Tatakau Shisho

Volume 7, 2: The Rebellion is Starting – Part 3

Volume 7, Chapter 2: The Rebellion is Starting – Part?3

Nevertheless, it didn’t mean that Mattalast fully trusted Olivia. He was cautious. He prepared a final test for her. After the incident in the small conference room, he made her stay at home. He didn’t restrain her or lock her in a room. If people like Mirepoc or Kyasariro came to visit her she dealt with them normally. He also allowed her going out for a short while. But she was practically confined. He couldn’t allow her to be free until she erased her memories using Argax.

Three days passed like that.

“Say, how long are you going to keep me here?”

Olivia said. Even Mattalast didn’t enjoy living with a woman who wasn’t his lover. Having people thinking that they were in a honeymoon was unpleasant too. He was waiting for a certain man. He was in a place far from Bantorra Library, so coming there took him time.

“Be a bit more patient. I’m having a certain man interrogate you. You’ll be free afterwards.”


Olivia half-rose to her feet.

“Huh, don’t worry. There won’t be any torture or whatever.”

At that moment, there was violent knocking at the door. So he finally came, thought Mattalast.

Without waiting for his response, the door swung open. A giant man entered.

“Took you too long, Overseer of Paradise.”

“Don’t call me like that.”

The one whom Mattalast called was the new Overseer of Paradise, Minth Chezine. Shaking his well-toned body that was yet to decay he sat in front of Olivia.

“Overseer of Paradise? What do you mean?”

“Don’t mind it. You’re gonna forget it anyway.”

Saying so, Minth stared at Olivia’s face. At that moment, his pupils shone with a faint light.

His ability was called Sacred Eyes. That power to view souls could see through one’s nature in a single glance. In addition he was able to see one’s mental state and even minute changes in their mind.

Any kind of swindling became powerless in front of him. Even if one lied with their expression and voice, since he could look at the movements of their mind, deceiving him was impossible.

“So, Olivia. Do you hate the Armed Librarians?”

Minth inquired.

“No such thing.”

“You’re lying. I can tell. You want to kill that man next to you.”

Olivia winced.

“It’s fine. That guy’s a villain after all. It would be stranger not to hate him.”

Minth shot a side-glance at Mattalast.

“Next question. Do you know of the Violet Sinner?”

Olivia shook her head to the side. Minth then spoke toward Mattalast.

“That’s no lie. That woman truly has no idea.”

“…Keep going.”

“I’ll ask again. Do you know of the Violet Wish?”

Olivia shook her head again.

“Are you planning to fight the Armed Librarians?”

Olivia once again shook her head.

“Did you speak of Vend Ruga with someone?”

“I did.”

“With whom?”


“Is that it?”

“Only him.”

“…I see.”

The light disappeared from Minth’s eyes.

“There’s no mistake. This woman knows nothing. She also has no will to fight. She didn’t speak of Vend Ruga with anyone but Volken. Meaning, she’s completely harmless.”

“Wait. I have one final question. Use your Sacred Eyes once more.”

“What is it?”

“Olivia’s hiding something from me.”

Minth looked at Olivia with his faintly glowing eyes. And as expected she shook her head.

“She’s not hiding anything. You’re just overthinking it.”


Minth rose up and left Mattalast’s home. While doing so, he turned around and spoke.

“You’re all overthinking things. Do you really think that woman has the power to battle the Armed Librarians and destroy the Indulging God Cult?”

“Thinking rationally there’s no way she does. I’m just making sure.”

“Tell this to that blockhead Hamyuts.

Don’t be scared of a mere woman. My Indulging God Cult is different from Kachua’s. It will never be destroyed.”

“How reliable. I’ll pass it to her.”

Leaving these words behind, Minth left the room.

“So he’s the new Overseer of Paradise…”

Olivia stared at the door he left through.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with you. Also you will forget all about it.”

Saying this, Mattalast took out a cup from his pocket. It was the Memorial Weapon capable of destroying memories, the Fiction Obliterating Cup Argax.

