403 What happened to Tala’s hair

A touch of ruthlessness flashed in Zi Han as he tightened the grip on her hair almost pulling it at the roots. In fact, he did pull it out of her scalp because she was wearing a wig.

Zi Han’s eyes narrowed looking at this gorgeous lace frontal wig that appeared so realistic. Whoever made this was a genius. Zi Han couldn’t even tell that it wasn’t her real hair at all.

He glanced down at her about to open his mouth and praise the workmanship when he saw her head with a few patches of hair scattered on her scalp. The rest of her head was bald.

“Oh,” he said feeling like he was more curious about what happened to her hair more than he should.

“Uh... here, you can put it back on,” he said and Tala grabbed it back with her trembling hands before she crawled away in fright her face almost transparent like she had just been fished out of the water after days of being submerged.

Zi Han rolled his eyes looking at her performance. He knew she was just stalling for time so she would be rescued but Zi Han wasn’t stupid. He knew what she was up to. He took a step forward and grabbed the woman’s arm but she began to flare her arms fending him off while screaming hysterically.

Zi Han felt very irritable. “Stop... what’s the point. You look stupid,” said Zi Han breaking through her defences and trying to knock her out.

Unexpectedly, she scratched at his hand before escaping away towards the cockpit probably intending to lock herself inside.

“Shit,” swore Zi Han as he shook his arm that was bleeding from scratch. In two steps he reached the cockpit before Tala could completely close the door. She abandoned the idea of closing the door and rushed over to the console to send a distress signal.


“Help, I am being attacked by....,” she said but before she could finish speaking a laser beam was shot at the console burning a hole into it.

She screamed in fright and glanced back at him. Zi Han shrugged his shoulders and said, “I also blew up the control system and the cruiser is going to crash any minute now so we have to go.”

Tala would rather take her chances with the crashing stealth cruiser than with Zi Han thus she clung to the broken console refusing to let go.

Zi Han was expecting this thus in the midst of warning alarms and flickering red lights he got into a scuffle with her though it didn’t take him long to subdue her.

He knocked her out and dragged her body out of the stealth cruiser. He didn’t even carry her out more especially after she bit him.

While Zi Han was dragging her he felt like she snugged onto something thus he tugged several times without even bothering to check. After a couple of tugs, her body jerked forward and Zi Han dragged her out just before the stealth cruiser crushed outside the city. He tossed her to the ground and bound her four limbs together like a goat at the market.

“I got her and I am bringing her back to the nest,” said Zi Han his expression complicated as his thoughts strayed towards Yi Chen. He couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t caught up yet. His heart that was chilled in a block of ice suddenly melted his eyes which were dry just now became moist without him even realising it.

“Han Han, are you crying?” asked Zi Xingxi on the floating screen right in front of him.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” screamed Zi Han after being startled, “I am not crying... shit why did you have to jump on me like that?”

Zi Feiji who was walking past the screen interjected, “Sometimes you scream like a little girl.”

Zi Xingxi, “...”

She punched her father’s arm with a stiff smile on her face. “Don’t listen to him, honey. He hasn’t had coffee today so yep,” she said through gritted teeth.

Zi Han didn’t mind his grandfather at all that’s because his eyes were leaking and it sucked. He knew the remedy but after that argument, he didn’t want to talk to him yet.

“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Zi Xingxi and Zi Han answered abruptly,

“No. I will be there in ten minutes.”

After saying that he cut the video call and Igneous flew out of the fog towards the deserted outskirts of the city.

The moment Zi Han left, Hydra reached the crash site and Yi Chen exited his mech seeming a little bad-tempered and sulky. If anyone was to offend him right now they would have a very bad ending.

He stepped into the wreckage with a dying flame of hope in his heart which was completely extinguished after he saw no one inside.

As the distinct sounds of sirens got closer and closer Yi Chen explored the wreckage looking for anything that could implicate Zi Han.

After looking around for a while he couldn’t find anything. He was about to walk out when his foot got caught on something at the entrance of the cockpit.

When he looked down his brows furrowed. A thin thread was wrapped around his boot.

Yi Chen bend down and pulled the thread which was wedged underneath scrap metal. A few tugs and the thread loosened. When he pulled it out there was a blue jade.

“What is that?” asked Li Ran after entering the wreckage and finding Yi Chen bending down while holding a unique-looking pendant.

Yi Chen had seen it around Tala’s neck before and that was only once. It was because she always wore it under her clothes but that day she accidentally let it hang outside her clothes.

At that time he just took a casual glance and didn’t even think much about it. He just remembered questioning himself why a woman who was so particular about her outfit wore something that didn’t match her style at all.

“It belongs to Tala,” replied Yi Chen and Li Ran’s brow arched before saying,

“For a woman who is very particular about everything from her hair, her dresses to her jewellery this pendant is really out of tune. Maybe it was a family heirloom or something.”

“Maybe,” replied Yi Chen with a meaningful expression.

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