Two carriages are parked outside the door of the Xiang Fu, Qu Momo led Mu Yunjin to the carriage. Mu Yunjin is just about to enter the carriage when she heard Mu Lingzhu's voice behind her.

"Jie jie please stay."

Mu Yunjin stopped, she turned to look at the hurrying footsteps of Mu Lingzhu, her eyes in thought as she waited with a smile. Mu Lingzhu approached Mu Yunjin, she looked at Qu Momo on the side, she smilingly pointed at the other carriage.

"Lingzhu wants to speak with Jiejie some intimate conversation, don't know if Qu Momo and Yang Momo would like to sit together on the other carriage?"

When Qu Momo heard her, she looked at Mu Yunjin then nodded, she then went inside the carriage.

Inside the carriage, Mu Yunjin and Mu Lingzhu sat face to face, seeing Mu Lingzhu's complexion is still a little pale she smiled.

Mu Lingzhu glimpsed at Mu Yunjin's thoughtful smile, her eyes concealed a deep thought.

"Jie jie nowadays, more and more Lingzhu have a whole new level of respect for you, I am very curious if there are any expert advice you can give."

Hearing these, Mu Yunjin embara.s.sedly smiled, glancing over Mu Lingzhu.

"There is no expert advice I can give."

"Zheng Tai hou is interested to play matchmaker between me and the Fourth Prince, soon I might marry the Fourth Prince, at that time Jiejie will call me Fourth Sister in law."


Mu Yunjin cold sentence does not say congratulations, then she immediately added.

"You are certain that the Fourth Prince will marry a woman that has his younger brother in her heart?"

Mu Lingzhu's face turned white before quickly regaining composure she replied.

"Zheng Tai hou will handle it."

"So it is like that ah, that is indeed very good, on top of being sisters we will also be in-laws, even His Highness the Sixth Prince will call you Fourth Sister-in-law. Ha ha ha, your beloved person is about to be your younger brother, it is really interesting."

Mu Yunjin covered her laughing mouth, her tone purely ridiculing.

Mu Lingzhu cast sidelong glances towards Mu Yunjin, she have an urge to go ahead and tear Mu Yunjin's mouth to shreds, don't know if this s.l.u.t practice any martial arts and is now so invulnerable.


Shui Yun Temple Gate.

Mu Yunjin went off the carriage, Zi Xiang approached her and whispered in her ear in a low voice.

"Miss, just now, this servant asked Qu Momo, today Qin Tai fei will go look at that Millenium Old Tree, we will come right?"

"En, today you will only follow me and stop gossiping."

Mu Yunjin looked at Zi Xiang in the eyes. Zi Xiang nodded.

Qu Momo brought Mu Yunjin to the Buddha Hall's direction, they have not yet set foot in the Buddha Hall's door when they saw many Imperial guards all around, it is a maximum show of extravagance.

Mu Yunjin stopped outside the door of Buddha Hall, she looked inside to see two straight figures holding incense sticks, incomparably pious, standing in ceremony in front of the statue of Buddha.

Not long, the two people finished the incense sticks, palace maids lend an arm to support them as they walked out.

Qin Taifei saw Mu Yunjin standing by the door she immediately smiled.

"Jin'er, it has been many days since I have seen you, you have grown even more delicate."

"Thank you for your praise Taifei Niang niang."

Mu Yunjin replied comfortingly towards Qin Taifei. At the side, Zheng Taihou looked at the act, and her eyes flashed with despise. Just in time, Mu lingzhu is led by Yang Momo to go to the Buddha Hall and walked inside, Zheng Taihou looked at Mu Lingzhu up and down.

"Zhu'er today your clothes like a lotus blossom truly gives off a tender and beautiful impression."

Zheng Tai hou smiled towards Mu Lingzhu. With Zheng Tai hou's praise, Mu Lingzhu reddened as she bowed towards Zheng Taihou.

At the side, Yang Momo immediately agreed.

"Exactly, earlier this slave saw the Lotus Blossom like dress is top-notch made from snow silk, indeed very precious."

Watching the Zhen Taihou and Yang Momo put up a play of praising Mu Lingzhu, Qin Taifei gave a laugh of disdain before smiling towards Mu Yunjin.

"Jin'er is really worthy to be Xi Yuan Country's number one lady, only wearing a simple clothing and already made Shui Yun temple be filled with radiance, if dressed with a more elaborated fine clothings, I don't dare to imagine how beautiful the scene would be."

Qin Taifei's words swiftly made Mu Lingzhu feel sluggish, she can't help but purse up her lips, ignoring the feeling of inferiority she bit her lip. This Qin Taifei is really difficult to endure, in a short while she already pinched her vulnerable spot, she does not have any retort.

Indeed in the past, Mu Yunjin is confined inside the Fu, everyone thinks that she is a timid idiot even if she possesses the t.i.tle of number one lady, everyone thinks that it is only a splendid empty t.i.tle.

Now, she is gradually revealing her sharp points, on top of that this person is truly his darling, she can't help but be a little envious and feel even more jealous and hatred.

Zheng Taihou also heard Qin Taifei's words, she was speechless for a period of time. Annoyed, she glared at Mu Yunjin and in a stern voice she start to talk.

"Third Miss Mu, Do you not have me in your eyes? Seeing me but actually still not making your salutations?"

Seeing that Zheng Taihou attack Mu Yunjin, Qin Taifei is not to be outdone. She looked towards Mu Lingzhu.

"Fourth Miss Mu aren't you a talented girl, don't you know how to make salutations?"

In a split second, Mu Yunjin and Mu Lingzhu had a rare identical way of thinking.


'This two old ladies are using them as tools for their grudge against each other.'


