Tatakau Shisho

Volume 8, 3: The Duty of the Proud Slaves – Part 3

Volume 8, Chapter 3: The Duty of the Proud Slaves – Part?3

Yukizona touched another Book. It was the same ancient world as in that man’s Book. This time it was the Book of a woman.

She went on a journey to search for her lost husband. She missed him. She wanted to see him again even only once. She just wanted to see him; she kept journeying while thinking this.

Her journey didn’t end even when she found out about her husband’s death. Her wish was to be at his side. She wanted to live the rest of her life with his Book. Wishing just for this, she dove into the mines.

The mines were like living hell. The scary Armed Librarians mercilessly whipped and enslaved the miners. The corpses of those who became sick from harsh labor were piled next to the mine. The mountain of bodies grew larger by the day.

During all that, the woman merely kept working with her wish to meet her husband.



She was finally able to excavate her husband. However, the Book was taken before she could even lay a single finger on it. She begged for them to let her have a glance, to let her read it even once, but they rejected it. She shouted, rampaged and was restrained.

“Shut up!”

An Armed Librarian whipped her hard. Since she was an ordinary person her body became covered in blood and pieces of her meat scattered.

“It’s my Book! That person’s Book! It’s mine!”

She yelled. The Armed Librarian swung his whip down with scorn.

“You idiot! As if there’s something like ‘your Book’ in this world!”

She was struck again and again and again. Poison entered her body from the wounds and she died with agony. She asked to read her husband’s Book until the very end.

Having finished reading the Book, Yukizona shook with anger. It wasn’t simply an inexcusable act of brutality; they also unashamedly called themselves Armed Librarians.

“Yukizona. These are the real Armed Librarians. Their way of doing things was different, but the things they were doing were the same.”

Hamyuts said.


Yukizona murmured while tightly grasping the bookshelf. Hamyuts sighed.

“If you won’t agree it’s quite troublesome. Since Mokkania is like that, and Bonbo is useless, and Kyasariro or Marfa don’t have enough power…”

Hamyuts was already starting to think of her next plan.

Yukizona then touched another Book.

It was later than the previous two Books. It was from the period when the Armed Librarians had been reborn as protectors of peace. He felt no anger at this Book. They were fulfilling their duties as defenders of the populace.

It was the Book of an Armed Librarian – a person second in place to the Acting Director.

“Bantorra Library Director Ruruta-sama.”

He and the Acting Director of the time knelt in front of the tree. The Acting Director was next to the tree and the other man behind it.

“We present to you chosen Books from the world that you own. Please accept them.”

The Acting Director held several Books. He brought them closer to the tree in order. As they got close to it, the Books started breaking apart and disappeared.

He touched the final Book. Both the Acting Director and the man behind him tensed.

“This is the last Book.”

Saying so, the Acting Director brought the Book closer.

Now, the other man thought.

The next moment, the Book was turned into a short sword. It was only about as long as a middle finger and had the appearance of a caterpillar. It was one of the Memorial Weapons, the Ever-Crying Magic Blade Acharai. He had located it in order to destroy Heaven.

He made the Magic Blade appear to be a Book using his Magic.

The Acting Director thrust out the Ever-Crying Magic Blade. His speed was not inferior to Mattalast or Hamyuts. It was supposed to be the perfect formation to destroy Ruruta.

However, nothing happened. The Acting Director who held the short sword was stuck in place with it pointed ahead. He failed. The moment he was ready to die, he heard a voice inside his head.

‘Offer up the Acting Director’s Book.’

The one speaking was Ruruta.

‘That fool is now inside my dream. A dream where he destroyed me and became a hero. He is probably enveloped in happiness inside that dream right now.’

The Acting Director’s head fell down like a wilted camellia flower. The other man trembled while being showered in the Acting Director’s spurting blood.

His feet wouldn’t move.

‘Let us forgive your foolish act. But there will not be a next time.’

No sooner had he heard these words than he bowed down. He cried, wailed and apologized while wetting himself. He could do nothing else to escape his fear.

