A few weeks ago.

Anna was sitting in front of Old Ru while the others had to remain outside for the sake of the conversation. 

"So, why do you come back here?" Old Ru couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows. While he accepted Anna, he disliked the idea that she would come here again. 

"I know that this is too much to ask. However, I still need to ask you about this…" Anna lowered her head. "Please allow me to borrow your grandson's power."

"Huh?" Old Ru's expression turned cold. If it were anyone else, he would have unleashed his killing intent. "Do you know what you are saying right now?"

Noel had promised not to bring his grandson back like what happened in his previous life. So, Old Ru couldn't help but want to reject it right away. 

Fortunately, he was still the same calm Old Ru as the one they met a year ago. "At least give me a reason."

"I have another soul in my body. Or should I say… I have taken over this body due to my rebirth?" 

"Rebirth…" Old Ru frowned. He seemed to notice something and fell into deep thought. After a moment, Old Ru turned his head to the door and called out loud, "Andreas!"

It didn't take too long for the young man to arrive in the room. 

Instead of Anna, Old Ru was the one asking the question. "Andreas. Check her soul."

Andreas tilted his head in confusion, but he still complied with his grandfather's instruction. He came closer to Anna before closing his eyes.

A blue light started coming out of his thumb as he rubbed both eyes in a single horizontal motion. Please visit 𝓃𝑜vel𝒏𝑒xt.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

When he raised his eyelids, his eyes were glowing as though they were enveloped in a blue-colored blaze. It was at this time that Andreas noticed something. 

"I see two souls. One is hidden deeply while the other is currently possessing the body. It seems this soul is older than the other." Andreas furrowed his eyebrows, examining the souls.

"So, that's how it is." Old Ru pinched the bridge of his nose. "Even I, who have the time ability, have no way to know what will happen if someone traverses back in time. But when I think about your case, it's finally confirmed that time is only moving forward.

"In the previous life, Noel might have used the shell on you, but he failed in every attempt except for the last one. And that idea probably came from…" Old Ru glanced at Andreas.

When he thought about it, this could be the truth. Since Andreas accompanied Noel at that time, it was clear that Andreas would have realized the problem as to why the shell was unable to bring Anna back. So, the only choice was to separate her soul from the body, which resulted in Anna's current condition.

"Andreas. What do you think?" Old Ru asked.

"This is intriguing. From what I can see, the second soul has been suppressed naturally because the current consciousness is stronger. However, I'm thinking about another possibility. The current soul is the one strengthening the body, so what will happen if the other soul takes over? May I ask if you notice a kind of restriction when you take over the body? Or do you get a body that doesn't have a single bit of Spiritual Energy?" 

"Hmm?" Anna recalled what happened in the past and said, "I did feel a bit of restriction at first. When I reincarnated, this body was already a Spirit Apprentice."

"As expected, if that soul took over, she wouldn't be able to control the energy." 

"Are you saying she's going to explode?" Old Ru frowned. 

"No. It's going to be a cripple until she manages to link the soul with the body and take over all her achievements in Spiritual Energy." 

"Then, please state the type of competition you want."

The older soul said, "I will allow you to take over my body and return to Noel. If Noel finds out about you, you lose." 

"Oi. That's too vague. That way, I won't know when I will win. The time limit for that competition should be three days. If he doesn't find out in three days, I win." The original soul smirked. She had known everything about Anna, so it shouldn't be hard to impersonate her. 

"No." The older soul shook her head.

"What? Is it too long?" The original soul seemed pissed.

"No. I mean, one day is enough, specifically 24 hours. Since you will return during the night according to my promise to Noel, that means if he doesn't find out about you before the next night, it's your win."

"!!!" The original soul was surprised that Anna had such a deep trust in Noel. But this actually benefited her very much, so there was no reason not to accept it. 

"Alright." Andreas nodded solemnly, adding more words to the contract. "The competition will be for the Original Soul to impersonate the older soul. If Noel Ardagan can't find out within the next 24 hours after their reunion, the original soul wins."

"No objection." Both souls agreed at the same time. 

"In that case, the contract will be finalized. Do both of you have anything to add?"

The original soul raised her hand. "I have a few conditions. But the most important thing will be allowing me to find another body-like container. At the very least, I want to visit the family I have owed the most."

"I don't have any problems. Even without the Soul Contract, I will definitely help you in that regard." The older soul waved her hand as if it were nothing big. "I owe you this much for possessing your body. If you have any more requests, please don't hesitate to tell me about them. The co-soul should be able to talk with me, right?"

"Yes. In fact, both of you will be able to know what each other is thinking. So, it's like you're talking without the need to say anything." Andreas nodded.

"In that case, that's enough. As long as it's not a ridiculous request like giving Noel to you, I don't mind fulfilling that request." 

When the original soul saw her sincerity, she couldn't help but say, "If you are going to help me that much, in that case, I will also do my best for you. Besides, my current feeling is because of your influence. If I am separated from you for some time, that feeling might change. So, I don't really mind not having him."

"One more thing." The older soul raised a finger. "I don't mind searching for a human-like container, but I hope that I can focus on dealing with the incoming Demon King first."

"It's going to happen soon, so I can wait that long." 

"In that case, do we have an agreement?"


Both souls shook each other's hand. 

"The Soul Contract is now established. Please check the condition." Andreas extended his hand as the contract hovering in his palm floated to both Annas.

"I don't have an objection." The original Anna nodded her head. 


"In that case, the soul contract is now in effect." Andreas clapped his hands as the contract turned into a stream of blue light attached to both Annas. "All that's left is to find a container before the competition."

"I think I have that." Anna glanced at the original Anna. The latter thought of the same thing. "The sword?"

"Yes. I received the blade from the Sword Saint, a previous host of the Soul Spirit. If Andreas found out about my two souls easily, the Sword Saint should have known about this and gifted that blade for this reason." 

Andreas raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Anna would come so well-prepared. 

"If that's the case, I can check it first." Andreas politely nodded his head to the Thunder Berserker Spirit before leaving. 

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