Translated by: Rize

Edited by: Larkspur


AfterMu Yunjin pondered for a while, she glanced at Daoist Feng Xuan, and then atChu Li.

Although,in her heart, she was a hundred times unwilling to worship this Feng XuanDaoist as her shifu, his words just now revealed threats and information.

Furthermore,she had successfully effected the Black Lotus’ transformation. It was clearthat there was still hope of rescuing Rong Fei. Chu Li was looking forward tothis development, if she refused, it would be rather cruel.

Afterweighing things, Mu Yunjin bit her lip and stared at Daoist Feng Xuan,"How to formally become an apprentice to shifu?"

ChuLi looked at Mu Yunjin in surprise. He pursed his lips, his countenance profound,something inside his heart seemed to melt……

Afterhearing Mu Yunjin's words, Daoist Feng Xuan laughed wildly and felt relieved.

Thelittle girl who had been bossy and domineeringly whipped him earlier was goingto hail him as a shifu. It's satisfying, really satisfying…..

"I’mtelling you; you'd better make sure that you can really teach me how to breakthat formation and that it will really break after you have taught me theskills or I'll stab you!" Mu Yunjin stared at the old man who waslaughing wildly, and there was a warning in her eyes.

DaoistFeng Xuan stopped laughing, raising his eyebrows, he straightened his waist andsat upright.

"Comeon, give three kowtows, to venerate the shifu!"

Three kowtows...

MuYunjin’s face turned a little stiff. She had been a little unwilling to recognizethis old man as her shifu. This old man still wanted to have her kneel andknock her head three times. He was challenging her bottom line.

MuYunjin felt somewhat awkward as her line of sight went towards Chu Li.

AfterChu Li saw her pitiful expression, he was somewhat distressed. In fact, thematter about his mufei had nothing todo with Mu Yunjin. Having known her all this while, how could he not know howproud and arrogant a person she was

"Let'sgo." Chu Li looked down and told Mu Yunjin.

MuYunjin was dazed. She kind of doubted that she had heard it wrong. Afterconfirming that she’d heard correctly, she bit her lip and said, "Are yousure?"

"En."Chu Li nodded his head and his eyes were firm.

MuYunjin sighed slightly and suddenly felt that she was unreasonably affected. If the husband can submit or can stand tallas required, naturally, this woman also can!

Rightnow, before her, there was a way to live. Why would she give it up and leave?

Therefore,she turned around and knelt towards Daoist Feng Xuan and knocked her headheavily in succession.

"Shifu,please accept disciple’s obeisance..."

ChuLi was shocked by Mu Yunjin’s sudden action. His dark pupils were filled withcomplexity and surprise. His hands gradually clenched into fists. His eyes weredeep, his face grave and cold, but his heart was full of warmth that he did noteven notice.

Knowing such a woman, is it calledluck?

Afterthree consecutive knocks, Mu Yunjin stood up without waiting for Daoist FengXuan.

"Isthat all right?"

"Barelygood enough. Tomorrow, you will follow your shifu and learn the method of howto break the formation." Feng Xuan replied.

"Howlong will it take?" Mu Yunjin frowned.

DaoistFeng Xuan raised his eyebrows, "Look at your own power of understanding;if your comprehension is high, half a month, if your comprehension is poor,half a year is not enough!"


MuYunjin was left speechless and was too lazy to stay in the thatched hut. Shethrew a sentence, "I'll come to you this time tomorrow!"


Afterleaving the hut, Mu Yunjin jumped into the carriage, Chu Li followed her in andlooked at Mu Yunjin, his eyes had an unfathomable meaning.

"ThatDaoist Feng Xuan, is he very strong?" Mu Yunjin sorted her dusty clothesand asked.

"Heis Daoist Qiu Ye's shixiong. Together with Kong Shi and Qiu Ye they are equallyfamous in the whole world as the three great experts." Chu Li explained.

MuYunjin twitched her mouth, the world'sthree great experts....

So, did she really give in justnow?