‘You’re telling me to forgive you, huh. You are a foolish human. I also have people who are useful and those who are useless. You have the duty to deliver his Book to me. Therefore I need you.’

Just as he was told, he offered up the Acting Director’s Book.

And even after this, he kept living as an Armed Librarian. And he said the following to the next Acting Director, repeating it again and again:

You must never go against Ruruta. No matter what happens, do not go against him.

If another rebel appears, kill them. If anyone seems like they would rebel kill them as well.

Yukizona read yet another Book.

It was a somewhat new Book. The Acting Director from 500 years ago was a great Magic researcher as well as warrior.

He and his comrades used the Spinning Doll ückück in an attempt to destroy Heaven. They gathered in one corner of the Sealed Labyrinth, sitting around it.

What they wanted was pure destructive power – pure power to surpass Ruruta. They believed that it wasn’t impossible.

A pebble containing mineral matter was placed in front of the crouching Spinning Doll. The precious metal inside that pebble became the origin of their Magic.

The Acting Director recited the chant.

“A certain weight possesses the exponentiation of the speed of light, and will turn weight itself into power. Bend space, unfix time, and basing yourself on the principle of relativity, grant power into our Spinning Doll.”

They were executing the biggest taboo in the history of Magic. Later, the people who feared this much too excessive force and killing power made another Spinning Doll to activate a Magic that would impose that forbidden technique to never be used again.

This forbidden technique brought forth a pure, overwhelming destructive power. Controlling it was impossible all along. Ruruta, us fools and the entirety of Bantorra Library will all be erased. But I don’t mind that, thought the Acting Director.

The era was just after the Ever-Laughing Witch Shiron had scattered the seeds of disaster. All around the world innocent people lost their lives to Dragon Pneumonia.

The Acting Director was tortured by his feelings of self-reproach; the sin of his inability to stop Shiron and Wyzaf. He was probably trying to atone for it by at least taking Ruruta along with him.

“Spinning Doll, activate.”

In accordance to his voice the Spinning Doll began dancing. Immediately afterward, ückück’s head fell off.

And at the next moment they could all hear a voice coming from afar.

‘I have told you this again, and again and again.’

We weren’t supposed to be noticed by Ruruta until after we had activated it… Ruruta used his own power to drown out the Spinning Doll’s.

‘It is my intention for this world to exist. The world exists because I need it to.’

An arrow of light came flying from far away. One of the men sitting in the circle was pierced by it.

Penetrated by the light arrow, his body rapidly swelled and burst apart.

‘Perhaps you were all thinking that everything would be settled with your death. I must act in order to correct that misunderstanding.’

They could hear explosive sounds from the Library overhead. Even from this deep in the Labyrinth.

‘You might still not understand by me killing just several hundreds of people. So listen. How many sacrifices will be required until you do? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Or will you not understand until I kill seventy percent of the world?’

The Acting Director’s expression was already a step before complete insanity. He was unable to stop Shiron, couldn’t defeat Ruruta, and caused many other innocent people to die.

‘Well then, can you understand?’

“…We… understand.”


“That no matter what we do it’s useless.”

‘Indeed. Bring me the Books of happy people. Attempting anything else would be meaningless.’

The Acting Director slowly brought his hands to his neck. He tightened his grip until he broke his neck with a snap.

Ruruta announced further.

‘If you understand I will pardon you. All so you can live in this world.’

Unable to look anymore, Yukizona released his fingers.

‘No matter what we do it’s useless’.

Yukizona felt as if he could hear these words beyond space and time.

It was not an illusion: Ruruta sought the understanding of all Acting Directors and all humans.

The world was his possession. He told them to understand that fact.

“Are you able to accept it?”

Hamyuts said in a tone without any expectations. Yuri averted her gaze from Yukizona. They were probably both thinking that he would refuse.

He certainly thought of doing so at first.

“Accepting it due to half-hearted feelings such as due to there being no other alternatives won’t be good at all. If you’re going to accept it you have to accomplish your duty even in exchange for your life.”

Hamyuts said.

“Brother. There is no need to think about this. Let us refuse and leave Bantorra Library. We are being made fools of.”

Yuri said. Yukizona kept silently staring at the tree and thinking.


