Chapter 538: Dominance

The rankers reorganized themselves into a proper battle formation after PinkLotus’s first attack took 25 of them out.

“Shields up!” a knight barked, his voice carrying above the tension in the air.


Listening to his command, the tanks immediately fell into position, forming a solid wall of shields.

Behind them, rogues and swordsmen crouched, ready to strike when the moment came, while mages at the rear prepared their spells.

“Now! Let’s mount the pressure, she’s just one individual and will crumple under our combined assault!” a rogue hissed, gripping his blades tight.

Without hesitation, a volley of arrows and magic surged toward PinkLotus. Fire, ice, and arcane energy lit up the battlefield, the force of their combined attack aimed directly at her body.

“Absolute Barrier” PinkLotus said, casting her most powerful defensive move, as although she was a swordsman by profession, she had obtained this legendary defensive move early into her career as a solo player.


A powerful green barrier enveloped her, shielding her from the incoming barrage of attacks, as despite dozens of arrows and spells coming her way, the barrier easily withstood it all.



The ground trembled with the energy of the ranker’s spells colliding against PinkLotus’s barrier, as the rankers were forced to grit their teeth in dismay watching their attacks being easily neutralized to nothing.

“She’s just standing there!” a swordsman growled, frustration creeping into his voice as his long distance sword slashes rebounded off the barrier harmlessly.

“The barrier she uses is strong, it’s just making us waste mana if we attack from range, let’s push closer!” A rogue said, as he called for the others to push forward.

“MARCH IN FORMATION” The knight said, as he led the entire contingent of frontline tankers to go forward slowly.

Meanwhile, another wave of spells and arrows slammed into the barrier, but PinkLotus barely moved.

The pressure was mounting as the rankers closed in on her location, and yet her defenses held, impenetrable and unwavering.

As time passed, the rankers grew more coordinated, sensing that if they could just sustain this assault, her barrier would break sooner or later, as they assumed that nobody could hold this assault forever.

More arrows flew, more spells were cast—flames flickered and lightning crackled in the air as the mages strained to keep the attack going.

“She has to have a limit!” a mage shouted, casting a powerful bolt of lightning that cracked across the field and struck her barrier.

The impact rippled across the shield, but once again, PinkLotus remained untouched.

The rankers exchanged tense glances, the sound of their attacks pounding against her defense the only noise in the battlefield.

However, with the rogues and swordsmen finally arriving within a twenty meter range of her, they finally started to break rank and charge towards her in a new frontal assault.

“She can’t stop all of us,” a rogue whispered under his breath, slipping into the shadows, trying to find an opening.

Yet, behind that barrier, PinkLotus’s eyes remained cold and calculating, as she watched and waited.

Her lips curled into a faint smile as she watched the rankers charge toward her, their eyes showing that they felt confident that their combined might would be enough to break through.

With a calm motion, she lowered her hand, and the green barrier that had shielded her so far vanished in an instant, dissipating into the air as if it had never existed.

The rogues, seeing the barrier down, thought their moment had come.

Darting forward with deadly precision, they closed the gap swiftly.

One of them, a veteran of countless battles, grinned as he flickered in and out of the shadows, aiming to strike her from behind.

But PinkLotus was already one step ahead.

[Sword Tempest], she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of their footsteps, as she had managed to lure them into the perfect trap.

In an instant, the air around her erupted into a storm of blades. Ethereal swords materialized from nowhere, spinning violently in a vortex of deadly steel.



The first rogue, mid-leap, was sliced clean through before he could even scream, his body torn apart by the whirlwind.

The other rogues and swordsmen froze in horror as the storm lashed out in every direction.

Their agile movements meant nothing in the face of such raw power, as one by one, they were caught in the tempest, their bodies shredded as the blades swept through them mercilessly.

“Fall back!” someone shouted from the rear, but it was already too late.

The storm claimed five more lives, their bodies crumpling to the ground as the swords continued their merciless dance.

As the tempest faded, the field was littered with the remains of those foolish enough to get too close.

Meanwhile, the tanks and knights who had been slowly advancing with shields raised, hoping to close the gap, were now within range of thevattack.

Seeing her barrier gone, they believed they had a chance, as with a coordinated shout, they surged forward.

But PinkLotus had already anticipated this move.

With a flick of her wrist, her sword appeared in her hand—sleek, sharp, and glowing with an otherworldly light.

[Divine Slash] she uttered, her tone unchanging, as if the battle was little more than an inconvenience.

She raised her blade, and a brilliant arc of light exploded from the sword which created a shockwave that tore through the front lines, and the tanks’ shields—built to withstand the mightiest blows—shattered like glass.

The knights behind them were thrown off their feet, armor twisted and crushed under the force of her attack.

Cries of pain and disbelief filled the air as bodies hit the ground, shields broken, and weapons scattered.

“Defend!” a knight groaned, trying to lift his battered shield, but PinkLotus gave them no reprieve.

Her eyes flashed dangerously as she stepped forward, her blade trailing light.

With fluid, almost effortless movements, she began cutting through the remaining front-liners.

Each strike of her blade being precise, lethal, and impossibly fast.

The rankers were in disarray now, their once-coordinated formation shattered.

Arrows from the backline mages and archers flew toward her in desperation, but PinkLotus sidestepped them with ease, her movements graceful and unhurried.

“She’s too strong!” one of the mages cried, his hands trembling as he attempted to cast another spell. But before he could finish, PinkLotus was already upon him. A single slash, and the mage crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

By now, the rankers understood: this was no ordinary opponent. She wasn’t just powerful—she was untouchable. Every attack they mounted fell short, and every strategy they tried crumbled in the face of her overwhelming strength.

“You thought you could win by numbers?” PinkLotus murmured softly, almost to herself. Her voice carried across the battlefield, chilling the hearts of those who still stood. “But none of you can reach me.”

With one final sweep of her sword, the last of the front-liners fell, and silence settled over the battlefield, broken only by the quiet hum of her blade as it returned to her sheath.

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