Supremacy Games

Chapter 1609 Unable To Trust Again.

1609 Unable To Trust Again.

"They were being noisy, so, I had to kick them out. As for her? I think she just misses you." Lilith responded casually while sipping wine from her glass.

Black lines appeared on Felix's forehead instantly at her nonchalant attitude...But, he refrained from behaving out or cursing her.

The fact that she was able to kick his masters and tenants out implied that she had some control over his body.

After all, having a wisp of consciousness was already enough to have any human dance at the palms of a primogenitor.

But to have an actual soul of a unigin within you? That was an entirely different beast...At this moment, Felix wasn't a unigin yet or possessed a spiritual pressure compared to Lilith.

So, he had to play it cool no matter how much she pissed him off.

He accepted her invitation and sat next to her after giving Candace a short hug to calm her down.

Then, he asked the one million dollar question, "What's your end goal from all of this?"

"It's nothing too different than what your girl desires...Freedom." Lilith sighed, "Unfortunately, you are the only one capable of helping me achieve my dream."

"Help? You still think I will help you with anything after what you did to me?" Felix sneered.

"I know you are pissed off and feel betrayed, but everything I have done was for a purpose." Lilith mentioned, "Be honest, would Asna have agreed to allow me residency inside her core? The most private and sacred part of her entire being after telling you that I can turn you into a unigin?"


"Forget Asna, would you have agreed to go for it without her consent if your options hadn't been limited to merely two?" She added indifferently.


Felix remained silent.

He knew that she was right. If Lilith had approached him either when he was with Asna or after her abduction, none of them would have trusted her and accepted her condition.

She was the paragon of sins, the embodiment of evil, trusting her with anything was the dumbest move to make.

Even when Felix was desperate to enter the eternal kingdom to save Asna, if she came clean and told him about Nimo's true identity, it would be enough to shatter any kind of goodwill from her.

He would then totally drop any thought of becoming the new paragon of sins and seek other methods...Even if it meant spending millions of years, he would not cave in and accept her deal.

This implied that the only method for the paragon Lilith to enter Asna's core was by putting Felix in a situation, where even his death wasn't the worst possible outcome.

While Felix was busy training his elemental manipulations and dealing with the conflicts in the planet's Strauvis, Nimo was alone in the void realm.

"Here, he has absorbed enough void energy to fulfill the price I have set for his memories, powers, and intelligence to be fully unlocked." The paragon Lilith narrated with a clear tone of annoyance, "He should have let the awakening occur as planned, but when memories started to slowly return and he realized his eventual destiny, he did this mid-awakening."

"By the binding power of the Greed Laws," Nimo intoned, his voice resonating through the void, "I wish for my soul to be split into halves. Let one half contain my memories, powers, and intelligence, while the other remains dormant."

"Nimo...He spoke.."

Both Felix and Candace were left utterly stunned after hearing Nimo's voice for the first time. It was unlike his alter ego, who always seemed mad and on the verge of a killing spree.

As the words left his lips, a profound silence enveloped the cosmos. Then, the greed symbol responded to Nimo's plea.

A light, both terrifying and beautiful, enveloped him, its radiance piercing through the darkness of space.


Nimo felt a sensation like no other as the very fabric of his being began to divide. It was an excruciating process, his soul tearing apart to create two distinct entities.

One half became a vessel for his memories, powers, and intelligence. A dormant repository sealed away from the universe...The other half remained, diminished but still potent, a shadow of his full potential.

"He did this, knowing full well that one half will always remain retarded and ignorant, behaving on pure emotion and instincts like an animal." The paragon Lilith said with a displeased tone, "I don't know why he did it, was it to stay with you? Was it to protect you from me? Or something else, whatever it is, it happened, and I refrained from acting up after realizing that you are still capable of sealing the other awakened half as planned."

"All in all, I have nothing to do with the other half even if it was part of my soul since his memories haven't fully been awakened."

The paragon Lilith said as she watched the light fade, exposing Nimo, whose eyes, turned half green and half red.

The green half showed not an ounce of intelligence, representing Nimo's usual happy-go-lucky attitude. While the red eye showed an unfiltered amount of rage and frustration.

'You bastard! How could you do this to the master!'

'Give me back the control, or you will regret this!'

'Are you listening to me?!'

Unbothered by the curses thrown at him by his alter ego, Nimo opened a void portal near Felix and jumped out of it, landing straight on the back of his head.

Eee!! Eeee!!!

"You little, how many times did I tell you not to scare me like this?" Felix chuckled as he lifted Nimo and gave him one of his special belly rub attacks, leaving Nimo squealing in enjoyment.

In that fine moment, Felix had no clue that Nimo had marked himself as a being who was willing to endure unimaginable pain and loss to protect him, his father...

While Candace was watching this scene with tears already flooding down her cheek, Felix's eyes seemed still a bit dead.

"I figured as much, after what I did to you, there is no way you will believe anything I show you." Paragon Lilith shrugged carelessly, "As I said, believe it or not, I don't really care. That little retard is gone either way."

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