How long was he hesitating? Yukizona spoke somewhat quietly yet with a firm will.

“I will accept it. I will serve Ruruta Coozancoona and bring him Books of happiness.”

The one to be surprised was not only Yuri. Hamyuts also seemed to give up on making him accept it.

“…Doesn’t seem like it’s on a whim.”


“Do you understand? If you become the Acting Director, you will have to carry about evil deeds.”

“I realize that. Even so, I accept.”

“Brother, will you not reconsider?”

Yuri pulled on his sleeves in an attempt to stop him. However, Yukizona didn’t change his thinking.

“But why, brother?”

“Yuri. It’s to protect the people of the world.”


Ignoring her confusion, Yukizona began to talk. He spoke towards the silent tree.

“Ruruta Coozancoona. Do not misunderstand.

I do understand that one cannot win against you and that we have no choice but bring Books to you. But I will not swear my loyalty to you.

My duty is to protect the people of the world. I will become the Acting Director to protect the people from you.

As long as I’m here, I won’t let you kill anyone. Absolutely.”

The tree’s branches swayed.

“Ruruta Coozancoona. Don’t think you can control even people’s hearts.”

Yukizona stared at the tree. It showed no other response other than swaying its branches. What was it thinking? Or was it not thinking at all? He couldn’t tell.

Four years later, Yukizona ran ahead to fulfill his duty. He wanted to protect the people of the world against Ruruta who has started his move.

Yukizona passed through the Fourth Sealed Archive and entered the Third Sealed Labyrinth. Starting there the Labyrinth became complex; it would take about a third of the whole distance to pass through. Yukizona wondered if Ruruta was still inside the Second Sealed Archive. Or did he already move aiming for the surface?

“Seems like there are no Beasts of the Final Chapter here.”

Yuri spoke at his back.


“But why did Ruruta make his move?”

Yuri said. Yukizona wondered the same.

There was no way Ruruta couldn’t tell how the Armed Librarians were currently organized. Inviting their collapse shouldn’t be a good plan to him.

“…Can’t be… is it because of Kachua?”

Had Ruruta chosen not the Armed Librarians but Kachua’s Indulging God Cult? Perhaps they were able to bring him happiness more efficiently.

There certainly was the possibility of Ruruta thinking so. But in that case it wouldn’t explain why it took him over a year since Kachua’s death to act.

He was neutral, or perhaps indifferent to the fight between Kachua and the Armed Librarians. He had no reason to act now.

“Maybe this was something caused by Yanku or Kyasariro?”

Yukizona spoke to Yuri behind him. They had already crushed the sprouts of rebellion just two weeks ago. Perhaps Ruruta was acting to eliminate all those rebels.

“That is not possible. For Ruruta to make such a move because of these children…”

Yuri denied. That rebellion was crushed long before it even reached Ruruta. It didn’t inflict any damage to him.

“No, I don’t know.”

But Yukizona was still thinking. Weren’t Yanku and Kyasariro decoys? Wasn’t the real enemy lurking in their shadows?

It was only a hunch, but it hit the mark. Behind Olivia there was also Enlike.

A rebel has appeared and in response to that Ruruta began his move. Yukizona became convinced of that. If so, what should he do? How could he quell Ruruta’s anger and protect Bantorra Library?


He clicked his tongue. The Armed Librarians were originally an organization that existed for Ruruta’s sake. And now he had to protect it from Ruruta’s hands…

That hated Ruruta. He simply kept exploiting them without producing anything. He left even the method of squeezing out what he wanted to the people under his control.

He was an unreasonable being that couldn’t even be called a tyrant. Yukizona felt anger that such a being existed in this world.

“Brother, what are you going to do?”

“It depends on Ruruta. Try to think as well.”


Yukizona couldn’t think of any way to quell Yukizona’s anger, but considered trying to offer up his life to calm him.

At that moment, Yukizona’s feet stopped. Although nothing was there at the depth of the Labyrinth, he could feel a large being.

Yukizona turned on his heels.

“Let’s go back to the Fourth Sealed Archive’s entrance.”

