105 Can I touch it?

Yi Chen was adamant about having a private conversation with Zi Han that he dragged him all the way to the isolated training building into the locker room where no one would disturb them.

At this hour the training building was like a ghost town with no life in sight making it seem a little eerie. Zi Han who had a slight fear of ghosts couldn’t help but gulp nervously when they entered the locker room but he forcibly swallowed down this emotion acting like nothing was wrong.

He might have been able to remain composed but he wasn’t willing to stay here longer than he should so he urged Yi Chen to take off his shirt.

Yi Chen smiled subtly as he watched Zi Han twisting the cap of the healing spray with a stern expression like he was attempting a complicated task.

His heated gaze traced the entirety of Zi Han’s body lingering on the man’s side profile and those twitching soft lips. As he watched him with his scorching gaze his hands weren’t idle. He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt giving off an amorous vibe.

But his intended target was as cold as ice without the slightest reaction. He was wholly focused on the spray can like he was dealing with the most difficult task in the world.

With a pop, the cap twisted off and Zi Han raised his head only to be met by a blank-faced Yi Chen. This blank unreadable expression was typically Yi Chen’s usual self. What surprised Zi Han were the traces of warmth in that expression.

Zi Han chose to ignore it. He shifted his gaze to the open button shirt and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Wow!.... Class president Chen, you really are packing,” he said pulling away the placket of the shirt further revealing the secrets that lay beneath the fabric.

He had seen this majestic chest before but at the time he was so mad that he was seeing red. Everything else was a little fuzzy hence he didn’t pay attention. Now being confronted by that robust chest with well-defined muscles he found that he was quite envious.


He had great muscle build but it wasn’t as good as Yi Chen’s. That’s because most of his training over the years came from picking fights hence he felt like he was slightly lacking in comparison. He traced the ridges of Yi Chen’s abs with slight resentment.

“Can I touch it,” he asked wanting to feel whether it was as hard as it looked. Yi Chen inhaled sharply as his muscles visibly tensed up. This person was really testing his resolve. He was temptation in the flesh constantly poking at his bottom line.

“No,” hastily replied Yi Chen his voice hoarse. That’s because Zi Han’s fingers were inching closer and closer to his abs about to touch him.

“Oh,” replied Zi Han withdrawing his hand, “why are you so stingy?” While complaining Zi Han pulled back more of the shirt revealing the redness on the man’s left pectoral muscle. The redness deepened as it reached the man’s nipple. It was healing well with faint traces of purple and swelling around the center.

Zi Han sucked in a breath of cold air and his guilt skyrocketed. He glanced at Yi Chen and apologized sincerely. “I am so sorry. I should have restrained myself,” he whispered before lowering his head and spraying the healing spray with a sympathetic gaze.

“This might sting a little,” he warned but Yi Chen seemed to not have heard him focusing on something else entirely.

“Do you do this with other guys?” he asked his heart beating hard against his chest. He knew how dangerous this question was but before he knew it he had already opened his mouth.

“What do you mean?” asked Zi Han without lifting his head.

Yi Chen pursed his lips as though hesitant to continue but he really wanted to know so he said, “Ask to touch them.”

Zi Han removed his finger from the trigger of the spraying can and looked up with a raised brow. “Are you still hung up on that?” said Zi Han before lowering his head and pulling back more of the shirt to prevent it from getting stained before the healing spray dried.

“I am just curious,” whispered Yi Chen but within the softness of his voice, there was a touch of a bone-chilling aura that a normal person wouldn’t be able to discern.

Zi Han glanced at him and replied honestly, “So you actually think I am always in locker rooms asking boys if I can touch them? I only asked you because I was curious about your abs that’s all... besides I was going to let you touch mine if you wanted.”

Yi Chen wanted to say, “You didn’t answer my question,” but his breath hitched when Zi Han said he wanted to let him touch him. All he could think of now was the chances of him being able to touch Zi Han without getting hard.

After doing some calculations he realized that that percentage was very low hence it wasn’t worth the risk. How low was it? About 0.000001 percent which meant his little brother would rise high like a flag pole ultimately selling him out.

Despite knowing the odds he was still so tempted. While pondering on this situation he felt a light touch on his pectoral muscles making his entire body shudder. He gulped moistening his dry throat while grasping Zi Han’s wrist. The culprit tried to sell it as an accident but who would buy that?

“Ah, Chen-ge... please let go. This didi was wrong,” said Zi Han resolutely changing his address of Yi Chen from class president to Chen-ge without any hesitation.

When Yi Chen heard this his heartfelt itchy. He especially liked this form of address very much. It made his spine tingle with excitement. If it weren’t for his gaze falling on that pink scrunchie around Zi Han’s wrist he would have continued immersing himself in the sweetness of this moment.

“I will let you go and forget your previous transgressions if you give me that,” said Yi Chen referring to that hair tie that was stinging his eyes.

Zi Han shifted his gaze to his wrist before protesting, “It’s a gift and I can’t just give it to you.... hey!” The exclamation was because Yi Chen had directly robbed it from him and he even had the balls to raise his hand high making it difficult for the head shorter Zi Han to take it back.

“Seriously... so childish,” said Zi Han having failed to retrieve the pink scrunchie. That is to say, he would never see it again after this.

Zi Han sat down on the bench while watching Yi Chen button up his shirt absent-mindedly. After a short moment of silence, he suddenly asked, “Why are you being nice to me?”

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