285 Your son would get to meet his side of the family soon.

Yi Chen’s breathing amplified as he stared at his trembling hand. His vision blurred slightly and in his daze, he thought he saw Zi Han. While hais mech was trying to administer the first response Yi Chen collapsed to the ground.

He had indeed seen Zi Han. He and his mother had joined in on the fight but before they could deal with the fire-breathing monster his mother suddenly went crazy and it was for a good reason.

She had noticed her husband’s first mech amidst all the chaos. Her heart lurched thinking it was her husband but when she remembered he had died in the most gruesome way, she became extremely angry.

She dove down like a missile locked on her unexpecting victim. She slammed the person into the wall with Chronos. The attacked mech broke through the walls in various apartments before its momentum stalled on the last wall and it fell to the ground.

Because the mech was almost the height of a human when it was attacked it didn’t do much damage.

The man lay underneath the rubble with electric wires sparking around him. The thick cloud of dust made it difficult for one to see him clearly neither could he see his surroundings well.

He wearily blinked his eyes as he saw two figures walking towards him. Actually, it was one figure but he was seeing doubles. He tried to get up but he stumbled back to the ground. That is when he realized his situation was bad.

He tapped something on his arm thinking he could enter a portal faster than the figure could catch him. Unfortunately for him no matter how hard he tried to press on his wrist the portal didn’t appear.

The arrogant smile on his face from before had vanished as the figure raised their foot and kicked him out of the building.


As he fell out of that building he tried several times to open a portal but it wasn’t working. He showed a rare panicked expression. It was because of this that he didn’t pay attention. He was suddenly punched in the face and fell to the ground leaving behind a crate on the paved road.

Grunting painfully he raised his aching hand to press that button again but before he could even press it he was pressed down and punched repeatedly by a mad person.

“Where did you get this? Where?!” she asked repeatedly but the man didn’t respond.

Irritated she crushed the cockpit windscreen and tossed it to the side attempting to get to the person inside.

When she saw that face that was one part similar to her husband she became even angrier. There was no need to tell her where this person came from.

Zi Han rushed over to help his mother. Just as he got there the man activated the rocket launcher in the mech’s chest intending to blow this person off his mech but the mech immediately deactivated after identifying the two people by name.

“What the fuck” he muttered and the portal that hadn’t appeared before finally showed its face forcibly drawing him in. Because Zi Xingxi was on top of the man kicking his ass she was bound to be drawn into the portal as well.

Zi Han was quick-witted. He pulled his mother back but as he did that the other mech kicked his mech’s leg throwing him off balance.

The man meant to take him with him. Out of nowhere, Yi Chen’s mech swooped in saving Zi Han in time.

Because Yi Chen was hurt he could only carry them so far until they both tumbled to the ground.

When the man opened his eyes he was back inside the temple. He deactivated the mech and as soon as he did that his body fell to the ground every part of his body aching.

Firstly, his body wasn’t fit to operate a mech. Operating one took great mental strength and years of extensive training unless if it was a protective mech.

Coughing violently he crawled up from the ground his arm clutching his abdomen. Half his face was already swollen from the beating but he was still so spirited.

He glared at the man lying peacefully in the healing capsule and suddenly had the urge to break this entire thing and just end him.

When the portal didn’t work he knew it had something to do with this bastard. Seeing him lying there one might think he was in a coma and fully unresponsive but in truth, he could hear everything.

That is why the portal didn’t appear. He intended to leave him in the Federation. The man was willing to die underneath this temple than bring him back.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

“You.... mother fucker,” he yelled kicking the healing capsule several times but no matter how hard he kicked the healing capsule remained undamaged.

“ARGHHH!” he growled in frustration when he realized he was only hurting himself. After a minute of making unintelligent sounds, his IQ suddenly came back online.

He finally remembered that the mech identified the boy as well as recognized him as family. His crazed expression was soon replaced by a sinister look as he stepped forward pointing at the man lying in the healing capsule.

“That... ahahahaha.... that, that was your son. If I have him, if I can abduct him to the Republic I won’t need you anymore. There won’t be any need for me to extract your semen for artificial insemination so your offspring can take your place when you finally die... Hahahaha.”

Well, if only Zi Xingxi knew this man’s thoughts she might have jumped into that portal with him and end his life.

“I just need to change strategies. Your son would get to meet his side of the family soon. You must be very happy... tsk... I need to see a doctor. That bitch did a number on me.”

As soon as the door closed the room fell into silence and the rhythmic beeping sound suddenly turned rapid as the person lying down raised a finger but that was all the movement coming from that person.

Meanwhile, Zi Han had gotten up from the ground and turned to look at his lover’s mech lying flat on the ground.

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