“As promised, you will forget about Vend Ruga, as well as about Volken and the fact you’ve run away from us… all of it.

Once you’ve forgotten all of it, we will no longer try killing you. You will be able to live an uneventful, peaceful life from now on.”

Mattalast took a jug and poured water into the cup. He held it and prayed silently. It trembled slightly and produced the memory-erasing water.

He offered that to Olivia.

“So you’re planning to thoroughly erase all of it? Won’t it mess up my mind?”

“I’ll explain the following after you’ve erased your memories. You’ve went through a horrible experience during the Volken Incident. You’ve seen it in both dreams and even during the day. Unable to just watch you like that, I offered erasing your memories.”

“You’re a horrible person after all.”

Olivia cried.

Until she made her decision, Mattalast stayed silent and waited for fifteen minutes. Opening her eyes and mumbling something, Olivia drank it all in one gulp.


Olivia glanced at her surroundings in a daze for a while. Her face indicated that she had no idea why she was there and what she had been doing. People who drank the water of Argax made such expressions.

“Are you fine? Did it erase your memories properly?”

Mattalast spoke to her. As she saw Argax in her hands, Olivia made a puzzled face.

“Huh? What was I doing?”

“So you forgot it, huh. I had you erase your memories. The Indulging God Cult did horrible things to you. You told me that you wanted to get rid of those memories.”

Olivia tilted her head.

“Is that so? I seem to not have memories of quite a while. What happened to me?”

“I’ll explain.”

Mattalast explained all that happened until now. He told her the lies that she told in the small conference room three days ago as they were. Since Olivia lost her memories, she readily believed it.

“I see, so that’s what happened…”

She was still puzzled. However, she seemed to be largely convinced.

That does it, Mattalast thought.

The truth was now hidden inside a lie. Olivia will probably live without doubting his lies. As long as she believes it, he will let her live.

From here on, she will probably live peacefully and without any fighting.

Running away from war, being caught by the Indulging God Cult, being targeted by the Armed Librarians… most of Olivia’s life was spent in battle. But now it has finally ended.

As I thought not killing people is much better. Even if I have to deceive them for it.

Present – December 28, 1926

Mattalast caught a glimpse of Olivia in the corner of his eyes. Her face had none of the darkness it possessed during the time she had feared death. There was also none of the thorns she had when she was full of hatred for the Armed Librarians.

Mattalast deceived Olivia. He also did a horrible thing, making her erase the memories of her beloved Vend Ruga. However, she was able to attain her current peaceful life as a result.

He certainly was a villain, but even his villainy was acted with care. He racked his brains to make sure as many people around the world as possible would be able to live in peace.

Perhaps that’s what makes me evil, he thought.

“Oh, you seem to have an interest in Olivia, are you oozing with regrets, Matt-san? Is this jealousy? The swamp of love?”

An idiot stood next to him. Rizzly poked Mattalast’s side.

“Can you not stop talking about love gossip for a minute?”

“I can’t. And I don’t want to.”

“Don’t be so proud of it.”

Mattalast sighed.

“Ooh, I remembered. Thinking about it, there’s a rumor that spring came for Luik.”


While Mattalast was annoyed, his ears perked up the moment he heard those words. Luik was the biggest giant among the Armed Librarians. If asked whether he was a man or a gorilla he was definitely a man, but if “in between” was added as an option then he was undoubtedly in between. Although he was fearless and reckless in battle, he was pitifully timid when dealing with women.

“That Luik? Who is it?”

“He seems to have fallen in love with Olivia.”

“That’s too much. That’s too big of a hurdle for a beginner.”

“So you’re also curious, huh Matt-san?”

“…Mmm, fine then. More importantly, how did it come to that?”

Speaking in hushed voices, the pair continued their foolish conversation.

It wasn’t only Olivia but also Mattalast that was able to enjoy peace. He had a good time with him not having to kill or fight anyone. He was having fun with alcohol and stupid chats.

At a table in the corner of the hall there were only a bottle of sweet champagne and a small salad plate. For this party of Armed Librarians – people who consumed such things as bears or cows – it was quite modest.

