315 “I, I proposed”

Zi Han sat up straight with a nervous laugh as he dropped his feet to the ground. “Hey... what’s, what’s up?” said Zi Han licking his lips with slight anxiety.

Yi Chen was a little surprised. He honestly thought that Zi Han was upset about the whole passing out after you ‘know what’ but it turns out he was nervous about the ring.

The serious expression on Yi Chen’s face vanished as he lowered his head letting out a light chuckle.

Zi Han arched his brow a little surprised. He subconsciously moved his chair back intending to run and for a minute he actually thought he could get away.

Just when he was measuring the distance between him and the door and got up but Yi Chen placed his hands on the armrest of the seat trapping him in place.

“Captain, we are in public please restrain yourself,” said Zi Han only for Yi Chen to say,

“We are off duty so you can call me whatever you want.”

The two stared at each other for a while before Yi Chen broke the silence. “Take it off,” he commanded and Zi Han looked at him with a perplexed look on his face before he finally figured out what Yi Chen was talking about.

When he figured it out his eyes widened as he placed his hands behind his back. “Take what off? You... move back first and I will take it off,” said Zi Han trying to suppress a smile.


“You won’t run?” asked Yi Chen and Zi Han was quick to answer,

“No, I won’t run.”

Yi Chen, “Promise?”

Zi Han, “I promise.”

Yi Chen stepped back and watched Zi Han take off the right glove revealing a set of slender fingers. He wanted to tell him not that one but he kept his mouth shut in the end.

What he didn’t expect though was that Zi Han would toss that glove at him before running out. Yi Chen let out a half-suppressed laugh as he ran after Zi Han.

The people they passed in the passageways just glanced at them before carrying on with their business. Who didn’t know that these two had something going on? They just learnt to keep their mouths shut.

In two steps Yi Chen caught up with Zi Han and wrapped his arm around his lover’s waist before picking him up and hauling him over his shoulders.

Zi Han tried to struggle but despite them having the same rank in mental power Yi Chen was still so strong.

“Fuck... Yi Chen, let me go. Everybody can see...,” complained Zi Han only for him to shut his mouth when they entered the Cafeteria.

The two teams, Hela’s and Yi Chen’s were surrounding the ice cream cake like greedy pigs.

“All irrelevant personnel please leave,” said Yi Chen, and what he meant by irrelevant was anyone outside these two squads.

No one dared to question him thus they left without a second thought.

It was only then Yi Chen put Zi Han down and grasped his wrist tightly not allowing him to leave his side.

“What’s wrong with you two?” asked Hela. She had also noticed their odd behavior from earlier.

“Probably a break-up announcement,” said Li Ran and everyone threw whatever they could get their hands on at him.

“If these two break up then you and I might as well call it quits because we won’t survive,” said Hela throwing a balled up napkin at him as the room turned chaotic.

“He is overreacting. Don’t mind him,” said Zi Han as he tried to get away.

Yi Chen raised Zi Han’s wrist and said, “I have an announcement to make,” before taking off Zi Han’s glove. Zi Han clenched his fist feeling a little embarrassed.

Now that he thought about it he was too impulsive. He should have planned something big but instead, he had waited until the man had fallen asleep to give him a ring. AAAHHHHH, how embarrassing. How was he supposed to answer that question in the future?

Random person, “So how did you propose?”

Zi Han, “Oh, I slipped a ring on his finger while he was sleeping.”

That would surely be embarrassing. While he was being embarrassed over here, Yi Chen had already pulled up the glove and said, “We are engaged to be married,” showing off the two rings side by side.

The room fell to pin-dropping silence as everyone stared at them in shock. One was showing off while the other looked like he wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.



“I expected it way sooner than this.....”


Floods of comments and congratulatory words filled the room but one person just had to ask how this proposal went down.

“So Han Han how was it? How did he propose?” asked Li Ran only for Zi Han to give him a WTF type of glare.

“I think the Squad leader flew his mech in the sky with a banner written ‘will you marry me’..,” said Zain almost imagining that beautiful proposal.

Zi Han, “....”

“Or maybe he bought him his favorite cake and put the ring inside. When Han Han ate the cake he bit through it. Lo and behold, an engagement ring. Tears followed and a series of I love yous came after,” narrated Omari his imagination going wild.

Zi Han, “QAQ”

“Or maybe he tied the ring around the little Nim’s neck with a red bow then send it to Zi Han with a note and then Zi Han came rushing back screaming ‘I do, I do’.”

Zi Han, ‘!!!’

Okay, even he had to admit that that was a good one. Why didn’t he think of it? Oh, that’s right. His mother and grandmother had been monopolizing his baby so how could he think of that?

“I, I proposed,” said Zi Han while rubbing his temples, “... while he was asleep.”

Everyone, “...”

That was totally unexpected. Everyone wore a surprised look on their faces except Yi Chen. He was as happy as a bride at their wedding.

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