The Aloof Prince - Chapter 128: Floating Undercurrent

The next time, Mu Yunjin was sitting on the bed, with one hand resting on her knee, waiting until the people on the roof flew away, and then she lit the candles.

The candlelight lit up the room, and Mu Yunjin also lost her drowsiness. She was completely awake. She lay flat with her hands behind her head.

Sure enough, some people are getting excited and decided to make a move.



Early the next morning, when Mu Yunjin was dressed and walked out of the door, her dark circles under her eyes were almost down to her chin. She squinted her eyes, from the glare outside, walked to the gazebo in the garden, and sat down. Taking a nap.

Zixiang looked at the scene askance and couldn't help asking, "Miss, why don't you sleep on a soft couch? Why did you come here to sleep?"

"My room is a bit dirty, gather a few people and help me clean it inside and out." Mu Yunjin muttered.

Zixiang seemed to understand, she nodded, and immediately brought in a few young maidservants, and repeated the words of Mu Yunjin.

The little maidservants listened and ran away immediately to prepare.

Mu Yunjin yawned, leaning on a pillar, and kept her eyes closed.

"Miss, you didn't eat anything last night, will this slave go and bring you breakfast?" Zixiang asked.

Mu Yunjin shook her head and waved Zixiang away.

Zixiang no longer talked, went out of the gazebo and found a fan, then sitting on the railing of the gazebo, she helped fan Mu Yunjin.



When Chu Li entered the house, he saw that Shen Yun was busy in the front hall, and blurted out, "Where is Mu Yunjin?"

Shen Yun was surprised momentarily, she didn't expect Chu Li to return so early, so she said, "Princess isn't awake yet, Zixiang hasn't gone to the kitchen for breakfast. It seems that the princess didn't eat yesterday's dinner, and so she is probably tired."

Chu Li nodded faintly, and went inside.

When he walked to Liquan court, he saw Mu Yunjin's room door and windows were open, and there were several young girls coming in and out, mopping the floors and other furniture. Glancing in, he couldn't see Mu Yunjin's figure anywhere.

Ding Xian stood aside, looking from behind Chu Li, he rolled his eyes, and with a smile, ushered over a little maid standing at the door, "Where's the princess?"

The little maid glanced upon Chu Li, then lowered her eyes. "The princess ordered the slaves to clean up her room this morning. She should be in the gazebo in the garden at this time."

"Well, this cool summer has passed, but why are there larvae in the Princess's rooms?" A little maidservant came out with a broom and dustpan, and murmured in surprise.

When she went out and glimpsed Chu Li in the yard, she was frightened and immediately trot over to salute Chu Li.

"What bug did you say?" Chu Li asked.

The little maidservant shivered when she heard his cold indifferent tone, and then automatically pushed the dustpan in her hand forward, "It's these two little bugs, and the slave doesn't know what kind of insect it is."

Chu Li glanced over, looked at the two dead larvae in the dustpan, and with a dark expression quickly walked out of Liquan court.



Zixiang helped Mu Yunjin fan herself for a while, and wanted to help Mu Yunjin to pour a glass of water and so on, but the kettle on the stone table was empty at this time.

Zixiang lowered the fan, picked up the kettle, went out of the gazebo, and walked to the kitchen.

When Chu Li came to the gazebo, he saw Mu Yunjin leaning on the pillar, her eyes closed, and her face was a little pale and haggard, seemingly lifeless.

"Mu Yunjin! Mu Yunjin!" Chu Li hurriedly approached, stretched his hands over Mu Yunjin's shoulders, and pushed her, his voice was shaking without even realizing it.

Mu Yunjin, who was leaning against the pillar, did not respond for a moment.

Chu Li felt a panic at the bottom of his heart, his eyebrows twisted into a ball, and recalled her smiling face from the past. Without knowing when, Mu Yunjin seemed to have occupied a pivotal position in his heart.

"Yun Ge ..." Chu Li saw that she didn't move, shouted again, and stretched his hands to cover her cheeks, his movements were gentle, but his emotions were almost out of control.

When Ding Xian followed and walked into the garden, he opened his mouth wide after seeing the scene in front of him. Since he followed Chu Li, he has never seen him panic.

At this moment, it is clear that he is completely afraid of losing the person he loves.

"Oh ..." a murmur sounded slowly.

Mu Yunjin in her sleep opened her eyes stupidly, and as she had fallen asleep leaning on the pillar, her neck and body were stiff. She took a breath, and slowly raised her eyes.

What came into her gaze was a slightly pale face, at this moment Chu Li's hands were holding her tightly, and there were a few drops of sweat on his brow, and his eyes were worried.

"It's you." Mu Yunjin said weakly, no wonder she slept well until she heard someone calling her.

Chu Li's thin lips curled into a smile. After seeing her slowly opening her eyes, his heartbeat went back to normal, his eyes tightened, and his voice softened a bit, "How are you?"

"So sleepy ..." Mu Yunjin didn't understand the meaning of Chu Li's words, but just said it truthfully, and then yawned.

Mu Yunjin wanted to continue to sleep for a while, leaning back softly, before she even leaned on the pillar, she was suddenly pulled, and then fell into a warm embrace, the colors swirled around her, and she was too late to react. Drowsily she burrowed her head deeper into the embrace.