Butno matter how one thinks, that old man doesn’t seem like a master of martialarts, otherwise how could he fall into this trap?

"It seems that I've made aprofit. It's good to follow the old man and learn something." Mu Yunjincomforted herself and felt well.

Seeingher so optimistic, Chu Li couldn't help reaching out and caressing the back ofher head. His movements were particularly gentle as he said, "I've wrongedyou."


Mu Yunjin's pupils slightlyenlarged; the gentle touch on the back of her head made her earlobe flush. Inthe past, Chu Li only spoke about work matters and did things coldly. Apparently,this was the first time she’d heard him talk gently.

ChuLi's words and actions made Mu Yunjin feel embarrassed. She looked down; hercheeks were scalding hot.

"It'sall right. I want to help you."

Seeing Mu Yunjin's awkward appearance, Chu Lismiled, like clouds of smoke.

"Your Highness, where should we gofirst?" Outside the carriage, Ding Xian's voice resounded.

"Lu Yin."

"Yes, Your Highness."

After a while, the carriage stopped.

"We're here." Chu Li pushed thecarriage's curtains aside to look outside.

Mu Yunjin nodded and steadily stepped out ofthe horse carriage. They stopped at the entrance of a restaurant called"Lu Yin", she looked around and felt that she was in the Shen YaoCity center. There were comings and goings on the streets, revealing theliveliness of the place.

As she gazed around, Mu Yunjin glanced at theside and saw a sign written in big words-- "Flower Moon House".

At this time, at the entrance gate of theFlower Moon House, there were orioles and swallows gathered together to attractvisitors. This place was headed by the person whom Chu Qingqiang had called LiNiang.

Mu Yunjin's eyes shone, she inwardly exclaimedthat this trip to Shen Yao City was really worth it!

"What's wrong?" Chu Li saw Mu Yunjinstanding motionless, he followed her line of sight and frowned slightly beforepulling her arm and taking her into Lu Yin Restaurant.

By the time Mu Yunjin recovered her wits, shehad already entered the Lu Yin Restaurant.

"Gongzi!"The waiter at the entrance of the restaurant saw Chu Li and immediately greetedhim and said, “Qu City Lord has been waiting for a long time on the secondfloor."

"En." Chu Li nodded indifferentlyand walked upstairs with Mu Yunjin.

AsMu Yunjin walked, she tugged Chu Li's arm, "Qu City Lord is QuXinyao?"

Chu Li looked down at the hand that waspulling his arm. He felt no aversion at all. He let Mu Yunjin pull him as henodded in reply.

In the private room on the second floor.

Mu Yunjin was walking right behind Chu Li, whenshe saw a woman in red sitting inside drinking tea, her hair tied high up, witha red jade 1on it; a beautiful and charming face, she exuded magnificence and grace.

I kind of imagine her like this when wearing a red buyao...

But imagine her wearing just one buyao..

Is she Qu Xinyao?

"I only heard that Liu Huangzi wascoming, but I didn't know that you'll take along a beautiful girl as a confidant."Qu Xinyao lowered her gaze and smiled, then looked at Mu Yunjin behind Chu Li.

ChuLi looked at Qu Xinyao faintly and approached a few steps. He took out abrocade box from his sleeve and put it in front of her.

"Hegave this to you."

Qu Xinyao glanced at the brocadebox. Her face, which was full of smiles, gradually turned dark. She looked atthe brocade box and remained motionless for a long time.

Mu Yunjin sat down at the side; she had beenbusy all morning. She was hungry and thirsty. Since she was unable to greet QuXinyao, she poured herself a glass of water.

In the process of drinking a cup of water, MuYunjin carefully looked at Qu Xinyao, this woman, her body permeated a traceof... Sinister aura.

Afterwards, Qu Xinyao slowly stretched out herhand. 'click'. She opened the brocade box, and after glimpsing thecontents, her expression dimmed.

Mu Yunjin also glanced at the brocade box.Inside the brocade box was an exquisite Plum Blossom White Jade hairpin, simpleyet elegant, fresh and clean.