“What is the matter?”

“Ruruta’s approaching.”

Yuri also noticed some presence coming from the underground. She gulped tensely.

They both returned to the front of the Fourth Sealed Archive. No matter which path of the Labyrinth he chose, to come to the surface he would definitely have to pass through there. As long as they’re here, they could avoid a stupid mistake such as missing each other on the way.

Yukizona released the maximal amount of Decay Wave he could muster and spread it around. It was an improvised barrier that would stop anything that tries to cross it.

He wasn’t thinking of fighting Ruruta; he just wanted to talk. But even so, he wanted to create the bare minimum of defense.

The pair quietly waited for Ruruta.

‘Yukizona Hamlow, huh?’

After a while, a voice echoed inside his head. It was Thought Sharing. It didn’t belong to Mirepoc. He already knew that even Ruruta Coozancoona could use that ability.

‘Why did you come here?’

“I have something to ask of you, Ruruta Coozancoona.”

Yukizona replied not in his thoughts, but using words. Ruruta had not only Thought Sharing but also super perceptive abilities. He should be able to hear him.

“Why have you caused the Beasts of the Final Chapter to move? The Armed Librarians will be destroyed if it keeps like that.”

‘Yes. I have no need for them anymore.’

A chill passed through Yukizona’s back. But he couldn’t be scared. No matter what happened he had to persuade Ruruta and protect the Armed Librarians.

“Is there anything to be dissatisfied about in our duty? We have managed the Books and sent all those containing happiness to you. Minth began working as the new Overseer of Paradise. We should be able to keep providing you with the Books of happy people.

You shouldn’t have any problems with that.”


A faint laugh was transmitted through the Thought Sharing.

The sense of intimidation gradually increased. Ruruta was approaching. Yuri was shivering behind Yukizona.

It was simply frightening. A normal person who would stand in front of Ruruta would probably not feel so scared, but Yukizona was one of the world’s strongest warriors. His fighting strength, the foundation for his confidence, lacked any meaning against this opponent. So he couldn’t help but feel fear.

‘Yukizona. There is no need to be scared. Calm down.’

Ruruta sent a strangely gentle thought. Having endured his fear, Yukizona forgot the current situation and became relieved.

‘You have all worked well. I have nothing to criticize about you two as well as Minth Chezine.’

“…! Then why?!”

Perhaps it would have been easier had he pointed out their errors. Making up for his blunders was fine.

Yet Ruruta was trying to destroy the Armed Librarian despite denying any dissatisfaction with their actions. Yukizona couldn’t understand what this meant.

‘Relax. Fighting is meaningless.’

Yukizona then shouted without thinking.

“Wait, Ruruta. Were there any other rebels?! Are you blaming us for not stopping another rebellion?”

‘By a rebel, do you mean Enlike Bishile?’

So as he thought there was a mastermind behind Olivia. If it was Enlike Bishile, he could understand the rebellion he was planning.

“I’ll go crush the rebel right away. Then you should have no problems, right?”

Yukizona said. However, he received a response beyond his expectations.

‘There’s also him, but it’s a trifle.’

He simply couldn’t understand. Then why was Ruruta trying to destroy the Armed Librarians?

At that moment he could hear a voice. It wasn’t Thought Sharing; it came from a few dozen meters ahead of Yukizona.

“Let us stop, Yukizona.”

It was a high, clear voice. It was neither feminine nor masculine but an androgynous tone.

“Stop fighting or else die.”

Yukizona shouted and released his Decay Wave. The stone making up the Labyrinth collapsed and became sand. He knew that his attack on Ruruta was going to be fatal, yet he still couldn’t stop from attacking.

Dust began rising from the collapsed Labyrinth. Yukizona searched for Yuri’s figure inside it. There was no time to confirm her safety when he had shot the first attack.


He could hear something collapsing inside the dust – the voice of a human collapsing. The only people there were Yukizona, Yuri and Ruruta.

And this meant…

“Yukizona. Do you still cling to power?”

The voice he could hear from upfront was Ruruta’s. Meaning the one who collapsed just now…

“How sad. Fighting to protect and becoming stronger to fight… all that even though there is no need for power if you don’t want to hurt your loved ones.”

