417 The perfect marriage

The perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.” -Davis Willis.

Ever since Zi Han decided that he was going to marry Yi Chen he had been feeling different inside. The best way to describe the feeling would be like an unopened bottle of champagne after being shaken.

He felt bubbly and excited but could only restrain himself especially when the person who asked him in the first place was nowhere to be found. The man wasn’t answering both his messages and calls which was very irritating.

He tried to calm himself down and give excuses for Yi Chen. Maybe he was busy with something or maybe he got into trouble with his father or something? Maybe that girl went over to tattle or something?

Zi Han ruffled his hair and finally wrote his last message or what he promised will be the last message.

StarryShadow: I will see you at the location below at ten in the morning in two days.

Why in two days? It was because they were returning to Capital Star to celebrate his mother’s birthday that was coming up. Zi Han and Zi Feiji had planned a mini party for Zi Xingxi at a fancy skyline resort after booking the entire place.

He decided to meet up with Yi Chen on that day and give him an answer. After sending that message his heart lurched as a wave of numbness spread all over his body.

Zi Han could barely function well in the next two days neither could he think straight. Sleep was a foreign concept to him. He wasn’t sleeping well at all and Zi Xingxi was seriously getting worried.


She made him some tea on the second night after catching him wide away several times in the night. It was only then that Zi Han got some type of beauty sleep no matter how short it was.

When the day came Zi Han was very anxious. He was bustling about like this was his wedding day.

He was especially attentive to his outfit of choice, well, that is after he pestered his mother for a haircut.

Zi Xingxi had cut her son’s hair several times before but this was the first time he had been so particular. The two finally settled on the details and once Zi Xingxi was done Zi Han smiled happily while messing with his long side-swept fringe.

“Do I look irresistible?” he asked while his mother packed away the hair clippers.

Zi Xingxi smiled at him while looking at his reflection in the mirror. She placed her hands on either side of his shoulders and said, “You look like someone’s handsome husband.”

Zi Han patted his mother’s hand and mouthed, “Thank you.”

Zi Xingxi ruffled her son’s hair before letting him go and get prepared. “Oh, and don’t forget to invite him over to my birthday dinner your grandfather still wants to talk to him,” she said through the bathroom door and Zi Han yelled back,


Zi Xingxi left her son’s cabin only to almost bump into Zi Feiji. The man seemed a little anxious. “Did Han Han get hold of him?” he asked and Zi Xingxi shook her head.

“That idiot Yi Zhen probably detained his son again. Talk some sense into him because if I do it I will most definitely fuck him up and tear his face,” she replied before walking past her father.

Zi Feiji bit his lips a little frustrated. He had a very bad feeling more especially after hearing some chatter in his circle of friends. He had been worried that Yi Chen’s unavailability might be more than what was on the surface.

His friends were speculating that something had happened to Yi Chen. It seemed the former Marshal had been seen in the military headquarters several times and his face didn’t look good at all.

Zi Feiji attempted to get hold of him but the call didn’t go through. It seemed now he had to escalate the matter.

It was indeed true. In fact, the Marshal had already went to Yi Chen’s apartment the very next day after he heard that his son didn’t show up to a scheduled event from Li Ran. When he got there the light brain was there but his son was nowhere to be found.

What he did find though were traces of a very familiar mental power but the funny thing was that it belonged to a person presumed dead. It was the former prince’s mental power though faint.

His first thought was Zi Han but after finding out he wasn’t anywhere near Capital Star he gave up on that route and began to turn his son’s life upside down looking for what he was working on, hopefully, it would lead him to his possible whereabouts. All he found were basic cases most of which Yi Chen took over from him and none of them stood out.

It was only after interrogating Li Ran did he find out Yi Chen was really into finding the former prince and as expected it had something to do with Zi Han. It was then he went through the chat records again. This time he found so many messages and missed calls from the StarryShadow person and he knew who exactly it was. When he saw that they were meant to meet today, Yi Zhen decided to keep this appointment thus he had Li Ran respond to it swiftly because he could match Yi Chen’s tone.

Li Ran was very reluctant but he also wanted to know where his friend was thus he responded while silently apologizing to Zi Han in advance

DeepLimerence: I am sorry my dad found out that we have been talking so I wasn’t available. He is being an asshole.

The former Marshal who read these words gnashed his teeth in anger. Who was this fool calling an asshole?

Li Ran put on an innocent expression and said, “It’s nothing personal, uncle. This is really how your son talks.”

The former Marshal humphed before waving his fingers for him to continue.

DeepLimerence: I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

DeepLimerence: I love you.

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