334 Foiled plan

It didn’t take long for Zi Han to find Yi Chen. Raylan seemed to have suffered some damage but it wasn’t something irreparable. He had to quickly get himself together and not get too emotional for Yi Chen’s sake but it was very difficult for him.

When he pulled Yi Chen out of the snow, he was still conscious but he was freezing cold and he had a serious injury on his forehead.

Zi Han was very quick to react while talking to him softly in a soothing tone. He might have appeared calm on the outside but on the inside, he was like a pot of boiling lava. He was so enraged and was seeking an outlet to let it out.

When he finds out who the hell did this they would most definitely be hell to pay. While he was taking care of Yi Chen, Li Ran requested a video call.

Zi Han answered it but his expression wasn’t at all friendly. One could understand why. After such a traumatic experience it was even a surprise that he was accepting calls. Li Ran glanced behind Zi Han and found that the person he was looking for was right behind him lying down.

He heaved a sigh of relief and asked, “How is he doing?”

Zi Han glanced behind him before replying, “He,” but when he realized his voice was raspy he cleared his throat before continuing, “I sedated him. He just needs to warm up a little and I will take him to the base.”

Li Ran tried to ignore Zi Han’s swollen eyes from all that crying and continued to say, “We are evacuating the base... Do you want us to wait for you two... or maybe do you need some help to bring him back to the base?”

Zi Han shook his head trying to appear as normal as possible which was really hard for him. Yi Chen’s injuries were more serious than that but he didn’t want to worry Li Ran so he downplayed it.


“I am afraid if I move him now it won’t do him any good,” replied Zi Han but the truth was that if he moved Yi Chen now he wouldn’t be able to heal him in full view of everyone else so he much preferred it if they stayed in Igneous for a while. It would be best if the base would be empty by the time he gets there.

Li Ran didn’t think much of it. He simply nodded his head in agreement before saying, “I will reassure uncle and aunt. Just... just stay safe okay?”

Zi Han nodded his head his lips pressed into a thin line before saying, “Take care of Hela and the others.”

After that Zi Han cut the video call and walked back to the retractable bed in the cockpit. He sat down and raked his fingers through his hair while painfully biting his bottom lip as the tears wailed up in his eyes.

This was what he was always afraid of and experiencing it today made him feel like he was slowly turning into his mother. His heart shattered into a million pieces as he dug in that snow. The pain was indescribable and completely out of this world. He never wanted to experience that again but as long as they stayed in this line of work they were bound to experience it again.

Zi Han took off his boots before lying down next to Yi Chen. With his curled finger he gently caressed Yi Chen’s cheek with a self deprecating smile. He always gave the same answer whenever his mother would tell him to stay away from girls and that was, “I won’t fall in love,” or, “I don’t want to fall in love,” but here he was guarding someone on their bedside feeling very anxious. He had not only fallen in love but had fallen very hard that there was no saving him. His fate was now bound to Yi Chen and there was nothing he could do about it. Zi Han kissed Yi Chen’s lips before laying his head down on Yi Chen’s chest.

While Zi Han was cuddling his lover and plotting his revenge on whoever planned this, the culprit was looking very upset.

Not only were the people he sent to kill the prime ministers unavailable but Zi Han and Yi Chen had been reported to have survived the explosion. All his explosive devices had been found and deactivated.

As for the prime ministers the news mentioned them being in critical conditions or status unknown but if that was the case then why couldn’t he get hold of any of his people? It had become very apparent to him that his flawless plan had been foiled. The only good thing going for him now was that there were more calls for the Marshal to give up all his power.

He could only retreat into his hole and come up with another plan. He didn’t even dare let his mother know what was going on. She would be very pissed off with him.


“Shit,” swore Zi Han after burning his fingers.

“Careful... I don’t see why you have to keep doing this. You have made him porridge for the past three days and he hasn’t woken up to eat it,” said Zi Xingxi while looking at her son through the video call with a worried look in her eyes.

“It’s fine. I will have it ready for him when he wakes up,” replied Zi Han as he closed the food warmer.

“How are you doing though? You aren’t overdoing it, are you?” asked Zi Xingxi and Zi Han’s back stiffened.

By overdoing it Zi Xingxi was referring to healing Yi Chen. She had repeatedly warned him about this but the first night Zi Han went all the way. He finally found out what she meant by overdoing it. He felt like his soul had left his body and couldn’t wake up at all the next day. Thus he had been taking it easy lately.

“I have... don’t worry mum,” he said before trying to change the subject quickly, “have you found out who did this?”

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