asked coyly, “Really…?”

“Well, no, it’s not… I mean, Tingting, I haven’t seen you for so long, I have missed you so much. Alas, especially when I first saw you, didn’t you realize that I was actually crying? But, thinking about the fact I already have a girlfriend, my heart worries about how to say these things to you… I am afraid that it will be a blow to you and I will feel pity for you.”

Bi Tingting laughed, “Brother Bing, you’re being shameless again.”

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said helplessly, “Am I? Aren’t I always serious?”

“Are you serious? Then let me ask you, why there are so many girls around you? Why does Wan Yingying, daughter of Wan Changsheng, the president of the National Wushu Association, say that she will not marry unless it’s you? Why did Anna Feipulite, the daughter of the elder princess from the United Kingdom, send someone to look for you everywhere? And…”

“Don’t.” Xiao Bing looked at Bi Tingting affectionately and said, “Don’t mention other women in front of me, or I will feel heartbreak. In my eyes, you are the most unique woman in the world and no one can replace you.”

‘Of course, they are also the most unique women, and no one could replace them.’ Xiao Bing thought to himself.

Bi Tingting was finally drunk on Xiao Bing’s intoxicating love words. She was lying on Xiao Bing’s body and affectionately telling Xiao Bing about her love for him.

Bi Tingting’s agent called and asked her to go back quickly at dusk. Apparently, he was worried when he heard that Bi Tingting had gone with a man. Xiao Bing was considerate enough to send Bi Tingting to the door of the hotel. At this time, Bi Tingting was tightly packed again with a mask on her face.

Looking at Bi Tingting’s reluctant eyes, Xiao Bing smiled and said, “I told you my phone number. Go home now. We will have plenty of opportunities to get together in the future.”

“Don’t go missing again. Don’t leave me behind,” said Bi Tingting with bitterness.

Xiao Bing said, “Don’t worry. It will never happen again.”

Bi Tingting’s car arrived soon. Xiao Bing helped her into the car and then refused the offer to ride together, as he stopped his own taxi and returned home.

It was not Su Xiaoxiao’s home time yet. Xiao Bing bought some food in the small supermarket downstairs and made three dishes and one soup in time. Then he went downstairs, bought some beer and took them upstairs. After everything was ready, he sat down in front of the TV and started watching it.

He turned on the TV and it happened that the TV was broadcasting the news that Bi Tingting was going to hold a concert in Jiang City. Xiao Bing knew a lot about the entertainment circle. Because of the specialty of his previous job that he often had some special missions, so he needed to have a certain understanding of all walks of life.

Bi Tingting was currently regarded as the most popular female star in the film and television industry. No one could match her social status and value. Speaking of Bi Tingting, the way she grew up had been a struggle and sounded very inspiring.

Bi Tingting was originally a model from a good family, with a good looking appearance and great temperament. When she was young, she used to work as a still model. When she grew up, she became a popular model in the model industry. Later she entered the film and television circle by chance. A female model who entered the film and television circle was easily be written off as a pinup. What’s more, Bi Tingting didn’t learn from a professional class and was not as good as those senior stars in acting. Although she won the favor of a group of men, she was also criticized as a pinup by many people. Even because of her poor acting skills, which affected the audience rating, she got the nickname as “the box office bomb”.

After all, Bi Tingting was not a woman that would give up easily. She later bought many books on acting skills. Besides, she learned with modesty from the senior actors. Her acting skills increased day by day. She entered the film and television industry at the age of 21. After three years of hard work, she won the Best Supporting Actress award at the age of 24, which was also the first important award in her life. She won the Best Actress award at the age of 25 and became recognized by the industry.

People would develop in the singing area when they were good at acting. Bi Tingting then entered the singing industry. She had a beautiful voice and had been trained by professional teachers. So, she became one of the best singers soon. When Xiao Bing knew her, she had been 26 years old, and Xiao Bing had been 23 years old that year. Bi Tingting was just at her peak in the film, television and singing industries.

More than three years later, Bi Tingting had grown from a young girl into a mature woman, and her career in the entertainment circle has become more and more popular. A ticket for her concert would be hard to get.

After finishing the exam, Su Xiaoxiao opened the door from outside and came in. After changing her slippers, she looked at the TV and her eyes immediately lit up. Xiao Bing looked at her with some curiosity and asked, “Do you also pay attention to entertainment stars?”

After all, Su Xiaoxiao had always been too cold, especially when outside. She was better when she was at home. So, when Xiao Bing found that Su Xiaoxiao also had a favorite star, he became really curious.

“Bi Tingting… she’s my favorite star. She is an idol star with strength. With her appearance, acting skills and singing voice, she is simply a perfect woman in the entertainment circle. Almost all my classmates like her.”

‘Shit! I can’t believe this woman has such great charm. But if you and your classmates know that she just slept with me. What would you think? No, I can’t have foolish ideas. It’s really too dirty…’

Xiao Bing smiled, “She is just a beautiful woman. You can find this kind of women everywhere. All the women I know are as good-looking as her.”

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiao Bing with spite, “Why don’t you send me some photos? Even in the entertainment circle where there are so many beautiful women, it is hard to find someone who looks better than Bi Tingting. You should know that when she first entered the entertainment circle, Bi Tingting was famous for her beauty, and she was also the most beautiful woman in the modeling world. You won’t have a chance to know such a beautiful woman. You couldn’t even imagine it.”

Damn it… Xiao Bing made those things up to check how much Su Xiaoxiao liked Bi Tingting. But, he hadn’t expected Su Xiaoxiao to be such a crazy fan. Xiao Bing was surprised and felt that his sexy and beautiful Tingting was really charming.

“What’s more, do you know how outstanding Bi Tingting is? She not only is good-looking but also works harder than anyone else. I heard that she learned from countless senior actors to learn acting skills. In order to practice songs, she has to get up at 4 o’clock every morning… you should not always think that every woman is so simple and superficial. Okay? ”

Xiao Bing just wanted to test Bi Tingting’s attractiveness. Seeing Su Xiaoxiao’s face, all cold and angry, he hurriedly said with a smile, “Just kidding, I was just joking. I’ve made dinner. Let’s go and have dinner.”

Seeing that Xiao Bing had cooked dinner for her, Su Xiaoxiao’s face relaxed and she answered, “I’ll go and wash my hands. Let’s have dinner first.”

Su Xiaoxiao still looked upset while they had dinner. After Xiao Bing repeatedly asked her if she had been hoping to watch a concert of Bi Tingting, she mentioned the tickets were too expensive. Although the Su family was not poor, and Su Peiya’s money, which was abundant, has been handed over to Su Xiaoxiao by Xiao Bing. Su Xiaoxiao didn’t want to use her sister’s money, and her family’s money had recently been consumed too much, so she was reluctant to spend it.

More importantly, it was hard to buy a ticket to see Bi Tingting. Even if you had the money, you may not be able to buy one because they are likely to have sold out by now.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao depressed, Xiao Bing had an idea and began to secretly make plans.

After dinner, Xiao Bing called Bi Tingting quietly and reserved two tickets. Then he called Yezi and asked her about her feelings about the exam. Knowing that Yezi had another exam the next day, Xiao Bing didn’t dare to talk too much. After about half an hour, he hung up the phone and let Yezi rest.

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