Chapter 701: I Quit!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xu Jing screamed, “What do you want!”

“I want to call the police. Don’t you see it?” Yu Lili spread her hands and looked innocent. “But the phone was hung up by you. Now I have to call them again. It is very inappropriate for you to do this.”

Xu Jing gritted her teeth. “Yu Lili!”

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Yu Lili smiled, but Xu Jing was so angry that she was shaking.

Xu Jing calmed down and took a deep breath. “Let’s resolve this in private. What do you want?”

Yu Lili sneered. “I don’t want anything, I just want to call the police and sue you of malicious fraud!”

“You don’t want to go too far! How much do you want, name it!”

Regarding her words, Yu Lili said, “As for other matters, for example, you spend working hours to trade stocks, force your colleagues to run your errands at work, and then force us to work overtime. Everyone knows about these. It’s just that you have blinded the management, so they don’t know it. Now the boss also knows about this. I don’t think he could agree with what you do here, right? Mr. Li?”

She was looking at the door behind Xu Jing.

Xu Jing heard that and was shocked. Turning around, her big boss Mr. Li was standing right behind her. His meaty face had an upset look on it.

Mr. Li walked in and looked at Xu Jing’s sweating face, roaring, “What is going on? Everyone is here. Don’t you have to do anything? Have you done your work?”

Yu Lili smelled strongly of ointment, and her wounds that had been oozing blood were quite eye-catching. Seeing her like this, the boss asked, “Yu, what happened?”

Yu Lili explained everything briefly but exaggerated when it came to what Xu Jing had done. On several occasions, Xu Jing wanted to cut in, but she wasn’t given the chance. Mr. Li also used his eyes to deter her, so Xu Jing could not say a word.

At the end of the story, Yu Lili’s mouth became dry. She shrugged and spread her hands, “If you don’t believe me, ask them. Everyone on the scene is my witness. Xu Jing’s ability to work is unquestionable, but her character should not be tolerated. Mr. Li, I advise you to consider switching her out. Didn’t you find that the staff replacement rate in this department is particularly high? That has everything to do with this woman. Because this woman is your wife’s cousin, no one dared to say it.”

Mr. Li heard that and became even more angry. “Work is work, relationship is relationship. Do you think that I promoted her because of nepotism?”

“Didn’t you?” Yu Lili once again spread her hands, looking helpless. Someone nudged her on the side, looking at her to speak less. However, Yu Lili laughed and said, “I don’t want to work here anymore anyway. I know that you won’t fire her. With such a person as my supervisor, I’m simply doomed. Mr. Li, I quit.” Yu Lili said this directly, and the people in the whole room were secretly cheering.

However, due to the presence of Xu Jing and the big boss, no one dared to be obvious.

Mr. Li’s face sank even more. When he was about to say something, Yu Lili said, “However, Xu Jing wants to defraud me. That is a fact. If you want to resolve this privately, I don’t want money and just want Xu Jing to apologize to me. Otherwise, I can only return the favor!”

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