Chapter 90: To Europe (6)

            After looking around the airport, Luke saw most of the buildings destroyed. While there wasn’t any aircraft vehicle blocking the landing point, they couldn’t let the monster’s blood be spilled there, so the whole group began to move away from it.

          The Grivens kept coming one after the other. Luke was so busy that he didn’t notice that Amanda and Celia appeared and began to cover his back. Their firepower increased more than a little bit. Still, they were having a hard time hitting the defenseless parts of the Grivens’ bodies… Still, they were slowing them down with the Ice Arrows and the arrows made of earth that caused blunt damage. They assumed more of a support role with long-ranged attacks. Thanks to that, Luke had an easy time piercing the throats of the monsters when they staggered or slowed down.

          In the end, even though the monsters had the numbers, the soldiers were much stronger than them… perhaps if they had attacked with dozens of them at the same time, things would have been different. Still, it would be too much to expect such an organization from monsters without being close to their territory. After a couple of minutes, the group began to expand the perimeter to protect all sides of the landing spot for the airplane. 

“We are going to defend the south side of the street. Follow me,” Billy declared.

          Alongside Billy and Luke, Chloe, Amanda, and Celia went in that direction. It was a pretty difficult location to be in since the buildings of the airport were there. In the end, they confirmed that numerous zombies began to leave the semi-destroyed buildings. Before the enemies could do anything, or even Luke for that matter, Billy punched the air. Then the head of one of the zombies exploded. While it was a fire zombie, and they usually don’t have high defense, that still was pretty impressive. 

“Pretty nice, huh,” Billy said while smirking.

          Luke had seen his status earlier, but he didn’t pay much attention to the skills… but he recalled that he had seen Sonic Punch or something. It was probably that skill… it granted Billy the chance to create a shockwave by punching the air that would cause a lot of damage to the enemies from a distance. Luke used Appraisal again and confirmed that Billy used twenty points of SP. It wasn’t a skill that he could use all the time, so he was only showing off to his little sister…

          In any case, things only got a bit complicated when the speed-type zombies showed up. For some reason, that one creature had reached level forty, so even Luke wasn’t as fast as them, but he solved the issue by approaching almost instantaneously with Stinger and then followed by Spark Ball that paralyzed the beast. Once that happened, Luke made his two daggers pierce the head of the monstrosity.

“I knew that you got stronger, but not by that much…” Billy said. “Are you guys helping him somehow?”

          Rina and Shalia looked at Luke since they didn’t know how to answer that question. In fact, they knew. They only didn’t know if they should reply to that question. Luke clearly wanted to keep his distance from Billy from now on, after all.

“Mind your own business,” Shalia replied.

“Yes, somewhat…” Rina replied.

          In the end, Billy forced a smile after hearing that. While Luke didn’t tell them anything, they were loyal enough to not reveal anything. While there wasn’t much point in others who don’t have partners to learn such things, it was better to be cautious of everything. 

Reinforced Light Armor

A light armor that was reinforced by special forging techniques.

END + 06, RES + 06

Durability: 30/30

          The group was surprised that a new type of armor appeared after defeating a fat zombie. The borders were white, but the other parts were brown, and it also covered a good part of the body of the user. Luke wondered if he should just take it for himself since his Brigandine took quite the beating during the fight against the Red Fangs. Celia and Amanda only used a few pieces of armor here and there since they didn’t want to lose their mobility, and armor like that was bound to decrease theirs a little bit. Billy just shrugged, and Chloe felt that Luke was the one who would need that most due to his wild nature. In the end, Luke just equipped it. They owed him at least that much, after all.

          Nevertheless, against zombies, Luke wouldn’t need the armor, so it would take a while for it to become useful. After half an hour, the massive airplane finally landed in the area. Still, the noise caused by it had been so massive that it drew the attention of many more monsters and zombies. Thanks to that, the whole group had to keep guarding the perimeter for three hours before they finally had the chance to rest.

          Billy left the group for a while to see if there were any updates on the situations of the survivors. Considering that their arrival lured many monsters, the survivors probably were a bit afraid to leave their hideouts. 

“We will change our plans a little bit…” Billy said after he returned. “We will leave half of our soldiers here and use the rest to secure the survivors that we came to rescue… and another group will have to go and destroy the crystal to help the other survivors that we won’t be able to help.”

“And that group would be us,” Luke said.

“Yes, I told them to leave that to us since you already destroyed three of those, so you have more experience than anyone here,” Billy said.

“Why don’t we just use the second group to help us, and then we will go and rescue the survivors?” Amanda asked.

“Chloe told me that after a while, the monsters in Orlando decided to escape after they destroyed the crystal,” Billy replied. “We can’t risk letting them find the survivors, and we don’t have enough men to surround the area of the crystal.”

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