425 “Hie schmoopy. Do you miss me already?”

“Presume that he is missing when you do your search. I need to know when he was last seen,” said Zi Xingxi and Lynn Feng nodded her head while responding,

“I will definitely find the runaway groom,” as she entered the elevator.

“Thanks,” replied Zi Xingxi before ending the call. She picked up the cup and walked back to the bedroom. Secretary K had already dressed Zi Han and was tucking him in a light and breathable blanket. He was like the most perfect manny.

“How is he?” asked Zi Xingxi in a whisper.

Secretary K stood up while saying, “He is much better now. His temperature seems to have dropped a little.”

Zi Xingxi climbed onto the bed and said, “You can go rest now. I will watch over him.”

Secretary K nodded his head before turning to leave. “I will order something for you to eat. Any preferences?”

“Just something light,” said Zi Xingxi before Secretary K left. She gently half raised Zi Han and tilted the cup for him to drink but Zi Han was stubbornly pursing his lips.

“Han Han, open your mouth and drink some water,” she said trying to coax him to open his mouth.


Zi Han creased his brows and refused but how could Zi Xingxi let him have his way? The child needed to stay hydrated. With her hand resting on his forehead, she coaxed him again, “Hurry up and drink it otherwise I will murder Mr. Twiggles.”

AAAAAAAHHHHHH, how could a mother be this cruel? How could she threaten her son with her first grandchild? Well, that’s what Zi Han thought in his delirious state.

He obediently opened his mouth and drank the water. After that, he murmured, “Heartless,” under his breath but as sharp as Zi Xingxi’s hearing was, she heard it all.

“Ah, you brat. Even with a fever you are still mean to this old lady,” said Zi Xingxi helping him lie back down.

She lay next to him while stroking his hair in comfort. She didn’t have to say anything, her presence was comforting enough.

She remembered when they stayed in that small house Zi Han had a fever once and she wasn’t around. When she came back she heard her baby who never cried, sorrowfully calling out mummy in the nanny’s hands.

He was crying so much with snort and tears, his eyes swollen while calling her name. When she appeared he hugged her tightly like he was afraid she would leave again.

His loud cries had changed to silent whimpers and sniffles expressing his grievance. That night she coaxed him to sleep and hugged him afraid to leave her baby alone again. He was the most important person to her and if anything happened to her son it would kill her.

Two decades later and here she was coaxing him again to sleep. An hour later, Secretary K came back to inform her that the food had arrived.

She nodded her head and tried to get out of bed but Zi Han held her arm refusing to let her go.

Zi Xingxi waved away Secretary K letting him know that he should go ahead and she will follow.

“Sweety, let go. I will be right back,” she said but Zi Han’s grip on her arm only tightened. It seemed her son was out of it because his mumblings made the least bit of sense.

“He he... left too and you will.... leave too like dad... like Chen-ge. He vanished.... He is gone. Don’t go,” he said his body shivering like he was chilly.

Zi Xingxi furrowed her brow a little bewildered. Where on earth did Zi Han get the notion that she would leave?

“Shh shh... everyone else might leave but you know mum will always be with you. I would never leave Han Han,” she said in a coaxing tone but Zi Han wasn’t convinced.

He tightened his grip and said in a whisper, “He said the same thing and he still left... Mum, what do I do?” his voice sorrowful and ridden with grief.

Zi Xingxi’s chest tightened upon hearing this. So she was right, Yi Chen was indeed missing but where did he go? Did Lin Ruoxi know her son was missing? Judging from her earlier expression it didn’t look like she knew.

“Mum will go find him for you, okay? I will go find him now go back to sleep.”

Like a child who couldn’t trust adults, Zi Han pouted like a toddler and buried his head in the pillow. He was obviously delirious.

“You are lying,” he whispered back refusing to believe his mother. She was obviously lying. How could she find him when he was all the way in the Republic?

“Has mum ever failed you? Everything I say I will do, I do. Now trust me, okay?” she said but Zi Han was still not convinced.

“You promised me an icy frosty from Keegan’s once and you never bought it. You didn’t keep your promise.”

Zi Xingxi, “...”

“You were six. How can you hold a grudge for that long? Keegan’s went out of business when the owner died. He died with his icy frosty recipe so I couldn’t get it,” she explained again like she had explained five other times before this. Her son could really hold a grudge.

“You still failed,” said Zi Han and Zi Xingxi almost rolled her eyes.

“Sleep... you are talking nonsense now,” she said, and like a robot that shuts down on command Zi Han replied,

“Okay,” before loosening his grip and passing out.

Zi Xingxi, “WTF”

If only he was this easy to put to sleep when he was a baby. She would have had more mummy alone time.

Zi Xingxi quietly left the room and found Secretary K unpacking. “I bought him some chicken soup but it’s still too hot. I also got him some coconut water,” he said while placing a box in front of her, “this one is for you. I bought you steamed fish and iced tea.”

Zi Xingxi thanked him while sitting down to eat. She would go back and feed Zi Han after it cooled down. “Call Lynn Feng,” she said and Secretary K nodded his head and called her contact number. Zi Xingxi wanted to find out what Zi Han meant by disappeared.

How can someone just vanish into thin air? Her mind kept revolving around this matter and she was lost in deep thought, well, that is until she heard Lynn Feng’s way of answering Secretary K’s call.

“Hie schmoopy. Do you miss me already? I know two girls who miss you so much. It’s the left one and the right one,” she said and Zi Xingxi dropped her cutlery with a clank.

“Seriously,” she exclaimed and Lynn Feng’s soul instantly flew to the heavens.

AAAAAHHHHHHH, why did she have to find out like this?

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