423 [Bonus chapter]Secretary K’s story

When she got there she was a little surprised to find Secretary K kneeling at the door in self punishment with half his face swollen.

Her steps froze as her brow twitched. They had a rule in the Bloodgarde that is if one fails a mission they would be subjected to rigorous training for a set number of days to improve their skill and reflect on their mistakes which was what the team Zi Han left with would have to be subjected to.

She just didn’t expect this giant of a man to kneel in front of Yi Chen’s place looking broken.

Zi Xingxi pursed her lips and walked forward. She crouched in front of him and raised his chin before asking, “What’s your problem?”

Maybe it was because Zi Xingxi had already vented out the pent-up anger by landing a few blows on the former Marshal that she wasn’t as upset.

Secretary K didn’t dare open his eyes. “I... I failed to protect the young sir,” he whispered and Zi Xingxi turned his face to the side before asking,

“So you did this to yourself?” looking at the swollen slap marks on his cheek.

Secretary K felt so ashamed that he didn’t dare respond. When Zi Xingxi found him in that pile of garbage after his captives left him for dead she didn’t ask for anything. She just picked up his broken body and brought him back.

All his life ever since he was twelve years old he had been held captive by the interstellar pirates. For the first few years, they negotiated with his father for ransom but the moment his father died tragically his stepmother didn’t care to pay it. Why pay it when he was just a son of a mistress?


Things became worse after that. They locked him up in a dark room barely bigger than a hovercar. He could still stand when he was young but his height increased drastically due to puberty thus he couldn’t stand anymore.

They treated him like an animal and would only take him out when it was time to fight for their amusement. He was battered at first and would be shoved back into the cage for weeks with the food portion size reduced to the point where he would survive but it would still be too little to accommodate his daily requirement.

After the third time, he finally became what they wanted him to be. He fought like an animal and won. As a reward, he was upgraded to a cell with his hands and feet bound. He could eat more and finally move around.

After experiencing such luxury he didn’t want to go back to that cold box. He fought savagely and won each time. The interstellar pirates began to revere him more and even brought him into their circle. Because he was so outstanding he attracted a lot of people’s attention which included the leader’s wife.

She became even much nicer to him but no matter how hard he tried to shake her off and treat her perfunctorily she didn’t let go of him. He didn’t want anything to do with her but he found out that this woman was a viper. She was a poison that would ruin good men. Whenever she felt like she was being neglected by the leader she would go after the most good-looking men to rouse her husband’s jealousy.

This meant the leader wouldn’t take it lightly. If the person doesn’t die they will be crippled for life. He never wanted trouble thus he found a way to resolve it.

He couldn’t run away because he still wore a collar that would produce lasers that would decapitate his body if he was a few feet from the base. He could only get ahead of the situation and explain to the leader. The leader was indeed merciful. This young man had come forth and honestly explained himself which was good but he still couldn’t escape punishment.

He was beaten by the leader breaking his bones in eight places before he was thrown back into the box that he had escaped years ago. There was no doctor, no medical treatment at all. Whether he lived or not that was up to fate. Just when he thought he was going to die in this place Zi Xingxi showed up and slaughtered all of them like pigs.

He finally got the chance to escape in the chaos of the explosion but he couldn’t go far. He fell into the pile of garbage and looked up to a sky he had never seen outside those walls ready to die.

It was then Zi Xingxi found him and when she saw the amount of suffering he had gone through her heart ached. She carried him away and gave him a second chance.

When he could finally speak again she asked if he wanted to go back home to his family but he refused and vowed to follow her. Back then Zi Xingxi looked at him seriously and said, “I can give you a fresh start. You don’t owe me anything.”

His response was resolute, “I want to follow you. I want to protect you... I want to protect your family.”

Zi Xingxi who was two months pregnant then smiled slyly while saying, “If you want to follow me you must be able to kill for me. Are you willing to do that?”

When he nodded his head, Zi Xingxi waved her hand and a disheveled woman who was weak and sickly was dropped to the floor and she said,

“You recognize her. When I killed her husband I saved her for you. Kill her and you can follow me,” while handing him a dagger.

He was trembling in fear but there was determination in his eyes. This woman’s selfishness had dragged him back to that hell hole. Thus no matter how much she begged and cried he stabbed her again and again. He not only did it for himself but for every man who had fallen victim to this dog pair. It was then he was reborn and abandoned his birth name.

Zi Xingxi even gave him the opportunity to bring down his family that stood by and let him rot in that place yet they had an abundance of wealth left by his father.

But when it came time to repay this life debt what did he do? He failed to protect the young sir. If Zi Xingxi was to ask for his life right now he would gladly give it because without her he wouldn’t be here at all.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. I have failed to protect him countless times but does that mean I should hurt myself like this? Is that what you want,” said Zi Xingxi before raising her hand to slap herself. But before her hand could touch her face her wrist was grasped stopping her.

Zi Xingxi showed a small smile while saying, “I have told you countless times before that you are my brother and that is your nephew. From the moment you changed your family name you became part of my family so don’t hurt yourself anymore.”

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