Chapter 74: A city on fire (1)

            Luke finally found a monster worth taming. However, doing so in that situation would be hard… so he had to look for one of the dogs elsewhere. When he got close to that group, Luke prepared himself.

“Rina! Strength!” Luke said.

          Rina enhanced Luke’s strength, and he used all his might to jump… the power of the impulse had been so fearsome that Luke managed to snap the neck of one of the zombies when he leaped. While he was passive above the dogs, Luke realized that they finally had noticed him. The heat of their attacks and the area of effect made them unable to realize his presence until now.

Red Fang – Lv 52

HP: 298/298

MP: 148/288

SP: 220/200

Skills: Body Slam Lv 05

Spells: Flamethrower Lv 05

          The monsters were pretty high-leveled, but it didn’t surprise Luke since they probably had been killing zombies for several hours. Taming one of those probably would be very useful, but again, it would be hard to fight them at the same time and so close to the zombie horde.

          When he landed, Luke immediately looked behind to see if the dogs would chase him, but they were too busy for that. Maybe they thought that a single human wouldn’t be able to survive in their territory. Since so many of them were fighting the horde, they must have a lot of allies around the city.

          In any case, they must have killed tons of zombies and people to reach that level, so Luke wondered if Billy’s parents would be fine… when Luke left that area behind, he noticed that ahead the part of the city had been completely taken by smoke. Thanks to it, the visibility decreased again… thanks to it, Luke would have to slow down.

“One problem after the other…” Luke muttered.

          Luke brought his crossbow, but he had to leave his nails and needles behind because it would be too dangerous to carry extra weight while running over the zombies’ heads. Fortunately, he increased his intelligence before facing the horde because he wasn’t confident that hiS Spark Ball was strong enough to stop some of the mutants.

“The number of zombies here are… close to none,” Luke said when he found some burned bones on the sides of the roads.

              The red fangs had been doing quite the work… if their flames could melt flesh that much, then Luke really wanted one of them and made his pet level up like crazy and reach that level. Fortunately, Luke had his chance to do that a lot sooner than expected. He heard some footsteps approaching, and he could tell that the owners were running on four legs. Luke and Shalia welcomed the bests with Spark Balls and Ice Arrows. He couldn’t tell their levels while they were approaching due to the smoke, so they didn’t take their chances. Still, they were lucky in finding only three red fangs that were only level twenty-six.

                The combined attacks completely overwhelmed the three monsters, killing two of them in the blink of an eye. As for the third one, Luke wounded the beast just enough to make it fall on the ground. However, after a few seconds, the wounds on the creature’s body began to heal, and it also got up.

“Hey… give me a break…” Luke said and fired another Spark Ball while he was approaching.

              Tame wasn’t a skill that worked no matter what. First, the user had to weaken the target’s spirit since they already had a master in another world. The monster tried to get up many times, but Luke stopped it while he was also activating Tame. The creature even tried to use Flamethrower once, but Luke closed its mouth by hitting its head with the hilt of his sword. After several attempts, the skill finally worked, and the hostility of the monster finally disappeared.

Congratulations! You obtained a follower.

Half of the monster’s experience and all of its gold coins will be sent to you.

Red Fang – Lv 26

HP: 35/168

MP: 178/188

SP: 140/140

Skills: Body Slam Lv 04

Spells: Flamethrower Lv 04

Passive: Fire Resistance Lv 08, Fire Immunity Lv 05

STR: 56

SPE: 45

INT: 25

END: 37

RES: 29

FOX: 40

Free points: 00

“… Hey there,” Luke said to his new pet. “Give me your paw.”

“Are you for real?” Rina asked while frowning.

          Despite Rina’s question, the dog-like monster obeyed. Even while injured its raised its right paw and then put on Luke’s hands. While he kept his guard up, he still nodded in satisfaction.

“Red Fang is a weird name… probably the name of your species,” Luke said and then rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “From now on, your name will be Arcanine. If you understand that, bark wan.”

“Wan!” Arcanine barked.

“Two,” Luke said. “… Anyway, I will be counting on you from now on. Now, lead the way. We have work to do.”

          It didn’t take long for other Red Fangs to appear, and to make his worries disappear, Arcanine ran toward them and used Body Slam without any hesitation. Seeing one of their own attacking made the beasts get caught off guard, and Luke used that chance to charge while using Stinger. He didn’t hold back, and Stinger level four completely impaled the head of one of the monsters.

You obtained 20 experience points.

You obtained 20 gold coins.

          When Luke pulled back his sword, he saw one of the monsters opening his mouth, but he used Spark Ball to paralyze the beast. Once that was done, he used Stinger again. It was quite the combination… Regardless, as one would expect, since Arcanine was on the same level as the other monster, he had a hard time facing it, but Luke helped with Spark Ball.

You obtained 10 experience points.

You obtained 20 gold coins.

With Luke’s support, Arcanine could handle the monsters, but in the end, he couldn’t keep doing that forever. Arcanine was just a helper, after all.

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