269 Can somebody shut her up.

In an instant, the pair had gained an advantage with the deadly phantoms running away from them in disgust. “I have never been dispised like this before,” said Zi Han seeing them running away hiding in the dark corners.

“Well, I like you. I would never not want you,” said Yi Chen sneakily moving closer trying to hold his hand but Zi Han had already taken a step forward while murmuring, “I got this.”

Yi Chen, “...”

When he said ‘he got this’ Zi Han meant it literally. He did something he never got to do and that is using his full strength to summon his mental beast.

Igneous was anxious about it so it muttered, “Sir, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” but the entire mech was already engulfed in flames as a fiery phoenix projected behind him exhibiting a rarely seen majestic appearance.

“Baby, I don’t think that is a good...,” said Yi Chen only for him to shut up when he saw how much fun he was having tearing up those creatures.

Zi Han didn’t even need his help. He was like a feral feline that had been hiding its true nature all this while.

Yi Chen picked up the girl in the electric cage before saying, “Let’s go. It’s better if we blow up this entire mountain and get rid of all the Caspers.”

Zi Han who had just burnt one of the giant deadly phantoms to ash was a little reluctant as he turned to glance at Yi Chen.


“Can’t I have a little more fun?” he asked but when he glanced over in Yi Chen’s direction he was met with a big pair of eyes gawking at him. It was that girl who had woken up at some point staring at him.

Zi Han, “WTF!”

Yi Chen asked Raylan to start the countdown and raised his mech arm with a tri- beam laser blaster. The concentrated beams of coherent light struck the roof of the cave resulting in extensive damage. Everything around them began to shake with rocks of various sizes crumbling down. A fog of dust rose and the two mechs flew into the hole created by the tri-beam blaster as they flew out of the hole.

Behind them, some deadly phantoms followed not because they were pursuing them. That smell was truly unbearable but their survival instincts had kicked in. Some younglings wrapped themselves on Zi Han’s mech while screeching from the torture of that inexplicable smell.

The others tried to pick up their fallen female and carry her out but soon a flame storm erupted as a series of explosions occurred almost simultaneously. In a silent forest mountain range, a loud explosion was heard as beams of light shot out through the mountain top.

The force of the explosion spread across the plane leveling every tree in sight. Two mechs flew out at full speed as another explosion tore through the atmosphere. The mountain collapsed in itself as the ground shook.

Zi Han witnessed the entire mountain range collapsing on the entire thousand kilometer stretch. He whistled seeing this before he asked, “What did you use? I want one of those.”

Yi Chen who wanted nothing more than to please his boyfriend replied, “I will give it to you when we get back.”

Zi Han was pretty much content with this answer. As they got back on the ground the younglings that had clung to Zi Han’s mech had already died from their injuries. Coupled with their lack of food after birth it was inevitable that they wouldn’t survive long.

One person who wished they had died with them was the girl. Regret was written all over her face and not for reasons one would expect.

Zi Han released her from the cage and proceeded to say, “You are really good at act....,” only for the girl to crawl over while muttering, “F?niks, f?niks, stor f?niks,” over and over again.

Zi Han wouldn’t let her get anywhere near him but that didn’t deter her. He knew a lot of languages, ancient or otherwise but this one was new to him.

“Ssss... first she wanted to kill me now she wants to touch me,” said Zi Han while glancing down at his blood-stained gear.

Yi Chen pulled him close and let him sit down on a rock before kneeling before him to take a look. Zi Han naturally spread his legs apart leaning back to let him check on his wound.

“Sir, this is another of old earth’s languages from a place called Norway. It means Great Phoenix,” explained Igneous wishing it could shut itself down and not witness this enticing scene.

“Yes, yes... you are the Great Phoenix, the one promised to us. Our hope in the Republic is to finally meet you so you can take us to better lands. The Federation stole you from us and now they’re flourishing yet we are suffering,” she explained as she crawled over with obsession in her eyes.

Zi Han, “???”

“You have been all lied to. There is no such thing... uh, Chen-ge be gentle,” complained Zi Han glaring at him.

“Stor f?niks, let this servant make up for my mistakes. Please, let this servant pay for her mistakes and help you with your wound.”

Yi Chen who couldn’t bear it anymore yelled, “Can somebody shut her up.”

A sharp whistling sound pierced the air before something stabbed straight into the back of her neck doing exactly as Yi Chen asked but it had nothing to do with him.

Silence followed and Yi Chen thought she had finally got the hint and shut up of her own accord. But Zi Han saw her expression wasn’t right as small droplets of blood seeped down her neck. Her kneeling body toppled forward falling onto the dust-filled ground.

“Shit!” swore Zi Han as he struggled to get up with his weapon in hand.

Yi Chen quickly got up while asking, “Will you be okay on your own?”

Zi Han’s brow creased looking through the scope as he answered, “Go, he is heading southeast.”

Yi Chen kissed Zi Han’s cheek before he ran off to pursue the person who had just killed this girl. It seemed that this place had been infiltrated by the enemy and they could easily blend in with the people of the Federation.

Zi Han put down his rifle when he heard low mutters like she was calling him with the same name as before.

Zi Han walked over and turned her over trying to make sense of her words but he could hear anything. He lowered his head his ear close to her lips so he could hear.

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