Ruruta’s voice didn’t reach Yukizona’s ears. His eyes were directed at his back. At Yuri who was lying there collapsed.


She had no visible injuries. Yet she didn’t respond even when he called to her.

He was supposed to be prepared for this time to come. At the time he took her here, or perhaps even when she became an Armed Librarian. He was supposed to be prepared for the moment Yuri would die and leave him behind.

However, all of his resolve was powerless in front of reality.


Yukizona shouted. He forgot even his duty as an Armed Librarian at that time.

He charged at Ruruta.

He wrapped both hands with his condensed Decay Wave. He unleashed it ahead at the vaguely visible figure on the other side of the dust. He managed to directly land a strike with the Decay Wave on his hands.

Yukizona’s hand touched something, but he couldn’t feel his Decay Wave destroying the enemy’s body. He could only feel the coldness of bare skin. His strongest attack was easily nullified and it ended with him just touching Ruruta.

In front of his eyes was the face of Ruruta Coozancoona. Yukizona saw his face for the first time. The next moment, a hand hit his forehead and his vision was blocked.

“…What are you… trying to do… Ruruta? What are you trying to accomplish by destroying the Armed Librarians?”

He asked facing his own death. Ruruta answered sadly.

“I will destroy the world.”

Yukizona’s vision instantly blacked-out.

Yukizona had naturally anticipated death, but he appeared to be wrong. He could feel peace and comfort as if he were asleep.

His vision was fading and his sensations were being deprived. And yet his head was clear.

He could feel a change taking place in his mind.

He lived for a long time with his duty as an Armed Librarian in his heart. Yet this sense of duty was disappearing. He started not caring about the Armed Librarians at all.

Ruruta said that he will destroy the world. He was supposed to have protected this world no matter what. Yet that feeling was also disappearing.

Even natural feelings like not wanting to die or wanting to continue living were gone.

Dying or living, fighting or protecting, all of those didn’t matter. They were irrelevant. They had nothing to do with him.

He was slightly sad at his loss and his inability to fulfill his duty. But even that sadness was disappearing.

With all of his aspirations vanishing, Yukizona was becoming increasingly calm.

“I don’t want to let you die in agony. This is my only gift for all of you who have worked for a long time.”

He could hear Ruruta muttering above his head.

“The Power of the Tearless Ending. If I were to give it a name, I would go with that.”

Why will you destroy the world? Yukizona could faintly feel this question rising. But it also ended up not mattering to him.

He closed his eyes.

His final consideration was of Yuri.

He wanted her to not die in agony but peacefully just as he was about to do. Thinking only this at last, Yukizona’s consciousness faded into the tranquil darkness.

The Labyrinth was still covered in dust. Ruruta was standing alone inside it. Yukizona’s body was lying at his feet. He didn’t die, but he also wasn’t living. He fell into a peaceful ending.

Not far from him was Yuri. She was also sleeping peacefully.

Ruruta murmured while overlooking both of them.

“How strange. I thought of the Armed Librarians as an incompetent organization for two thousand years.

But now that I decided on destroying them, I realized… they have done well. For me, as well as for the people of the world.”

Ruruta looked upwards.

“Even this world, which I have always thought of as foolish, became dear to me.

I now recall that I’m also a human being.”

Ruruta moved his finger. Yuri’s body floated up in air and gently landed next to Yukizona. The pair of brother and sister was now sleeping snuggled up together.

“It’s cold here. Please keep warm.”

Saying so, he moved his thin fingers. The fuzz of a white bird suddenly appeared midair. The feathers started falling and enveloped Yukizona and Yuri.

“Relax even in the small while remaining until death…”

Saying so, Ruruta began walking again.

“Now then, let us destroy it… this foolish world.”

A notice from Ruruta was written atop the desks at Hamyuts’s Acting Director’s Office as well as Minth’s headquarters of the Indulging God Cult. It stated a brief reason for the destruction of the world.

“I grew tired of it all. Both of the long days of continuous waiting as well as of everyone who lives in the world”

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