318 The Marshal finds out the truth

Rhythmic plopping sounds filled the cabin as Zi Han tossed the ball and captured it in his hand before tossing it again. He didn’t appear like a happily engaged man at all.

It was because while they were celebrating earlier another contact sent him a message and this time the tone wasn’t as polite or patient as before.

The man was obviously desperate and angry but Zi Han ignored it. So what did this delusional person say that was so bad?

SN9382: Why would you do that?

SN9382: He doesn’t care for you. Soon the Marshal will find out and he will dump you.


Zi Han could care less at that point. He just ignored the message and continued enjoying his grandfather’s masterpiece. Zi Feiji really knew how to pair ice cream flavors. It was very delicious.

The pair of lovers were standing together, one in front of the other, as they fed each other ice cream cake.

Yi Chen couldn’t and wouldn’t let go of his hand as he stared at Zi Han intensely. Their fingers rubbed against each other in a loose interlace and Yi Chen would occasionally tug Zi Han’s arm pulling him closer as though to kiss him but each time he would just stare at those lips before glancing back at Zi Han’s eyes as the smile on his face grew wider.


The question was never asked but both of them had a tacit understanding. Pink bubbles were floating around them with an intensely sweet atmosphere that no one dared to disturb but unfortunately there were urgent matters to attend to.

At that time Yi Chen had received a video call from his father and hence left. It was after Yi Chen’s figure disappeared that his light brain made another sound. He stepped out as he unlocked it. Zi Han intended to block the number again only for his attention to be grasped by the message.

He hastily opened it and it read;

SN9382: Break it off. If you break it off I will reveal the true identity of the mastermind.

SN9382: I will give you everything I investigated.

Zi Han, “...”

His chest felt stifled as he read and re-read the messages. Prime minister Ikeda was really starting to get on his nerve. Enraged he typed out a message back in response.

HanChen: Fuck off!

He was as vicious as his mother and his tongue was just as fierce. After that, his mood was thoroughly ruined. He just left the cafeteria and now he was lying down on the bed like a salted fish while tossing the ball.

If he had to choose between breaking up with Yi Chen to bring down the person who sentenced his father to death his choice though not easy to make, was obvious. He would rather choose to be happy for the rest of his life. He also knew that that was what his father would have wanted for him.

But it still broke his heart especially when he thought of that person, who broke his family, living a happy fulfilled life with his family and in luxury while his mother was basically a broken porcelain doll glued together carelessly preventing her from going insane.

Zi Han clenched the ball in his hand and lay on his side as he closed his eyes trying to think. He wasn’t certain if he should tell his mother about it or not. This back and forth wasn’t helping her heal. In fact, it was increasing the emotional cracks breaking apart the glue that was literally holding her together.

He decided not to tell her but his heart still hurt. As he lay there seeming tranquil, a tear streamed down his cheek and then another followed.

“I am sorry.... I am so sorry,” he mumbled as he lay there.

Meanwhile, Yi Chen was standing in front of a huge floating screen facing his livid father’s face. “I asked you a question. What the fuck is this?” asked Marshal Yi as a set of pictures floated on the side.

Marshal Yi tugged his tie as he leaned back. He glanced at his admirals and commanded, “Get the fuck out!”

The men and women nodded their heads before rushing out. No one wanted to be around when that man exploded. His rage might be redirected toward innocent passersby like them.

Yi Chen’s chest rose and fell as he stared at his father his body trembling slightly. His eyes stung like he was going to cry. Clenching his fist he gulped down on those emotions threatening to come out and said, “It is as you see it.”

“Fuck!!” swore the Marshal as he got up unwilling to even look at his son.

When he called him just now it was to discuss the events that just took place in the briefing and things he needed to look out for. But who would have thought that during their discussion his light brain would get bombarded by a series of images sent by prime minister Ikeda? He most likely sent them the moment Zi Han told him to fuck off.

The Marshal who was concerned about military affairs now had to worry about his son’s love affairs.

Yi Chen’s chest tightened. He closed his eyes swallowing down his saliva. He knew this day would come but he just didn’t think it would happen today of all days. He raised his head slightly and whispered, “I love him.”

Marshal Yi who was pacing up and down off camera just now halted his steps before swiftly walking back to the floating screen.

“Does your mother know? Huh? Is that why she acts all chummy chummy with Zi Xingxi? Is that why? Shit....,” he swore as he banged the desk harshly.

Yi Chen kept his mouth shut his expression sullen. He knew his father wouldn’t take it well but he didn’t expect his reaction to be this big.

“Why didn’t you tell me first, huh? Why do I have to fuckin find out from that bastard?” he asked his tone harsh and his eyes bloodshot.

Yi Chen’s lips didn’t hesitate to move this time as he asked, “Who?”

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