Chapter 468: This Is…300!

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The main function of mastery on the battlefield was to inflict damage. In addition, Battle Wolf was renowned for its group mastery techniques that could cause significant damage to a large mass of Zergs in a blink. To maximize the group mastery's damage output, the head mastery fighter was the key. Of all the leaders of local militia groups, Guan Dongyang's mastery level was the highest, and therefore, Battle Wolf's group mastery was the deadliest.

Wang Tong didn't speak a word. He conceded that he had escaped the world for too long, and it was time for him to return.

As Wang Tong absorbed himself in his reflections, time seemed to have turned back to five years ago when Patroclus merged his body with the Zerg. The Zerg that joined with Patroclus was a special one, one of the two strongest Zerg warlords, the other one being the Dark Lord Moye.

Even before the merger, Patroclus' power was already above Wang Tong's. After the merger had completed, Wang Tong was defeated by Patroclus with ease. Zhou Sisi's sudden death had devastated Wang Tong so much that he could barely continue the fight; it was the final nail on the coffin. Eventually, Mr. Wannabe was forced to use his soul essence the second time to save Wang Tong and make a close escape.

The five years following that event was the most brutal tragic that humans had ever experienced since the first homo-sapien walked on hind legs. Three hundred years ago, another catastrophe of similar magnitude was on its course heading toward the human world, but came to a jarring halt in its track due to the might of the Blade Warrior. Three hundred years later, the humans had forgotten about what had led to the crisis three hundred years ago, and let their selfishness consume them once again. This inability to learn from their past was what spurred Patroclus to seek an alliance with the Zergs, in order to create a better race.

At times, even Wang Tong found himself agreeing with some aspects of Patroclus' view. However, Wang Tong could not stand the Ivantian's betrayal. Plus, Patroclus had to kill Zhou Sisi; blood for blood, it was a crime that could not be forgiven. Wang Tong had sworn to avenge Zhou Sisi and destroy what Patroclus had built up over the years.

Five years ago, Wang Tong had failed to prevent the seminal disaster that ushered in the age of bloodshed. Over the five years, Wang Tong had been using every awakened minute on training and recovering. He knew that he was racing against time, but he had to be patient. The world relied on him, and so did the trillions of lives in it. Without gaining power and strength, Wang Tong's return would only trigger another bloodshed and reveal his whereabouts.

Wang Tong was painfully aware that Mr. Wannabe would disappear forever after one more use of soul essence, and therefore, he could not afford to count on his help any longer. In the last five years, Wang Tong was absorbed in his cultivation, and he was able to unlock the third dimension of the crystal space: the Mastery dimension. Excited about gaining access to a training ground to practice Mastery more efficiently, Wang Tong plunged himself into the crystal. It wasn't long before he saw the flickering image of the Blade Warrior emerge out of the illusory space. The apparition said something to Wang Tong that had completely devastated the boy. Li Feng's image eventually faded away amidst Wang Tong's outburst of fury.


Duo Lun was dealt a blow and staggered back.

"Haha! Duo Lun, what did I tell you about relying too much on soul energy?"

"Balls, Castro! You are two levels above me. Whatever I do will be useless against you!" Lu Duo picked himself up and lamented.

"Haha! Then go on, keep focusing on your soul energy if you don't want to listen to me." Castro said with a bright smile.

"If your counterattack comes a little sooner, you might be able to defend against Castro's attack." A voice came from a corner of the training ground.

Both Duo Lun and Castro turned their heads toward the corner and were surprised to find out that it was Wang Tong. "Furface, it's not funny. I should have left you outside the camp!"

"Ah-Ha! The newcomer! You have something to show me? Come at me, bro! Do you want to taste my fist? Come on! We are the Battle Wolf; we kill bugs for breakfast. Don't be a coward!" Castro shouted as he brandished the blade.

Seeing that Wang Tong didn't reply, Castro was determined to ply a valuable lesson for this new member of the team. "When we are out there, we will have to face Zergs that outnumber us ten to one. Are you sure you can handle it? Come, let me show you a thing or two. Have you heard the old movie called '300'?"

At the promise of learning combat moves out of a fantasy movie, Wang Tong facepalmed in his mind. From the bits and pieces of information he had gathered so far, he wagered that the strength of the Zerg Army had improved by leaps and bounds. Their battle plan was no longer the simple and mindless swarm tactics. Instead, they had grown more calculative and strategic. As a result, human soldiers were no longer able to hold tens of thousands of Zergs with only 300 METAL warriors like the movie had portrayed.

"You are in luck, Wang Tong. Let Castro teach you a couple of moves so you will have a chance out there."

Wang Tong waved away the invitation; he didn't want any trouble. After all, his role right then was a mechanic's, not a METAL warrior.

Duo Lun stepped aside to take a rest; however, he couldn't forget about Wang Tong's advice.

"Hey Furface, what do you mean 'come a little sooner'? Come, show me!"

"What I meant is that if you block Castro's attack two seconds sooner so that your blade could slide two inches deeper, then you would be able to resolve Castro's attack. Like this! Once he is interrupted, the momentum will carry him to the side, and then you can sneak in a sweeping kick. Castro is strong in his upper body, but his balance is far from perfect." Wang Tong explained with a smile.

"Wang Tong, are you there? We need your help here."

"OK, be right there!" Wang Tong stormed out of the training ground and left Duo Lun by himself to ponder over the suggestions.

When Wang Tong arrived at the shop, he was given a METAL suit to repair.

"Wang Tong, would you please take a look at this METAL? It has some minor glitches from time to time. Better take care of it now before using them out there." The soldier said as he shuffled his feet on the ground nervously. Wang Tong was his last hope in getting this suit fixed. After the Zergs destroyed the major METAL production lines, the production was forced to transfer to smaller and less advanced plants. Therefore, the quality of METAL suits had fallen significantly. The only METAL production plants still operating on Mars were under House Lie's control, and even they had very limited production capacities. The scarcity of METAL suits spurred human soldiers to strip METAL parts from hybrid Zergs, particularly the most valuable part of the METAL: the energy crystals.

Wang Tong scanned the piece of METAL in his hand with his soul energy and nodded. The soldier had kept the METAL in pristine condition; there were no significant defects in this age-old suit except for some normal wear and tear.

"No problem, I will tune it up for you."

"Thank you, Fur... Mr. Wang Tong." The young soldier's face lit up with glee as soon as he heard that Wang Tong could fix his METAL for him. He didn't walk away; instead, he wanted to watch Wang Tong working.

Wang Tong didn't mind the observer. He channeled a trickle of soul energy into the METAL suit, found the hairline crack in the energy crystal, and surgically fused the crack by precisely maneuvering the solder gun. In the end, he sent a burst of energy into the crystal, and the latter immediately lit up with iridescent light.

Wang Tong handed the METAL back to the young soldier. The soldier studied the shiny new METAL suit with disbelief. Wang Tong had given it a new life, and the final boost of energy made it even more effective in protecting the wearer than what it was designed for. It was not a repair; it was an upgrade!

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