Chapter 114: Reason (2)

You obtained 35 experience points.

You obtained 35 gold coins.

You obtained 35 experience points.

You obtained 35 gold coins.

“That was a pretty good shot for beginner’s luck,” Shalia said. “How did you do that, exactly?

“Well, I just threw it with all my might,” Luke said while he was frying the eggs with Spark Ball. “To be honest, I practiced tennis during high school, so I am fairly good at visualizing the trajectories of objects… It is a funny story.”

“How so?” Rina frowned. 

“As you can see, I am not a sports man,” Luke said. “I got into tennis because I wanted to get close to a girl and while it took two damn years, I finally succeeded. We started to date, but then she mentioned that I was too bad at kissing, so I decided to practice with her and she got disgusted for some reason. It is indeed a funny story.”

          Rina frowned, but Shalia laughed. If anything, that was an embarrassing story instead of a funny one. Still, Luke had accepted his lame side a long time ago. Doing shameless things without trespassing to the limits of the law was something he was used to. Regardless, Luke confirmed that he could silently defeat enemies like that, so he was satisfied for the time being.

          Despite the fact that the entire city was frozen, Luke had a good night of sleep inside one of the buildings in the area. While there wasn’t a chimney or a heater, Luke made it just by sealing the entrance of the place. He decided to hunt in earnest before meeting with Sheila’s group at noon, but then Shalia dropped a bombshell.

“Luke, it is time,” Shalia said.

“Time for what?” Luke frowned visibly confused.

“For a kiss, I can finally assume my form, so go for a place where the monsters will attack us with their high numbers, I will destroy them all,” Shalia said.

          Oh, yeah… Luke recalled something like that had been said a few days ago. While he didn’t think much of it, he couldn’t help but feel a bit troubled. Wasn’t things going too favorably to him? Was he dreaming while contemplating the chance of kissing a sexy dark-elf? Was he going to die by using all that much luck?

“Are you really fine with that?” Luke asked. “Putting my ego aside, I think I am the one who will benefit most from this.”

“But I think I will benefit from it too?” Shalia frowned. “It is not every day where I can create a deep bond with someone strong. Unlike your species that consider their partners based on their appearance, wealth, and status, the dark elves consider strength more important than anything else.”

“That is oddly convenient for me, still, I also think that most of us consider more important things than those you mentioned before,” Luke said. “Oh, well… I am not the type in this kind of situation. Let’s fucking go! Hell yeah!”

“While I appreciate your enthusiasm, you have to look for a large number of enemies…” Shalia said.

“Oh, yeah… that is right,” Luke frowned. “Sorry, I let the situation get the better of me…”

          Luke got carried away. In the end, there was no problem in being friends with benefits. If the other side was fine with it, then Luke certainly wouldn’t deny such a golden opportunity. The world had gone to hell, and there were many more monsters than humans. Still, he achieved his goal of reuniting with his parents, so he didn’t have to worry endlessly about anything else. Instead of being depressed due to the situation, he would enjoy life as much as possible while he could. Regardless, Luke headed in the direction of crystal and soon found a pack of monsters approaching. Thanks to that, Luke finally realized that he would look extremely silly while kissing a dark elf that looked like a figurine on his shoulders.

“Oh, well… Who cares?” Luke shrugged. “That is the last thing that I have to worry about right now.”

            The monsters were quickly approaching, so they didn’t have time to hesitate. When those two kissed, Luke felt like he had established a spiritual connection even stronger with Shalia. Still, those thoughts disappeared when she assumed her normal form. She was quite muscular, but she still was a bit shorter than Luke. She also smelled incredibly nice and… Luke was forced to wake up from his daydreaming.

“Holy bazongas…” Luke said, surprised while looking at the well-developed muscles on her chest.

          Of course, he wasn’t staring at her muscles, but Shalia ignored him and summoned a fire tornado; she stayed in that form for a full second. The powerful tornado began to pull dozens of the Koriri toward itself. Even though Shalia wasn’t controlling it anymore, the spell had a determined duration, and it would show that power until it dissipated. Some of the monsters tried to fly away, others tried to attack it, but all of them failed, and thirty-nine of them were killed.

You obtained 35 experience points.

You obtained 35 gold coins.

You obtained 35 experience points.

You obtained 35 gold coins.

“Well… that was impressive,” Luke said. “Now I can see the difference in power between us…

“Fufufu,” Shalia laughed while looking at Rina.

“Why do you look so smug?” Rina frowned. “Acting shameless like that… There is no reason to feel so proud. By the way, I am disappointed in you, Luke.”

“You can ignore her, she is just jealous,” Shalia said.

“Don’t be like that… I am a healthy guy, it would be weird if I were to refuse such an opportunity,” Luke said. “To be a simp, or not to be a simp, that is the question.”

“Whatever…” Rina said and then looked away.

It was a bit troublesome that Rina was just too virtuous. Luke didn’t want her too hold too many expectations of him. He was a helpless guy down to his core, after all.

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