Supremacy Games

Chapter 1617 Needing To Be Fed Again.

1617 Needing To Be Fed Again.

A couple of hours later...

Felix could be seen sitting on his throne while fiddling with Nimo's cube in his hand. He had a deep frown on his face like he was faced with an unsolvable puzzle.

"Why isn't he hatching?" He murmured to himself, "I have fed him the purest forms of void energy for hours now, it should be even more than the last time he consumed before he hatched."

Felix assumed that Nimo would need some energy and he would hatch like the last time. But, no matter how much he pushed into him, it disappeared instantly.

"The previous time Nimo hatched, he might have already devoured void energy for millions of years to even a billion before you found him." Lady Sphinx shared with a solemn tone, "So, you can't use the amount you fed him as an exact measure."

"You mean he fed that much? I thought since that witch created him for the sake of fooling us, he shouldn't go through the real hatching process?" Felix remarked.

Felix knew about their original theory of Nimo spending so much time in the heart of the void realm, feeding on the purest forms of void energy for its birth. But, in his eyes, that theory applied only if they assumed that the universe was the one putting him on the map, not Lilith.

"I am not that sloppy." Lilith broke apart his reasoning with a neutral tone, "You might have been fooled, but Asna will notice that Nimo can't be a genuine unigin if he hatches without a massive reservoir of energy."

"...So, you are saying that Nimo genuinely had absorbed pure void energy for close to a billion years before I found him?" Felix felt a cold shudder at the thought.

"Found him? I was the one putting him in your path when I noticed that he only needed the last shove of energy to hatch." Lilith yawned lazily while creating a mirror before everyone.

The scenes displayed in the mirror made everyone feel a tingle of dread in their hearts...Especially, for Felix.

He watched with his own eyes as Lilith opened a void portal straight into the royal pyramid hall, where there were ten statues of warriors and the gigantic statue of the kingly guardian, sitting on the throne.

She walked in the air with graceful steps until she arrived at the extended palm of the guardian...Then, she positioned Nimo in his cube form on top of it.

"Hmmm, it's a bit too easy like this. Let's make it fun for him." Lilith giggled while using her law powers to manipulate the kingly guardian to protect Nimo until death.

The statue seemed to respond, the ethereal light around it pulsating with a newfound purpose. A silent understanding passed between Lilith and the kingly guardian, a pact sealed by the power of her laws.

She even hid Nimo's existence, making it impossible for anyone to see him without the right conditions.

"This should be enough."

Lilith walked away with a faint smile towards the void portal, disappearing through it and returning the chamber to its usual dimness...

After that, the mirror pinpointed the next scene of Felix's squad heading toward the Shurima's temple with big foolish smiles and eyes glimmering with riches yet to come.


Without wasting time, Felix entered the void realm and closed his eyes to sense the void energy.

It took him almost no time to find out the location of the purest area in the void realm.

'Let's see if this will work.' Felix kept his eyes closed and imagined himself transmuting into void energy.

A split second later, his body got broken up into a cloud of void energy particles!

'Laws rule!'

Felix stated with an elated voice as he swiftly imagined himself manifesting his body in the heart of the void realm.

In no time, Felix's body was reconstructed in a primordial nexus, where void energy existed in its purest and most potent state. It was swirling around in thick, gooey streams that defied the laws of physics and reality.

'It's so condensed...' Even Felix was surprised.

He always heard about the heart of the void realm, where the void energy was so potent, that even void creatures discovered it difficult to exist in it. Yet, he never thought it would be this condensed!

The moment Felix brought out Nimo, the cube began sucking the liquid-like void energy akin to a tiny blackhole.

'I can't believe he had consumed one billion years worth of this kind of pure energy...What a monster.'

Felix left him be and used his runic spatial manipulation to create a small pocket dimension connected with this place.

Then, he jumped inside and pulled Nimo with him, uncaring about the flood of void energy accompanying him...Next, he utilized his illusion domain to accelerate the speed of time to match ten million years to a year.

He could even go for a much better time difference, but he didn't want to affect his illusion domain too much.

After all, this kind of pure void energy was capable of disintegrating his illusion domain little by little even if it wasn't as potent as a void domain.

As for unigins' immunity to illusions? The illusion domain would fail to work on Nimo only after he woke up and unlocked his eyes.

That's because unigins weren't immune to illusions in the same sense as having a direct illusion immunity.

They simply possessed god-like eyes, resembling Lady Sphinx's Truth Eyes, which allowed them to see through illusions.

The same applied to poison and such effects...They didn't have immunites, but their bodies were resistant to any kind of mortal poison used on them, as they were too weak to affect them.

Unigins had perfect immunites only to their laws.

"This should do it."

Felix dusted his hands as he observed Nimo devouring years' worth of void energy in the space of split seconds.

"Now, let's see what kind of cultivation system I can create and help my race turn a better leaf in the future." Felix smiled, a bit interested in the experiment.

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