Hamyuts sat alone at this table and absentmindedly poked her salad piece by piece.

She was unexpectedly a light eater. She preferred vegetables to meat and fish and couldn’t really hold her liquor. She was quite rare among the Armed Librarians that had many gluttons.

“…You guys sure are noisy.”

Hamyuts muttered in an idle tone.

Just a year ago, the moment she uttered any word everyone around her would grow tense. Even while speaking in a low voice she oozed an uncontrollable sense of danger. When she was in a good mood she exuded the atmosphere of a carnivore beast from her entire body.

But none of it could be felt from her current figure. She was like some old tiger that had no fangs or claws.

Not only had the air around her changed. Her way of living everyday was also changing.

Hamyuts was quite diligent in the first place. She took care of governing and managing her organization by herself.

There were many Acting Directors in history that only sat on their chairs when not handling battles. Hamyuts was exceptional among them.

But that also was a thing of the past. She left most of her work to the next Acting Director, Yukizona, or the one who could be called number two, Bonbo. When she came to the Acting Director’s Office, she spent her days on her hobby of sewing or on reading.

“…I’m bored.”

Hamyuts muttered. Even at the party hall her situation stayed the same. If anyone talked to her she would respond appropriately, but one could feel her heart wasn’t there.

It was evident to everyone when this change occurred. It was during the Deep Blue Curse Rebellion and the subsequent destruction of the Indulging God Cult.

Some people said that she was emotionally drained. Hamyuts had no intention of denying it.

Her eyes focused on one point in the hall. It was Olivia who was busy happily chatting with Kyasariro. Since she was with her back to Hamyuts, she couldn’t see her expression.

“Olivia… what are you thinking about?”

She mumbled and brought the stale champagne to her lips.

May 1926

Hamyuts came to know of Kachua’s plot ten years ago. Ever since then and until the day of the Deep Blue Curse Rebellion Hamyuts enjoyed waiting. She enjoyed thinking of what kind of traps he would set for her and how she would do against them.

Then, the joys of waiting ended. With Kachua’s death the rebellion ended. The Indulging God Cult attacked Hamyuts three times, but they were unable to take her down.

However, even during those dejected days there was still hope – the existence of Olivia.

Mattalast once told her the following about Olivia.

“No matter how she managed to escape from you, there’s no way she can oppose us. You’re overthinking this.”

And Yuri said the following.

“It is a pity, but we can only wait until Olivia-san’s demise. After that we can only pray that no one will know of the secret and that we will not receive any needless damage.”

Hamyuts was thinking. If she used her common sense, that woman was a trivial enemy. She would be killed by the Armed Librarians and that’s it.

However, she managed to run away and she kept living even now. As long as she was alive, that woman would definitely do something.

Although Hamyuts never even spoke to her, she believed in Olivia. She was the woman who led the Indulging God Cult to destruction. She was the woman who managed to run away from her. She was a woman who kept on living no matter how many times people have tried to kill her.

She would definitely be able to accomplish something.

However, once again Hamyuts’s expectations were betrayed.

Olivia surrendered to Mattalast and begged for her life. She never revealed Volken’s innocence or spoke about the existence of Vend Ruga. In order to keep living, she became as obedient as a dog to Mattalast.


Hamyuts muttered.

“Have I been betrayed again?”

It was the second day after Olivia had been confined by Mattalast. Hamyuts showed up at Mattalast’s house.

He had left in order to meet up with Yukizona. Using that chance, Hamyuts entered the house.

“Nice to meet you, Olivia. We’ve spoken a couple of times when you were Renas, but this is my first time meeting you.”

At the time Olivia was sitting on a couch and reading a book. Seeing Hamyuts, she dropped the book and her body became stiff. It was obvious: there was no way Hamyuts wouldn’t frighten her. Still she believed that Olivia would be able to fight even while afraid of her.

“…Y-yeah. What do you want?”

“It’s not really that I want anything of you… I just wonder if I should kill you.”

She rose from the sofa and stepped back.

