210 Grandpa was right

The ferocious creature had a panther-like appearance with six legs. Its existence would bring nightmares to plenty but for team A it was a piece of cake.

While Yi Chen was dodging the spiky tentacles striking at his mech a thin pin was shot in his direction while he wasn’t aware piercing a small part of his mech and shooting straight into the side of his abdomen.

Because so much was going on Yi Chen didn’t feel it neither did his performance diminish. What he didn’t know was that he had been poisoned and that poison had delayed toxicity.

The best way to incapacitate an SS-ranked person or any other person with mental power was to poison their neurons.

Because such a thing had happened in the past Yi Chen’s training included resistance to such poisons. The only problem this time was that it was modified with effects that could become permanent if not treated early.

Zi Han was naturally unaware that Yi Chen was in big danger. He was underwater dealing with his own fear. He kept chanting, ‘Water ghosts don’t exist. Water ghosts don’t exist. Water ghosts don’t fuckin exis....’ internally that is until he felt something wrap around his ankle before tugging at him.

‘Shit,’ he swore internally while trying to pull his leg away from that thing’s grasp.

Having failed he spun around and drew his weapon shining a light at the culprit. What met him was a pair of big eyes and an ugly-looking fish face that almost brought him to tears.

He was fairly certain that after this experience he would never sleep with the light off ever again.


Before he could fire a shot a creature a hundred times bigger than the one holding on to his ankle swam past and grabbed the other creature with its sharp jaws crushing it into half in an instant.

A faint mist of blood and flesh floated past Zi Han’s face as he realized he might be next on the menu. He decided to find a place to hide and ride it out. Lucky for him the device helping him breathe underwater had twenty hours of run time. He didn’t even have to worry about his supply of oxygen in this dark abyss.

Zi Han swam deeper and deeper his heart racing in fear, anxiety, and nervousness. He cursed the Republic several times for putting him in this predicament.

Zi Han heaved a sigh of relief when he found a pile of rocks at the bottom of the lake. Thinking it would make an excellent hideout he swam in between the gaps only to realize that it wasn’t just a pile of rocks but a cave.

Now everyone knows be it in horror movies or real life chancing upon a creepy cave while running for one’s life could either be a good thing or bad thing. In truth, it’s mostly a bad thing but Zi Han could already sense that creature coming thus he had no choice but to take his chance in the cave.

He hastily squeezed in between the rocks and entered the cave just as the creature picked up momentum and swam forward in a flash but all it caught was a few bubbles.

Zi Han swam deeper into the cave but the creature didn’t give up. It rammed the entrance of the cave a couple of times causing violent ripples powerful enough to destabilize Zi Han.

After flipping for the nth time Zi Han grasped the wall of the cave preventing himself from being pushed deeper into the cave. He had no idea what this cave was housing thus he didn’t want to be pushed deeper into the darkness and disturb the friendly neighbors.

The creature began to bleed from constantly bashing its head against the rocks thus it stopped its fruitless efforts and left.

Zi Han watched as the scally body with red patterns swept past the cave entrance. He heaved a sigh of relief only for the petty ass creature to strike the cave entrance with its tail blocking his exit. It was as though it was saying, ‘Since you won’t come out then you must die here.’

Zi Han, “???”

He wasn’t so worried about this. That’s because he had his mech anyway. He just had to wait for the creature to forget about him then he can come out. If he confronted it head on he might win but it would be extremely troublesome thus he chose what others might call a cowardly approach.

Zi Han leaned against the wall as he leisurely checked the detector on his wrist. Because he didn’t want to attract the attention of the creature he had muted the detector. When he checked it now it was flashing like crazy. It seemed he was in the right place but the right place was the place he didn’t want to be.

“Uh... shit,” he swore as he looked into the eerie darkness that made his spine tingle.

“Grandpa was right.... I should have let him just raise me or maybe I should have just run away and join the Bloodgarde. At least then I won’t be forced to go down a fuckin.... creepy hole,” he murmured as he swam deep into the cave.

At some point, the cave began to narrow into a tunnel but Zi Han couldn’t go back now. He had already gone this far and there was no quitting now.

As the tunnel got so narrow that he regretted eating all those sweet cakes and ice cream he finally caught a break. Faint light could be seen in the distance giving him hope. He emerged in a bigger waterless cave with some light seeping in through the cracks.

He crawled out of the tunnel and the swimming device automatically deactivated. Exhausted he lay flat on the ground breathing deeply. As his rapidly heaving chest gradually slowed down he attempted to sit back up. As he sat up something out of place caught his attention.

The device was there but there was also something else. It was a piece of metal from possibly a mech or a heavily armored vehicle. That wasn’t unusual considering that someone deliberately planted these devices here. What grasped his attention was the family crest on the metal.

His face turned ghastly white as he spotted the very same phoenix on his pendant on that metal sheet. With his trembling hands, he took out his pendant crouching down before the metal to compare.

It was an exact replica to the finest of details. His father or someone in his father’s family must have been here before. They also had something to do with these devices.

This revelation shocked Zi Han so much that his nose stung. Did his father have something to do with this? If not then had he ever been on Dark Star?

As a barrage of questions overtook his mind he subconsciously stretched his hand and placed it on the metal sheet. The pendant that was docile lit up a little as surge of power invaded his body forcing him to close his eyes.

In a dark rundown villa, a pair of creepy eyes opened followed by snarling sounds of creatures awakening from their slumber.

Something big was definitely going to go down.

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