347 More sad stuff

“I know... and I am so sorry,” said Zi Han his voice trembling slightly. He loved Yi Chen so much but he also knew he had to do this and now here they were.

Yi Chen couldn’t stay mad at him. He decided they shouldn’t discuss this here. “Just send whatever evidence that you have to me. Tsk, that asshole Ikeda really got his wish...,” said Yi Chen before a series of sizzling balls of flames fired rapidly at him from a distance.

“Yi Chen!” yelled Zi Han as he watched Raylan bounce off the ground twice before rolling on the snow. Because Raylan had already suffered some damage from when it was frozen under the snow it meant Yi Chen’s reaction speed was slower than usual.

Zi Han aimed the cannon blaster in the direction where the attack came but just as he pulled the trigger Igneous stopped him.

“Sir, it’s Chronos and the Madam is trying to connect,” said Igneous, and Zi Han scurried to his feet while granting it permission.

“Uh uh uh, if you don’t want him to be considered an accomplice to your crime you better not go there,” she said and Igneous pulled up images of mechs heading in their direction.

“Is, is he injured?” he asked very reluctant to leave.

“Zi Han now!” yelled Zi Xingxi and Zi Han had no choice but to walk away. By the time he reached the warship, he was in such a bad mood and he was crying while walking fast. He didn’t even know where he was going. He just wanted to find an isolated corner and cry himself to death.

Zi Xingxi grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “You can’t just go. Tell me what happened. You could have at least let me in on it before you went on executing people in public,” she said but they were totally operating on different wavelengths.


Zi Han was more concerned for Yi Chen and he was really having a nervous breakdown.

“I just left him there. I just left him in the snow by himself... mum, he will think I don’t love him but I do. I really do,” he said his cheeks wet trying to get hold of him on his light brain.

Zi Xingxi grabbed both his arms and shook him while yelling, “Get it together. Don’t you trust me? He will only have minor bruises and scratches from that. If he is as smart as he says he is then he won’t hate you. He will understand why you left, okay?”

Zi Han snapped out of it but he was still visibly upset. Zi Xingxi wiped the tears off his face and said, “What I don’t understand though is why you did that. Can you tell mum why you did that in front of everyone?”

Zi Han lowered his head and tapped his light brain a few times before he flicked his finger and an enlarged floating screen appeared in the middle of the room.

A video immediately began to play and it didn’t take long before Zi Xingxi’s face changed. She was as angry as Zi Han was when he first watched it. Now she wished she was the first to know about it. She would make sure he died a painful and slow death.

Her husband had mentioned a step brother before but because they weren’t blood related and his stepmother had poisoned him he only mentioned them once.

His father forbade him from even mentioning this pair of mother and son. The stepmother was so delusional that she even gave her son the Yeoh family name when he wasn’t the emperor’s son. Even his name was slightly similar to Jun’s.

Who would have thought this dove that was trying to occupy the magpie’s nest would grow into a messed up human being?

He had already succeeded in taking down the royal family but was still taking their assets and erasing their legacy. The fact that he managed to get ownership of Foyer and tried to change it to his mother’s name was baffling.

After rewatching this video several times she was so angry that she turned to Lynn Feng and asked, “Is he dead?”

Lynn Feng, who had her hand resting on her forehead her heart weighing down on her raised her head and replied, “He definitely dead? Han Han made sure to go for his vitals and there was no saving him no matter how fast their response was.”

“He also wanted to kill me and Yi Chen. All these explosions had everything to do with him. I was so angry and I,... I couldn’t let him live another day,” he said and Zi Xingxi nodded her head in understanding. She would most definitely be in the same emotional state.

Zi Xingxi removed her finger hanging above her upper lip and asked, “You do understand what this means, right? Things can’t go back to the way they were before.”

Zi Han bit his lower lip his misty eyes getting even foggier as tears wailed up in his eyes. His mother pulled him into her arms and let him cry it out. Zi Xingxi rubbed his back as he silently whimpered.

Hearing him cry like that was so heartbreaking that even Lynn Feng couldn’t help but shed tears. Secretary K was the only one with a stone cold face but his heart was really hurting.

The door suddenly slid open and Zi Feiji who had been knocked out on sleeping pills walked in his eyes half lidded. He hadn’t slept well lately and his daughter was worried thus she insisted on him taking them. It was because of this that he had slept through this entire showdown.

“Wha, who did Han Han kill?” he said but judging from his expression he was still relatively high.

Everyone, “...” I guess the old man didn’t know how to read the room.

“What? Why are you all looking at me like that?... I keep getting messages that my grandson lost his mind that’s what woke me up. So... who did he kill?”

“I don’t know why I haven’t put you in a nursing home yet. You and your friends can gossip there all day,” said Zi Xingxi.

“Who are you are you calling old?” said Zi Feiji only for Zi Xingxi to retort,

“No one called you that. Why are you getting so defensive?”

“Why are we talking about this? Just tell me who he killed,” said Zi Feiji, and boy did his eyes grow wide when he found out what his daring grandson did.

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