At this time, Chu Li held Mu Yunjin tightly in his arms, almost exhausting all his own strength, and seemed to curl her around his body, seeing that she was fine, his brows gradually eased, but his emotions were on the verge of anger.

"Yunjin, are you a fool ?!"

Mu Yunjin's face was stuck hidden into the front of Chu Li's chest, and she could clearly hear his rapid beating heart, but with the drowsiness, she couldn't fully reflect on what was going on.

But a tinge of sweetness gradually came to her heart, her head snuggled deeper, and she stretched her hands around Chu Li's waist, listening to his heartbeat, and her lips rose slightly, and she felt like she had never felt so reassured.

After Chu Li felt the hand on his waist, his mind gradually developed a different kind of thought, usually he did not like anyone touching him, but he did not hate this feeling at this time.

His eyes softened again.

When Zixiang came holding the kettle, she was about to make a sound. Ding Xian made a 'shh' gesture towards her, and raised his eyebrows in the direction of the gazebo.

Looking over, when Zixiang saw the two people hugging each other in the gazebo, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

This this this ...

It's too shocking!



At noon, at the dining table.

Everyone felt that the atmosphere on the dining table was very delicate today. Mu Yunjin's face was flushed throughout, and she had been immersed in her meals. She glanced from time to time, but did not dare to look directly at Chu Li.

Chu Li's complexion was also exceptionally awkward. He ate his own meal without saying a word, but his eyes would be drawn to Mu Yunjin occasionally, who was eating casually beside him.

Inside the dining room, there were floating undercurrents.

After eating and returning to Liquan Court, the room was cleaned.

Mu Yunjin stood at the door of the room, pursed her lips, looked at Chu Li, and slowly said, "Last night, in my room, a pair of mother and daughter larvae entered. If you guessed right, this is the legendary poisonous moth insect of the East Country."

Mu Yunjin spoke, watching Chu Li's expressions from beginning to end. The mother moth insect was brought by Qin Muyue from the border. If Chu Li knew Qin Muyue intended to harm her, what would he do?

If you choose to turn a blind eye, will you still ... avenge her?

Chu Li's eyes flickered slightly. After hearing the word "Zhengmu", his face was completely cold, and he reached for a strand of hair to tuck away, his movements were gentle, "This prince will solve it for you."

After hearing the words, Mu Yunjin's heart settled down to a single beat, she slightly smiled, and a little proud look came into her eyes. "Then I'll wait for your good news."

"Um." Chu Li nodded, returning her smile.



Back in the room, Mu Yunjin was sitting on a rocking chair, staring up at the ceiling blankly, all that came to mind was the warm embrace just now, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but slightly lift.

After a while, Mu Yunjin came back down to earth, her hands covering her hot cheeks, and cursing herself, she was becoming more and more crazy.

"Miss ..." Zixiang's voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in."

Zixiang came in and put the washed clothes away in the cabinet. After finishing, she turned around and looked at Mu Yunjin with a smile. "Miss and His Sixth Royal Highness have recently become more intimate ..."

"Why not, don't talk nonsense." Mu Yunjin pointed her finger at Zixiang, her face unnatural.

Zixiang grinned, "Miss is shy."

"Who is shy! Dead girl, are you begging for a fight?" Mu Yunjin was full of embarrassment, and she reached out as if to beat her.

Zixiang was not afraid of Mu Yunjin at all, and her eyes continued to show a sly smile. "Hahaha, miss, you are so shy, this slave has been with you for so many years. This is the first time I see you like this!"

"You girl, really want a beating, come here and let me hit you a few times!"

"Hahaha, miss won't really hit this slave."

There was a giggling laughter in the room, and the stone table outside the room also permeated with humor.

"Your Royal Highness, thi subordinates used to think about whether the woman next to you will be Miss Qin or the princess of another country, but I did not expect that it would be this Miss Mu Yunjin. Life is really wonderful." Ding Xian couldn't help it.

Chu Li coolly glanced Ding Xian, "If you are relatively idle, then you should handle that matter in advance."

Ding Xian immediately covered his mouth and scratched his head. "This subordinate remembered that there were some things that I hadn't done yet. I'm going to work first."

Then, Ding Xian immediately ran away with like his feet were greased.

"Wait." Chu Li stopped Ding Xian, who had already run to the door of Liquang

Ding Xian ran back.

"Find out by who's hand that moth insect came from last night." Chu Li said.

Ding Xian nodded, and Chu Li leaned back again. Ding Xian said with a little embarrassment, "What if it is really Ms. Qin that moth insect came from?"

"Today, many things still need to be done by her ..." Ding Xian hesitated.

Chu Li's eyes narrowed, his fingers rubbing gently against the edge of the cup on the table, and he said with coldness, "So what?"

In the simple four words, Ding Xian's heart suddenly became clear. At the end, he bravely added a sentence, "His Royal Highness, once a person moves, he is really not calm."

Then, Ding Xian walked away.

Chu Li took a sip of tea, listening to the laughter coming from the room opposite, his cold demeanor gradually softened a little, but he still remained thoughtful.

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