381 ‘Love is blind’ Too blind.

“Ma, that’s not... that’s not what I meant. Ma! Ma! Ma!” yelled Zi Han but his words only fell on deaf ears.

Five hours later Zi Han was standing stiffly on the bridge of the warship, his shoulders slumped while his mother handed him a mission package.

“... After what we discussed earlier on I realised that it would be great if you pair up with Raya on his mission,” she said her eyes glistening under the luminous light sparkling like she had won the lottery.

“Ma,” called out Zi Han while rubbing the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t believe she would actually think this was a great idea.

“He is the same age as you. He is hands-... no he is good looking and he is one of the best new recruits. Top tier highly efficient assassin,” she said pausing mid-sentence when she realised handsome wasn’t the best word to use especially when Zi Han had been exposed to that divinely handsome face belonging to Yi Chen every single day.

After that kind of exposure Zi Han’s eyes couldn’t be saved. He had become immune to other people’s good looks. He would see everyone through a filter with Yi Chen’s face being the most radiant.

AN: Or maybe he is confirming the phrase ‘love is blind’ Too blind.

“Ma, what happened to you saying that I can make my own choice and that it is my life?” asked Zi Han a little irritable.

Zi Xingxi flicked Zi Han’s forehead with a gleeful smile. “Yes, you make your own choices but I am just giving you options. The decision is all yours. Just amuse this old lady okay?”


Zi Han, “...”

“What old lady? You are obviously still so young,” complained Zi Han but the truth is it was a tactic. All he had to do was compliment his mother and like frost melting under the first light of spring, Zi Xingxi would cave in.

As expected her eyes beamed and her mouth turned very sweet. “Aww, thank you, baby. I think my new face cream is working,” she said while patting her cheek.

“Wah, which face cream is it? Can I try it?” asked Zi Han when he realised he had finally hooked her.

“It’s called youthful glow. How young do you think I look?” asked Zi Xingxi getting closer only for Zi Feiji to pinch her arm.

She drew in a breath of cold air before coming back to her senses. “He is playing you. Don’t forget the objective,” said Zi Feiji and Zi Han pouted his lips looking wronged. His grandfather could really hold a grudge. “Oh right...,” said Zi Xingxi before leaning closer to him and whispering, “did you really mean it?”

“Xixi!” yelled Zi Feiji and Zi Xingxi finally became serious.

Lynn Feng who was watching this show from the side suppressed a laugh while pulling up the files. With these kinds of people, she would never get bored with her job.

“This time the case is relatively simple. It’s Raya’s mission but you will partner with him and take them all out,” said Zi Xingxi and Lynn Feng zoomed on an image and said,

“This is the MVP of the mission.”

“You can clean house but this person right here is the priority target,” said Zi Xingxi referring to a bald headed man with a beard so thick it had braids in it.

“He looks like a Viking with no hair. It’s funny, that’s what they call him,” said Zi Han while reading the files.

“Human... trafficking. Okay, I will take care of it,” he said Zi Xingxi immediately responded,

“Not I but we. Raya is waiting for you in the fifth district. After yoau are done there is a bar with our seal. He will take you there and you guys can have a drink,” said Zi Xingxi and Zi Han almost rolled his eyes.

He pretended to agree. In truth, he was going to ditch this Raya person and go find his sweetheart. This plan was indeed flawless.

An hour later Zi Han was at the top of a building under the darkness of night watching the shadows from afar.

“What a nice day to play outside,” he said and Secretary K responded through the communication channel,

“I am here as backup. If anything happens let me know.”

Zi Han nodded his head before saying, “I understand. Time to fly.”

Secretary K opened his mouth to say something but before he could even make a sound Zi Han had leapt off the roof.

Secretary K, “...”

Zi Han’s feet landed lightly on the ground with Igneous already packed away. He could see a familiar person standing atop the building waiting for him.

The young man smiled while stretching out his hand, “Hello, I am Ra-,” but his lips were suddenly covered by a hand preventing him from talking.

“Shh,” whispered Zi Han while slowly crouching down with him before pointing at a pair of lovers through the skylight.

The pair were armed and probably worked for Viking. Zi Han pulled up a floating screen checking the layout of the building and how many people were nearby when he felt a heated gaze boring into his skin.

“What are you looking at? Do I have something on my face?” He mouthed... and Raya looked away a little embarrassed. Zi Han couldn’t clearly see his face in the dark but he could see the tip of his ear that was red.

He suddenly didn’t want to waste any more time. He gestured with his hand to go down before taking out a small device and plastering it on the window pane.

He pulled out a rope from it and then slipped in through the open skylight window panel. The rope automatically lowered him down.

Raya followed suit but before his feet could even touch the ground, Zi Han had already taken a dagger from the side of his boot and stabbed the side of the man’s neck.

The woman who was immersed in the kiss suddenly felt the person in her arms stiffen. She opened her blurry eyes. She was startled to see a black masked person standing behind the person she was making out with and the man was staring at her all wide-eyed with a dagger sticking out his neck.

Before she could even react Zi Han slashed her neck. A thin line of blood began to seep out on her neck. She wanted to press on the wound and possibly stop it from bleeding but she found that she could not raise her hand. She was paralyzed.

Raya tacitly looked for a closet to place the bodies in. They didn’t want the rest of the armed guards to be alerted of their intrusion before getting to that Viking person.

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