138 Moody housewife

As the Marshal’s son, he was forced to watch his words and consider his movements carefully before making them.

But this Evan was really getting on his nerve thus he might madly beat people and cause trouble. With that, he simply walked away and didn’t notice that soon after he left he had a tail trailing behind him.

Because his steps were big and fast Zi Han didn’t catch up immediately. Yi Chen entered the locker rooms, took his towel, and went straight into the private shower closing the door behind him but just as he stripped naked and turned on the shower the door slid open and Zi Han directly walked in.

Yi Chen, “.....”

“Shit.... Zi Han!” yelled Yi Chen as he pulled down the towel to cover his key parts.

Zi Han who saw absolutely nothing wrong with what he did replied, “Hey, don’t yell at me. You are the one who just stormed off like a moody housewife. We weren’t done talking. And what the fuck was up with that response..... En, En? Why can’t you use your words more so we can have a better relationship?”

Yi Chen was about to push him out when the words relationship shattered his emotions like a glass window. “Re-relationship,” stammered Yi Chen a little flustered.

“Well yes, aren’t we friends now? More like besties, right?... Shit, ah ah I am going, I am going. No pushing,” said Zi Han before he was pushed out and the shower door was slid shut.

Zi Han tsked as he turned around rubbing the back of his neck. When he raised his head he was met by two pairs of eyes gawking at him with dumbfounded expressions.


“What are you two looking at?” he said to Shorty and Shaun before passing them and heading to his locker.

“Did he just_,” said Shaun glancing over in Shorty’s direction but it seemed their thoughts weren’t in line.

“I have been replaced? I thought I was his bestie,” said Shorty in an aggrieved tone.

Shaun, “.....”

Forget it. He was surrounded by geniuses with low EQ.

Ten minutes later and Zi Han was back coaxing people again. Apparently, he found out that Yi Chen was displeased because he had walked in while he was naked in the shower so he had to appease him.

“Okay, okay fine..... I was wrong. I shouldn’t have barged in in the first place. I should have waited until you were done,” said Zi Han but Yi Chen responded bluntly,

“Too insincere.”

The two fell into silence for a moment while staring at each other each with their own thought in mind. It was Li Ran who walked in with his shirt on his shoulder that spoke first, “Barge in where?”

Seeing an advocate Zi Han opened his lips to answer his question when Yi Chen turned his body towards him with his index finger on his lips.

“So you walk in on anyone. Is that what you are saying?” asked Yi Chen his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Zi Han subconsciously took a step back while replying, “No unless if they are a close friend.”

Li Ran finally caught on to this strange conversation. He closed his locker door and sat on the bench while exclaiming, “Wow, so you two even took a shower together? I am his best friend since childhood and I never had that privilege. Even when we were four he was already despising me. He said and I quote ‘you are so dirty’ hahahaha.”

Yi Chen, “WTF!”

“Let me clarify no one took a shower with anybod-,” he explained only for Yi Chen to interject.

“So you would barge in on Shorty while he is taking a shower?” asked Yi Chen his expression saying ‘I will be pissed if you answer yes’.

Shorty, “.....”

“Can’t a guy change his clothes in peace? This is a locker room for heaven’s sake,” said Shorty unwilling to be dragged into this nonsensical dialogue.

Unaware of the dangerous clouds gathering atop Yi Chen’s head Zi Han answered honestly. “Yes, I would but only in an emergency. It’s not like Shorty is interested in me romantically. Hey, Shorty.... are you interested in me romantically?”

“Not a chance in hell. I would rather die,” replied Shorty essentially saving his own life.

“See... Hey, a simple no would have sufficed,” said Zi Han after grasping Shorty’s response. A simple no would do the trick so why all those extra words?

Yi Chen was already exhausted today and after his comrade went up in arms in the shower when Zi Han waltzed in his mood had plummeted. He needed some time to calm down thus he finished packing away and left the locker room followed by Li Ran.

With a sigh, Zi Han turned around and asked, “Did I really go too far? Am I terrible with boundaries?”

Shaun closed his locker door and replied while putting on his jacket, “Yes, but you don’t do that to just anyone. Maybe it means you have a special relationship and you have a hard time creating boundaries.”

“Let me ask you this. If the roles were reversed what would be your reaction?” asked Shorty trying to give Zi Han a different perspective.

Zi Han thought long and hard for a while before responding in a sincere tone. “I would tell him to pass me the shower gel. Those shelves are way up there and it is very hard to reach especially with soap in my eyes,” he explained and Shaun could only facepalm while Shorty could relate. He also struggled to reach those shelves while taking a shower.

The three of them soon put this little episode at the back of their minds. As they walked up the stairs back to class a pretty girl with silver hair and almond-shaped eyes was standing by the stairs as though waiting for someone.

Craning her neck by the banister she glanced down to find someone and when she saw him her cheeks turned scarlet as she stepped back. By the time they reached her, she was shyly lowering her head giving way.

Of the three only Shaun paid attention. He had seen his sister do this when she was obsessed with some guy in high school. Hence he could tell at a glance that she wanted to confess her feelings to someone.

As soon as they passed her they heard a low milky voice call out, “Cadet Han.” The voice was so soft that if it weren’t for their sharp hearing they wouldn’t have heard it.

Zi Han had never seen her before but he still politely walked back while the other two pretended to give them space while they were at the top of the stairs peeking through the door to watch.

They were about to witness an innocent heartfelt confession of love which would have been so much fun to watch if it weren’t for Yi Chen’s appearance. Talk about being a buzz kill.

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