"That was your intention? What the hell are you talking about, Lucas?", Michael raged.

Lucas looked at Michael, but did not answer him, and just went into the armoury. He took a gun in his hands, and started checking the magazine, and putting it back in. He pointed the gun towards the only wall that did not have any guns because it had a dummy there.

Bang! Bang! Two shots pierced each of the two eyes the dummy had. He threw the gun back at its place and walked right past Michael, "Doesn't matter anymore."

He glanced at Arthur, who was checking out the guns with an interest that would scare away many. "Careful with the bullets. They are coated with a poison that would probably kill you the moment that you touch them. It's a combination of wolfsbane and royal water."

"Royal water? You mean the water from the ancient castle's fountains? What will that do?", Arthur asked.

"No you idiot. I mean aqua regia, the acid mix. What will that fancy water do to anyone except make those druids horny?", Lucas chuckled as he walked further away to another part of the bunker. He glanced at Mu Chen.

"You might want to see this. You will need some of this stuff for later.", Lucas told him. Mu Chen nodded and hurried after Lucas. Lucas went further into the bunker. It seemed like the place was endless. At first sight, anyone would think that the place would end at the laboratory, but with the additional light of the armoury, a whole new corridor could now be seen. Mu Chen and Lucas were walking down this corridor.

They came to a room. Like many others, it was locked by a key code. Without hesitating, or even covering it, he typed out the digits, '080645'. The door clicked open to reveal another room. Mu Chen looked at Lucas and sighed.

"Somethings are best to let go. Why do you want to cling on to the past?", Mu Chen shook his head.

"The past is all I have left. The present keeps betraying me. Sometimes, I just want to look back and live in those memories forever.", Lucas said softly as he entered this room. It was a very peculiar room, filled with all these strange contraptions. Mu Chen shrieked with delight as he rushed to one of the shelves on one of the walls.

"I knew that you would sniff that one out.", Lucas said.

"Are you kidding? I looked for decades to get my hands on one of these, and all I got was a few inches worth.", Mu Chen said as he took out a pair of large chains from the shelf. Seeing them outside, Lucas winced.

Mu Chen took a sniff of the chains and exhaled with a sigh.

"Ah! The breath of a fish! True classic, this one. I marvel at the dwarves' creativity. How did you get your hands on this? Fenrir despises these.", Mu Chen asked.

"Despises? He won't get near them. It took all my strength to get those here. Even now, he is shouting in my ears with anger. That is one of the last resorts that you can use. One of the very last. This place is crawling with the things that you need, so help yourself. I will be in the hall at the entrance if you need me.", Lucas said as he left the room.

"Don't you want to know what I'll take?", Mu Chen shouted at a leaving Lucas.

"It's better if I don't, actually.", he waved his hand and left the room. Hearing this, Mu Chen laughed and rubbed his hands together.

"You shouldn't have said that.", he started laughing like a criminal.


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