295 Food thief

Yi Chen pressed the tip of his tongue on his cheek in annoyance as he fixed Zi Han’s t-shirt. Seeing that it couldn’t be fixed he took out his denim jacket and draped it over Zi Han’s shoulder covering up his collarbone.

Ikeda Crest, “???”

‘I am genuinely not interested in stealing your boyfriend,’ he said to himself internally but who would believe him? Like come on Zi Han was like a gorgeously wrapped Christmas lollipop ready for unwrapping. Hmm... Yum!

AN: I meant the lollipop... its yum not Zi Han. AAAAAHHHH never mind.....

Ikeda Crest patted his lips with a napkin trying to avoid Yi Chen’s line of sight. By the time food came, Ikeda Yua was already tipsy and her mouth was much more looser than before.

She pointed at Zi Han and said, “I don’t, I don’t get you... You are a handsome, very handsome-,”

“Yua, here. Eat this. You need to sober up,” said Ikeda Crest grasping her finger to stop her from rudely pointing at people. Well, to be exact, stop her from rudely pointing at Zi Han.

“No, I don’t want it. You, you eat it,” she said while pulling her finger out of Ikeda Yua’s hand.

“You are very handsome and, and... if there wasn’t Chen-ge you... you would be my second choice hands down.”


“So I don’t get it. Why take such a fine specimen from us when there are plenty, plenty of girls out there?”

“Yua, I don’t thin-,” said Ikeda Crest only for her to place her hand on his mouth to shut him up.

“Shh, shh. I just want to know. I really just want to know,” she said pulling her hand away before stabbing her fork into her penne pasta plated with a creamy white sauce.

Yi Chen couldn’t stand it anymore. Not only was she coveting him she was also eyeballing his boyfriend. Yi Chen took a sip of his wine. Just as Zi Han was about to come up with some witty comeback, Yi Chen grasped Zi Han’s chin and made him look at him before directly touching Zi Han’s lips with his and transferring the fruity wine into Zi Han’s mouth.

Zi Han didn’t see that one coming but he didn’t fight it. His brain was in a daze maybe from the alcohol or the kiss. Whatever it was Zi Han was so into it.

Yi Chen placed his hand on Zi Han’s cheek deepening the kiss with a slight tilt of his head. When he let him go Zi Han’s eyes were misty with a blush on his cheek seeming inebriated.

Yi Chen wiped the corner of Zi Han’s lips with his thumb and licked it afterward. His body almost sticking to Zi Han he said, “This is why. It’s because he is the only one who can make me do such a thing in public. I will risk it all for him.”

Ikeda Crest, “...”

Zi Han, QAQ

He had to applaud Yi Chen. His boyfriend had the sweetest tongue known to man. It turned his heart to mush just hearing it.

Ikeda Yua was so upset having watched the person she had been fawning over and dreamt of marrying kiss someone in front of her. The pain was indescribable but who could she blame when she brought all this upon herself?

She could have walked away but she chose to play this game and boy was she not happy. Her face changed into so many colors as she stabbed at her food watching Yi Chen take care of Zi Han his eyes affectionate like the person in front of him was the only one in the world.

Zi Han was well aware she was looking but he didn’t care. She was here to see something then he would let her look to her heart’s content.

Yi Chen also didn’t care about her. In fact, he was more interested in Zi Han’s plate more than anything else. While Zi Han was taking a sip of his white wine, Yi Chen help himself to his juicy brisket and a big piece at that.

When Zi Han looked down it was gone. He glared at the culprit and the culprit just stared at him like he hadn’t done anything wrong.

Yi Chen shrugged his shoulders while asking, “What?”

Zi Han, “???”

“Don’t what me. You took my brisket,” he accused the food criminal and he wasn’t overreacting. This man was a serial offender. No matter what Zi Han was eating even if it was the same food as his plate, Yi Chen would deep his fingers in. It was to be expected.

But today though Zi Han specifically said he wanted a smoked brisket and he asked Yi Chen if he wanted some but Yi Chen said he wanted the pork ribs and promised he wouldn’t touch Zi Han’s plate.

“This is why you can’t trust men. You just can’t trust them,” said Zi Han before bringing his fork over to get some compensation.

Yi Chen smirked while grasping Zi Han’s wrist stopping him from touching his pork ribs. “We can discuss other means of compensation just leave my ribs alone,” said Yi Chen moving his plate away to safety.

Zi Han let out a throaty chuckle before issuing a threat. “If you don’t give me that plate you aren’t eating any tonight. I will put you on a diet permanently,” he said and Yi Chen wavered.

“Ugh, how nauseating,” whispered Ikeda Yua but the two people didn’t even hear her. They were fighting about food basically.

“Have you made your decision yet?... You can either hand over the ribs or you are going on a permanent diet,” reiterated Zi Han seeing that Yi Chen wasn’t getting it.

When he finally got it, this was what he had to say.

“Oh god no, here. You can have it all. I will starve to death if you do that... Would you like some cheddar melt sauce with that?.”

Zi Han couldn’t help but chuckle while taking away the entire plate. This was retribution.

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