Chapter 545: Too easy

(Meanwhile on the global forums)

“Did you see that?! PurpleRock is down! I can’t believe it!”

“TheBoss didn’t even move! How did he do that?”

“Look, I know PurpleRock wasn’t the best, but he’s still a top 10 player… and TheBoss didn’t even flinch. This is terrifying.”

“Who else could fight him? There’s no one left who stands a chance.”

The global forums lit up with reactions, as hundreds of posts flooded in every second, discussing the shocking defeat of PurpleRock.

While the other rankers who had entered alongside PurpleRock cowered in fear, the rest of the player base watching live couldn’t believe their eyes.

“I always thought PurpleRock would at least get a few hits in… but no, nothing! Not even a chance!”

“This is why TheBoss is the best. He just wiped the floor with a top10 player without moving a muscle!”

“If this is what it means to be a Master, then the rest of the rankers are done for.”

“I feel bad for them, but man, it’s incredible to watch.”

Among the cheers and jeers, there were others who felt an overwhelming dread.

Even through the screen, the pressure of Leo’s presence—TheBoss’s presence—was palpable.

“They can’t win. They should just run now, honestly.”

“Those poor souls don’t even realize they’re already dead. The only reason they’re still standing is because TheBoss hasn’t decided to kill them yet.”

“This event is over, man. No one is taking down TheBoss. Not now, not ever.”

The camera panned back to Leo, his expressionless face still hidden behind the iconic virex corps mask.

The entire arc ship was watching as he stood still, his arms crossed, his posture completely relaxed.

He exuded an aura of power so overwhelming that even players outside the event could feel it. They weren’t even in the room with him, but they too felt the creeping sensation of fear inching up their spines.

At this moment it seemed like the whole world was ready to witness his slaughter.


(In the central event room)

Inside the central chamber, the tension among the remaining 76 rankers had escalated to a palpable level.

A few brave—or perhaps foolish—ones started to rally themselves, convincing each other that they could take Leo down together.

“There’s still so many of us! He’s just one man!”

“Yeah, but he’s TheBoss!”

“We outnumber him. If we hit him all at once, he can’t possibly kill us all before we land a strike.”

It was a flimsy plan, but in the face of overwhelming terror, hope was all they had.

However, what they didn’t realize was that Leo had already sized them up. In his mind, this fight was already over.

“Boring…. Since you won’t come, I will–” Leo said, as at that moment, without any warning, he vanished.

One moment he stood still, and the next, his body blurred into motion. A silver streak cutting through the air, as the first ranker screamed as a dagger embedded itself in his chest, followed by another thrown with such precision that it impaled a second ranker in the throat.



Before the other rankers could even process what had happened, Leo reappeared, his feet barely making a sound as he glided across the room. His movements were impossibly fast, like a shadow flickering in and out of existence.

Another ranker charged at him with a battle axe raised high, but Leo ducked under the swing with ease, his hand flashing out. In an instant, the man’s legs buckled as Leo’s dagger found its way into his heart.


[Player BarbaricRoar has been eliminated.]

Leo moved like a ghost, untouchable, unstoppable. Every time a ranker tried to attack, he was already gone, slipping through their defenses as if he could predict their every move.

Several rankers attempted to form a coordinated attack, launching spells, arrows, and melee strikes in his direction. But none of it mattered. Leo weaved through their assaults with the ease of a dancer, dodging arrows mid-flight, stepping through bursts of fire, and sidestepping sword strikes that came inches away from him.

With a flick of his wrist, three more daggers flew through the air, finding their targets with deadly accuracy. Screams echoed throughout the chamber as rankers fell, one after another, to his flawless precision.

“Too easy–” Leo muttered to himself, as although he always had faith in his own ability, even he himself never expected this attack to be this easy for him.

Nonetheless, in the midst of the chaos, a group of rankers managed to close the distance, hoping to overwhelm him in close combat. They came at him from all sides, thinking that perhaps in close-quarters, they stood a better chance.

But they were nothing but fools.

With a single twist of his body, Leo evaded a sword strike aimed at his head, grabbing the arm of the attacker and twisting it violently. The sickening crack of bone breaking echoed through the chamber as Leo disarmed the player and used the stolen sword to cut down another before kicking his original opponent into a third ranker, sending them both crashing into the floor.

He was faster than all of them combined and not just faster, but overwhelmingly stronger and smarter too.

Each movement was calculated, each strike deliberate. There was no wasted motion, no hesitation. He flowed from one kill to the next, effortlessly dodging attacks and countering with deadly precision. It wasn’t a fight—it was a massacre.

One by one, all the rankers fell to his relentless assault.

Blood splattered across the chamber floor as one after another the rankers made a desperate last stand, but they had no chance.

Leo’s daggers found their necks before they could even lock in on his position, as within 5 minutes, Leo managed to kill all 76 of his opponents, never having to use a single one of his special moves.

“That’s it?” Leo muttered, as after killing the last opponent, he found the new silence of the central chamber bothersome.

He had just started to warm up, and the fight was already over.

“I hope the next batch is better–” he said, sitting down cross legged in the room as he observed the carnage all around him.

He wasn’t proud. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t even satisfied.

This was just another task. Another victory and he found no reason to celebrate.

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