290 Matching couple’s outfit

Search: How to tell if your lover is keeping secrets from you_

Yi Chen typed this into the search bar expecting some sort of answer but the results were extremely unsatisfactory. He ruffled his hair before deleting the text and rephrasing the question.

Search: How to get your lover to tell you what they are hiding from you_

Yi Chen skimmed through the results but when he heard the running shower get turned off he sat up and ran upstairs.

Putting the matter at the back of his mind he entered the walk-in closet and looked through their clothes. It took him about two minutes to pick something for Zi Han from head to toe.

He placed everything aside before sitting on the bed and resuming his search. After scrolling for a second or two he came across an interesting article.

It was basically talking about three things to do to get your partner to tell you the truth. Yi Chen bit his thumb as he immersed himself in the article. One was to have their guard down like lazing on the couch for instance. Two, avoiding accusations hence making use of nonconfrontational statements. Three, don’t make them feel shitty about it or regret opening up to you. It was doable but he also had to make sure the timing was perfect.

Yi Chen was so immersed in the article that he didn’t realize when the bathroom door opened and Zi Han stepped out. Zi Han looked over his shoulder and took a peek while asking, “What are you doing?”

“Doing some resear-...,” said Yi Chen only for his head to jerk upwards when he realized it was Zi Han. He immediately took down the floating screen seeming very guilty as he got up.


“I am going to take a shower he said,” and Zi Han followed his figure with his intense stare.

What the hell was Yi Chen hiding from him? The man looked quite suspicious and guilty. Yi Chen was indeed feeling guilty. When he closed the bathroom door he deleted his search history feeling somewhat bad.

The fact that he was searching for this made him feel like he didn’t trust Zi Han and he was going behind his back.

Zi Han on the other hand was trying not to think much as he got dressed. Maybe Yi Chen was planning something for him thus he let it go.

Zi Han sat in the lounge downstairs with some entertainment channel playing in the background. In fact, he wasn’t paying attention. He was busy texting his grandfather and mother checking up on them.

He took off his slippers and lay on the couch texting comfortably. He was so relaxed that he didn’t notice when Yi Chen came downstairs and stood at the end of the couch where his head was, watching him.

It was only when Yi Chen lowered his head did Zi Han notice him. From Zi Han’s point of view, Yi Chen’s face was upside down with his strands of hair hanging loosely.

Zi Han smiled subconsciously his gaze lingering on Yi Chen’s lips that looked so soft and delectable. Zi Han really wanted to kiss thus he stretched out his hands and interlocked his fingers around Yi Chen’s nape before pulling him down.

Yi Chen complied with him. He lowered his head and just like the upside-down kiss between spiderman and MJ, the two of them locked lips.

Zi Han’s soft lips brushed against Yi Chen’s delicately like butterfly wings long enough for him to inhale Zi Han’s breath, feel the warmth of his skin and the taste of his berry chapstick which lingered on Yi Chen’s lips long after their lips had parted.

Zi Han pressed the tip of his nose against Yi Chen’s with a radiant smile on his face but soon he wasn’t smiling anymore. Why?

It was because Yi Chen did it again. Just like the last time, Yi Chen matched their clothes making it appear as though they were wearing a couple’s outfit.

“Seriously? Why... why are we wearing the same colors?” asked Zi Han regret written all over his face.

He should have known Yi Chen would pull this same stunt like he did last time. Yi Chen slid his hand out of his pocket and reached out to touch Zi Han. He placed his hand at the back of Zi Han’s neck and pulled him closer while explaining.

“But the shade of brown is different. Plus I am wearing a plaid shirt and you are wearing a t-shirt. How is that the same thing?”

Zi Han almost laughed out loud. The top half wasn’t the same but the bottom half was. It was the same type of straight-cut jeans and their sneakers as well. As long as they were walking together they looked like a couple. It was a silent declaration of ownership on either party.

Yi Chen took advantage of Zi Han’s inattentiveness lowering his head to kiss those lips again. This time he pressed his other hand against Zi Han’s lower back and pulled him closer before kissing his soft lips.

Yi Chen was especially impetuous intoxicated by those lips. He found himself muddle-headed and unable to stop once he got a taste. It took Zi Han calling his name while parting from him to listen and let go.

Yi Chen might have let it go but the whole way he was clinging to Zi Han as though afraid he would vanish on the spot. Zi Han didn’t hate it either, in fact, he encouraged it.

Even as they visited the shopping district Yi Chen held Zi Han’s hand without any fear of being found out by the Marshal. Zi Han was a little worried about it at first but seeing how happy Yi Chen was he let him do as he pleased.

Zi Han pulled Yi Chen into a clothing store. And as they went through the collection Yi Chen stood behind him with his hands resting on either side of Zi Han’s waist asking, “Baby, did you really have to come all the way here to do this? We could have shopped on Starnet while cozying up under the quilt.”

While he said this he rested his chin on Zi Han’s shoulder his breath partially spraying on Zi Han’s neck. Zi Han dodged to the side rubbing the itchy spot on his neck while saying, “This is one of the things they said people in love should do together. If you don’t like-,” before Yi Chen cut him off.

“Sorry, could you repeat that,” he said his expression like that of a smitten kitten?

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