Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 242 240. Boys Don't Like Jealous Girlfrinds


Alia was quite confuse hearing the statement of her mother but quickly changed from being curious to questioning as her IQ is not room temperature level so it was not hard for her to figure out what Halen actually meant.

After all, Her this brain along with her sharp uncaring nature is the reason why Alex was so paranoid about her in the beginning.

Nowadays the new feeling called love was occupying her brain the majority of time, so she look like she was tamed.

But don't be fooled, Her claws were just retracted not cut, she is still that fearsome existence being the first heroine in the novel.

"Yeah, Interest you know it wil-."

Helen, seeing her daughter quick to understand it, was glad that she didn't need to do that embarrassing talk with her daughter.

"No, He would not going to like that. It is a dumb plan, He would not gonna like it."

But before she could say it, Alia outright rejected the offer in panic, She know ex would be disgusted by this idea.

"How do you know? Right now this is the best chance we have to get him back."

Helen expected many reactions from her daughter but outright rejection was not one of them.

After all, This is girl who likes to think or rather overthink every little thing so as not to make any mistakes, For her everything have to perfect

So it was odd that she rejected this offer without even giving thought at all.

Normally she would have ignored it and dropped the idea but this time they couldn't, It was the best option they have.

Cause even if somehow Alex and Alia get together there are many people involved in this relationship which make it impossible to go back to before this all happened.

So adding other interests is not a bad idea, Of course unless they try to steal from him just like her mother did before, For which she still has not forgiven her.

There is also Alex's issue, It was not sure if he going to like the idea or not, After all even if he has a big libido he would be hesitant to proceed with this plan.

So she also needs to convince him that this is a good thing, she would not mind if he sleeps with others rather she would even help him with them.

Yeah, he would not gonna like it, But she has to at least try, right? And if it was too much then she can drop the idea but not without giving a try.

"Of course but you also have to agree that he would not be the only one you have, So you have learned to share, Boys don't like jealous girlfriends."

Helen responded to Alia in a positive tone as even she agreed with this point but of course there was some obvious condition that was put on the table also.

Like they all get equal rights in Alex, no one can monopolize him for themselves, after all they are law-abiding citizens.

"As long as it's clear that I am his girlfriend and would stay the same, I have not problem, What I have problem is about the schedule of the coitus."

Alia once again able to get back her composers as gears in her head started to spin and she become her usual logical thinking state.

And so she was concerned about the sleeping schedule of them, As who gets him and when because that would be an issue.

"That…We should figure that put later in ourselves but right now our priority is to get Alex back."

Helen was stupefied as she did not think about this issue knowingly or unknowingly she still couldn't digest news of her man being with others.

But she can get over that for him, it would not be that hard even as it was already happened before, She just needs time.

And so the mother and daughter duo started to make a plan among themselves to be the man both women are madly in love with.

They didn't know what it says about their relationship as being mother and daughter but it surely says that they are excellent lovers.



(A/N : Hey good news there will be a mass release on 24 Dec. Hope you like the news, don't worry it would not mess with regular updates.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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