“Keep it a secret from Matt. Because if I kill you of my own accord he’ll get mad.”

She said and approached Olivia. She grabbed both of her shoulders and sat her on the sofa.

“Why would you kill me? I cooperated with you. I’ve concealed the truth about Volken and about Vend Ruga…”

“Do you think I wanted any of that?”

Just looking at her eyes, Olivia gulped. Hamyuts could feel her shaking in fear from her shoulders.

“You see, I had some expectations that you would do something. I expected that you would challenge me and perhaps be able to kill me.”

“…What do you mean?”

She brought her face closer to Olivia’s. It was much like the distance between lovers.

“I don’t need any subservient people. I’m the Acting Director of Bantorra Library. I’m the representative of a God. There are plenty of people who will obey me.”

“I can’t understand what you’re saying.”

“I want you to rebel. I want you to resist. Will you not do so anymore? Should I make you want to do that?”

Hamyuts poked Olivia’s face with her fingernails.

“I want to be killed by you, Olivia.”

The moment she said this, Olivia’s body suddenly stopped shaking.

“To be killed? …What? You’re a strange woman, saying you want to be killed…”

Hamyuts felt something abnormal. Olivia started laughing loudly.

“Huh, so you were that kinda woman. I had no idea. We’ve had a deep connection but when I think about it this is the first time we’ve met.”

“Oh my.”

Hamyuts’s eyes widened.

“Your face’s been too close for a while now. It creeps me out so back off.”

She pushed Hamyuts’s face. Olivia sat on the sofa again and crossed her legs. Hamyuts also sat down on the sofa across her.

“You want me to resist? Then it makes it easy. There’s no need to hide it.”

“So you’re planning to rebel?”


Hamyuts couldn’t believe her so suddenly. What could she – currently being confined by Mattalast and about to lose her memories by the water of Argax – plan to do?

“So you doubt me… Don’t make light of me. This is all according to plan.”

“Being caught by Mattalast?”

“Yes. That fool Mattalast’s going to bring me the water of Argax just as planned.”

“What are you planning to do by drinking the water of Argax?”

“No one is stupid enough to reveal their cards to their enemy.”

“Well, but still.”

Hamyuts shrugged.

“Then what will you do, Hamyuts? Are you going to kill the rebel?”

“What should I do, I wonder? This might all be just lip service.”

“I’d be thankful for you to think so.”

Hamyuts and Olivia smiled at each other. It was a bizarre sight.

“So what will you do from now? Do you think you can beat me?”

Olivia replied with a bold smile.

“I can’t reveal my hand. Oh well. I’ll answer a bit in kindness.”

Her index finger was pointed at Hamyuts’s chest.

“First of all, my target isn’t just you. I won’t be satisfied just taking the life of the Acting Director.”

“Seems pretty big.”

“And also. My victory is close by. It’s about 80%… no, 90% decided already.”

Olivia made an even deeper smile.

“This is some wonderful news.”

Hamyuts didn’t have the slightest idea what Olivia was thinking about. Therefore, her victory will not waver. As long as she doesn’t know how Olivia was planning to fight, she should have no chances of victory.

“I’m happy, it’s good I came here. It’s good I didn’t give up to my short temper and killed you.”

“I know right? So go back. If Matt comes back he’ll be angry at you.”

Hamyuts left the apartment. She came across Mirepoc near it.

“Hey, Mirepo. Today’s weather is so good. I feel great.”

Mirepoc tilted her head.

“Is something the matter, Director?”

Seeing Hamyuts so pleased worried her. While Mirepoc was puzzled and looked back countless of times, she entered Mattalast’s apartment.

Present – December 28, 1926

Seven months passed since then.

Hamyuts didn’t tell anyone that she had talked to Olivia. Not even to Mattalast. If she did, he would probably kill her. That would be too boring to her. During the last seven months, Hamyuts dedicated herself to watching from the side.

Until the very day she was invited to this party, Hamyuts kept thinking. She was still unable to grasp any clues about Olivia’s “already decided victory”.

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