208 Missing Yi Chen

Zi Han raised his finger shushing him as he took a step onto the greener circle and continued to whistle. Dissatisfied he shut his mouth but his finger held on to that flame thrower ready to fire at a moment’s notice.

“... phooweet.”

As he approached a high note the hidden nest was revealed and a massive hive was revealed. To everyone’s amazement, it was an intricate structure built with intellect.

Calling it an insect utopia wouldn’t be an overestimation. A few despmtors were peacefully hovering below the hive that is until the queen emerged from the bottom of the hive.

It was as beautiful as depicted in the coloring ebook. Whoever captured that image managed to even capture its aura and temperament that was both entrancing and otherworldly.

With a golden scepter in one of its arms, it flew over to Zi Han attracted by that whistle. Zi Han’s heart was pulsing rapidly as he saw it draw closer and closer.

While the queen was distracted the entire hive would be disoriented and would unwittingly follow the queen. It was at this time that he expected Evan to extract the device.

Unfortunately, despite it being a flawless plan things didn’t work as expected. That’s because some trigger-happy person felt the urge to use a flame on the hive instead of carefully picking the device plastered on top of the hive. Maybe it was out of impatience or stupidity that Evan’s friend decided to use the flamethrower. Whatever the reason it meant that everything went to shit after that.

Zi Han just looked at the culprit with an ‘are you fuckin kidding me’ expression before he yelled, “RUN!”


After yelling that Zi Han waited for no man. A whole lot of them ran and he even heard Evan yelling in the team chat for everyone to run but among the group they were also fools.

This included the flamethrower idiot didn’t see the importance of running more especially when they were inside their mechs.

“AAAAHHHHHH!!!” yelled Evan’s friend while releasing ferocious flames toward the hive.

The ones that remained backed him up while despising the captain for running. But soon they understood why their captain ran.

After all that effort the hive didn’t burn instead they were faced with an angry swarm of despmtors angrily buzzing while staring at them with their faceless heads.

“Fuck,” mumbled the young man while tightening his grip on the flamethrower. With cold sweat flowing down his forehead he tremblingly pressed the trigger again randomly firing at the swarm.

The swarm immediately attacked with some dismantling his mech trying to get to the person inside. His backup realized then that they are fucked thus they high-tailed out of there following in the same direction that their captain ran off to.

Loud screams echoed in the forest as the boy’s mech was infiltrated. Terrified half to death he pressed the extractor button and in a split second, he disappeared from the forest rematerializing in the stealth cruiser’s transporter that only worked one way.

“He has despmtors around him. Seal the transporter,” said the officer in the transporter room.

“Yes Ma’am,” responded the man operating the transporter before sealing off the doors. A gaseous poison harmful to despmtors was released and soon the insects began to fall off his mech one by one.

When they deactivated his mech his face and body was swollen like he had a peanut allergy.

Meanwhile, the other two running for their lives felt something intruding on their mechs. That’s because the grudge-bearing despmtors had found a weak point on the behinds of their mechs thus they infiltrated through and began to sting their butts.

On a lone brunch, a cute little nimsel witnessed a pair of mech dashing across the forest with swarms of despmtors infiltrating through their asses while screaming like little girls.

“Ehehehe,” it giggled while watching the good show.

The screams and yelps reached the ears of Zi Han and the crew. Zi Han knew that the pair had led the swarm to them which meant they had no choice but to jump into the lake.

“Captain, we have no choice but to jump,” said Zi Han, and without waiting for Evan’s response he cannonballed into the lake.

Evan wanted to stop him but when he saw a thermostatic image of his team members heading in their direction with a swarm hot on their asses he made an impromptu decision.

“Jump! Jump! Jump!”

One by one the mechs jumped into the waters with the captain being the last to jump. By the time the teammates reached the cliff, there was no one. Out of desperation, they pressed the extractor button and soon two mechs rematerialized in the transporter with some of the despmtors decimating their asses. These two wouldn’t be able to sit down for the next twenty-four hours.

Meanwhile, the queen and her swarm hovered above the lake looking for the rest of the team.

These critters as small as they were held a grudge. They wouldn’t rest until they found them thus they hovered on the lake’s surface for a very long time.

Underneath the water, some were panting heavily while Crvena was laughing his ass off. That was quite a thrilling experience for him.

“How long do you think we have to be down here?” asked Agial as the luminous light from her mech lit up the area around Zi Han. Zi Han’s mech gently swayed with the current as he looked up. “I don’t know,” he said only to sense something lingering at the bottom of the lake. His body involuntarily shivered as his blood ran cold.

He didn’t have to say anything because Evan also sensed the same thing. “Everyone quiet and turn off the lights.... force hibernate your mechs,” he commanded and everyone obeyed his command.

Zi Han didn’t care much about hanging in the dark but when he recalled that horror movie he watched that time with his mum he suddenly felt terrified. In that movie, there were water ghosts that pulled people to the bottom of the lake which was in his opinion quite terrifying.

‘Shit, shit, shit,’ he swore internally wishing that Yi Chen was here. At least then he would feel safe in Yi Chen’s arms. At this rate, he would rather deal with a swarm of angry despmtors.

Apparently, he wasn’t the only one afraid. Agial was also mortified and she was trying to be brave but the lake was murky and dark while giving off an eerie feeling.

She shamelessly drifted next to Zi Han and tried to hold his mech’s hand but Zi Han ruthlessly moved his hand away. He was also afraid so what comfort could he give her? He had never missed Yi Chen as much as he missed him now.

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