Chapter 103: An interesting offer (1)

Much to everyone’s surprise, the horde had been dealt with in just two hours. It was hard to explain why the soldiers took so long, but Luke assumed that it was due to numerous factors. Like the fact that they didn’t have spells, that the goblins were crazy, and that they didn’t have any attacks that could damage a large area.

In any case, they succeeded in that mission, but Billy and Mark had to talk with the soldiers. The idea that some civilians helped them increase the work pace might have wounded the pride of some.

“This scene is…” Julia said and then sighed. “I wonder what we did to deserve that… aside from the destruction of the green of our world, the pollution, the wars, our ignorance over the suffering of our people… I guess we deserve this.”

            Seeing a sea of corpses bothered Luke’s mother more than a little bit, but she more or less found an explanation to the situation on her own terms. Luke wished that he could comfort his mother with some nice words, but even himself doubted that it was something that she would see once in her life… she had to get used to it.

“I now have 51 thousand coins…” Luke thought. “I suppose I can wait until I get thirteen more and hope that I will find some good skill books.”

“You will… you will find some nice ones in the new section,” Shalia replied.

“Such as?” Luke asked. “Wait, can you read my mind?”

“No, but it is easy to see what you are thinking,” Shalia smiled. “Anyway, it will be more fun if you get surprised.”

          Luke didn’t like surprises… they messed with his pace, after all. Still, it was better than learning the skills he could obtain and getting anxious over it for the next few hours. Nevertheless, the group began to gather the loot, and so did Luke since he basically solved half of the problem. Unfortunately, he didn’t find anything worthwhile again… still, that didn’t bother him. It would be too much to obtain more rewards after his new sword and Sonic Blade.

“I want to trade my loot for grenades again,” Luke said.

“… You are really terrifying,” Billy forced a smile. “While I want to help you with that, I don’t think it will be possible. We don’t have that many left, and the others won’t trade it with you. They don’t want to be surpassed by a kid. There is also the fact that we will have to report this to Frank, and…”

          Luke already knew the rest… Frank probably wanted to have the strongest army in the world, and he didn’t want someone stronger than them around. Of course, he had no reason to help Luke either, considering all that.

          Luke considered his options… maybe he could find some bases around his home country with grenades left. Rather than using them to kill zombies, it would be better to use them against the big baddies. Still, he might trigger some unlucky event if he finds survivors in those places. After that problem, Luke made a mental note not to show what he could do with needles and nails to any soldiers or even Billy.

“Oh, well… I guess I will throw those away,” Luke said.

“Are you sure you don’t want to give to other survivors?” Billy asked.

“Do I look like a charity institution?” Luke asked. “I already helped you and these people more than I should have to meet with my parents… you tricked me once to work for your boss, and now that I am having problems obtaining what I want, you ask me this instead of helping? Are you out of your damn mind?”

          Before Luke noticed, he raised his voice and made a scene. Everyone was looking at them as if a fight was about to break out. He wasn’t angry enough to attack Billy, but considering his powers and his behavior, the others began to be wary of him. Only his parents, Billy, Amanda, and Celia, knew that he wasn’t going to do anything.

“You are right… I am sorry,” Billy said with his head down. “I got ahead of myself and thought of your help as granted.

          In the end, Luke sighed since it wasn’t like him to snap out at such a moment… he finally reached his first goal of reuniting with his parents, so why was he letting past events affect him so much? 

“Hey, Luke…” Rina hesitated.

“Here she comes…” Shalia said and then sighed.

“… Why don’t you just trade the items for the potions like usual?” Rina asked.

          That was probably the best option, but everyone knew that potions could make wounds recover faster, so trading them was risky. Luke didn’t feel like trying to negotiate either. The situation got the better of him, and now the stress that he had been trying to contain finally was messing with his head. He took several breaths to calm down, but that didn’t help… In the end, Luke just selected the best items that his parents could use and gave them to them. As for the others, he kicked to the distance to anyone who might want to grab it since he didn’t want to waste time looking for a river to make those sink.

          After a while, Luke’s parents went to talk with him after he had calmed down. In the end, they realized that Luke wasn’t fine. It was only obvious after experiencing stressful situations so many times in a row. He was physically fine, but despite his strong font… he wasn’t that fine.

“I guess I need a break… seeing so much death, fighting, and trouble is taking the toll on the mind of a slacker such as myself,” Luke said. “Still, that isn’t an option considering that the world is falling into the hands of monsters of other planets.”

“You have to combine your normal life with your new reality,” Shalia said. “As I told you before, maybe you should create a harem.”

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