In front of the Buddha hall doors, they parted on bad terms, Qin Taifei left taking along Mu Yunjin to go towards the other direction

Mu Yunjin looked at their route with a little impression, this direction of the Buddhist hall thay day, she reckon that Qin Taifei is going to try to find the abbot to request for a command tablet to see the Millenium Old Tree.

Thinking of it, Mu Yunjin is somewhat excited, she has just walked a few steps when suddenly she recalled that Chu Qingyuan mentioned that Chu Li and her birth mother Rongfei, is imprisoned here but she just don't know which direction.

Suddenly thinking of the imprisoned mother of Chu Li, her heart is surprised, thinking carefully, Mu Yunjin then immediately followed Qin Tai fei to the Buddhist Hall, a monk obstructed them again. Upon seeing the Taifei Niangniang.

" This monk offer sincere greeting to tbe Qin Taifei."

Qin Taifei smiled and nodded then looked inside the room.

"Aijia is here to see Great master Huai Yuan."

"The Abbot is already waiting for Taifei for a long time, Taifei may directly go inside."

Qin Taifei then went inside the Buddhist Hall, Mu Yunjin is following closely at the back, thinking of that ruthless day, as she looked, her heart a little unconvinced.

Qin Taifei have not yet moved a few steps to the Buddhist hall door when she stopped with a smile on her face.

"Great Master Huai Yuan are you here?"


A loud and clear voice came from inside. Immediately the cottage door opened, Mu Yunjin lifted her eyes only to see a person wearing a golden monk robe, with a snow white beard. The old man is sitting in a kneeling position (Seiza position) in front of a table, on top of the table a chess game is laid out and three cups of hot tea.

"Jin'er follow me inside, the others may wait outside."

Qin Taifei instructed towards Mu Yunjin before walking inside.

"Amitabha, today n.o.bility has come, I have been trapped in a mistake in this chess game for a time, excuse me for not going out to meet you, may I ask Taifei Niang niang to forgive me."

Qin Taifei smiled and also took a kneeling-sitting position in front of Great master Huai Yuan.

"You and I are old friends for so many years, you need not be so polite."

Great master Huai Yuan nodded, then his line of sight fell on Mu Yunjin's body, his eyes in deep thought.

"This is Third Miss Mu right?"

"Greetings to the Great Master."

Although she does not know why the Great master called her name, Mu Yunjin

still obediently greeted.

"This old man has been trapped in front of this game board for three days, I don't know if Third Miss Mu can find methods to solve?"

Great Master Huai Yuan laughed. Mu Yunjin is surprised, she looked at the chess board as she shake her head.

"Yunjin has no chess skill."

"In that case this old man will not force you."

Great Master Huai Yuan continued to move the white chess piece in the chessboard.

Qin Taifei is drinking some hot tea, she can't help but smile.

"Huai Yuan, aijia today did not come to see you to play chess, lately aijia's mood is gloomy, and wish to go to that old tree to say a few wish."

"Well, this old man has been playing chess for a long time, I am also tired, it is better if we go together."

There are many people that have come to the Millenium old tree courtyard door, as it turns out they unexpectedly into Zheng Tai Hou and Mu Lingzhu. Zheng Zheng Tai Hou saw many people going into the courtyard, so they also followed to go inside.


Mu Yunjin entered the courtyard at zi shi (11pm to 1am) thinking that she had never been here but her heartbeat sped up and feel and indescribable feeling of familiarity hits her in the face, it seems as if she had come here before.

Mu Yunjin unconsciously sped up her pace to the direction of the Millenium Old Tree. When Mu Yunjin stood in front of the lush green leaves of the tree that is bright like a l.u.s.ter of gems and surrounded by a red rope, tears suddenly flowed from her eyes that blurred her sight.

Great Master Huai Yuan caught sight of this scene, his eyes flashed with a pondering light but quickly pa.s.sed. Mu Yunjin hang down her eyes dripping with tears, inside there is an indescribable feeling of pain as if having her heart cut out, she unconsciously touched her chest.

After a while she recovered, she did not understand why she suddenly felt so sad. Even she cannot control it. She wiped her tears, Mu Yunjin felt it was a mystery, she inhaled once again and by the time she looked towards the Millenium Old Tree, she already reverted to normal.

"Jin'er this Old Tree is also known as the wishing tree, you may say your wish here."

Qin Taifei wrote her wishes on the table and hang it on the red rope before turning towards Mu yunjin.

Mu Yunjin nodded and walked towards the stone table, she picked up the writing brush, and just as she is about to write, she suddenly cannot control her hands, she wrote the words 'I came back!'

Seeing her own writing, Mu Yunjin's heart shivered, she wrinkled her brows, she can't understand, she looked at the paper hanging on the red rope, a beautiful and exquisite handwriting. She never learned how to wite this kind of neat calligraphy, how can she write such a sentence without thinking?

Mu Yunjin suddenly felt cold, is this the feeling of b.u.mping into a ghost? Mu Yunjin might as well crumple the paper and put it in her sleeves, just now this scene has developed and Mu Lingzhu just came in and saw Mu Yunjin write down words. She can't help but think a moment ago when they entered the doors, Mu Yunjin completely change from her normal behavior, she touched her chest, she wiped her tears, and then wrote down few words.

Could it be that.....

In Mu Yunjin's heart, there is another person?

Hi guys~

This chapter made me so curious of Mu Yunjin's real Ident.i.ty... It is suddenly going towards the Paranormal.. Mu Lingzhu's guess is really far fetched though... hahaha..

Sorry for being a slow poke on the chapters... currently not at home and just doing translations on my phone for this past few days so It took me time to finish this chapter. Will continue translating thru phone for a long while so I will really be slower than I originally intended...

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