Probably like this but instead of wood,

imagine it made with white jade

QuXinyao took off the red jade buyao on her hair bun and replaced it with thisplum blossom white jade hairpin. After wearing it, she turned her eyes to MuYunjin.

"Doesit look good?"

MuYunjin was stunned. For a moment, she did not respond. Then after a while, shenodded slowly. "It's looks really good."

Asher words dropped, she heard a sigh from Qu Xinyao, who seemed to laugh atherself.

"It's odd why he didn't send it to mepersonally..."

The private room was quiet for a while.

A moment later, Qu Xinyao took offthe plum blossom white jade hairpin, casually threw it into the brocade box andclosed it. Then, she threw the brocade box directly out of the window.

Mu Yunjin was somewhat baffled by this move.

"Letboth of you see a joke." Qu Xinyao slightly hooked her lips toward Chu Liand Mu Yunjin, her hands fiddling with the red jade buyao she had taken offearlier.

"Heknows I like garish and beautiful colors, but he sent me such a plain hairpin.He really doesn't care about me..."

"You've been squabbling with him for somany years?" Chu Li faintly opened his mouth to talk.

QuXinyao smiled lightly, and her eyes flashed a slight sneer.

"Isit not that I want to squabble with him? He just wants to be angry with me...XuHeyu is really a lump of wood*."

(*TL: She means that he is a blockhead. XD)

After that, Qu Xinyao got up and went out ofthe door of the room without even saying goodbye.

AfterQu Xinyao left, Mu Yunjin inwardly sighed, she was really an unusual woman,but nevertheless still strange...


Soon, after the meal was served.

MuYunjin took a bite of pork cutlet. After a few mouthfuls, she rememberedsomething.

"By the way, the old man said that hewould teach me how to break the formation for at least half a month to morethan half a year. Will I stay here for this period?"

"Stay for half a month." Chu Lireplied curtly.

Mu Yunjin nodded. As she saw the Flower Moonhouse outside, Chu Qingqiang's face appeared in her mind.

The wu gongzhu, who is very tired of living,just wait and see, I will unearth the secret behind the Flower Moon house.

After dinner, Mu Yunjin and Chu Li left the LuYin Restaurant.

Whenshe arrived at her guest room, Mu Yunjin who had just lied down immediatelyjumped up and slapped her head.

"Ialmost forgot. I bought a house here not long ago!"

Thinking of the houses that she had spent alot of money on, Mu Yunjin was a little excited and happy. She put on her shoesand went downstairs immediately.

On the way down the stairs, she happened tomeet Ding Xian.

"Huangzifei,where are you going?"

MuYunjin made a "shush" gesture, and whispered, "I'll just go outto have a stroll and come back in a moment, don't tell Chu Li."

Ding Xian nodded.

AfterMu Yunjin ran downstairs, she thought about the orientation of the house andasked the waiter at the entrance.

"Excuse me, is there a house named Qingfuon the west side of the city?"

Whenthe waiter heard the words, he thought about it before nodding, "Yes,Qingfu has been vacant for a long time. Recently, I heard that it wasbought."

"Howcan I get there?"

"Turnright, when you go out, and you'll see it at the end..."


1.A buyao (traditional Chinese: 步搖;simplified Chinese: 步摇;Wade–Giles: pu-yao) is a type of Chinese women's hair ornament. The jewelrydangles when the wearer walks, hence the name, which literally means"shake as you go". Here’s more info:

Buyao pics:


Hi guys,

Sorry for the delays, my schedule right now is very chaotic, I suddenly have too many things on my plate. Work suddenly came in full force after a long vacation and I even have to give up tutoring. Besides workloads, I still have to be somewhere with very weak network signal and no internet access every day for half a day at least... Being in business is more time consuming than being a regular employee but hey, I am not complaining lolz.

I will still translate but only in my FREE time which is kind of a rarity these past days, so please expect long intervals between updates. I know it's a little late for a heads up but this is my current situation.

Thanks for understanding and see you next post :-)


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