429 Babying Zi Han

He stared into the horizon as the beautiful sun in the simulation touched the sky with a glowing red orange colour.

Within the beauty of the sun, several heads like that of an army of a thousand men emerged with standard grade weapons drawn.

Zi Han grabbed his armor-piercing rifle and moved forward. A series of explosions ensued as Zi Han tore through their defenses fighting solo against the highest number of enemies he had ever fought alone.

At first, he could keep up and at times he had near misses but ten minutes in and his vital signs were starting to seem worrisome.

Lynn Feng couldn’t help but remind him, “Han Han, you can quit the task if you feel uncomfortable.”

Zi Han who wasn’t fighting with Igneous but relying entirely on his strength leapt off a waterfall as debris flew after him from the explosion and answered, “I can handle it.”

The person who said he could handle it was showing signs of distress on the monitor due to excessive overuse of his mental power. Lynn Feng bit her lip before pulling up her chat interface with Zi Xingxi. She chose to report it. Maybe Zi Xingxi could talk him out of hurting himself.

Zi Han who wasn’t aware that Lynn Feng was tattling on him heard the sounds of rapid fire with bullets raining in the water. He flowed with the current before climbing out of the water onto the banks.

The bullets stopped momentarily only to intensify before he could even position himself thus he pulled up a laser shield before ducking into the bushes on the banks.


He swiftly reloaded his weapon his chest rising and falling rapidly but he wasn’t in a state of panic. With a click, he pulled out a grenade and tossed it in the direction where the gunfire was coming from. A loud boom sound followed after, laying the enemy to waste.

Zi Han got up and fired several rounds on the spot killing the survivors who were running away. While he was doing this he suddenly felt a shiver behind his back. At the fastest hand speed, he drew his handgun with his other hand and moved it under his arm before firing at someone behind him shooting them in the leg.

Before he could relax though three more opponents emerged from the bushes and the already exhausted Zi Han felt a bit overwhelmed. He might have felt that way but he didn’t give in to that feeling. Shots were fired as he rushed into the thick brush trying to create some distance between them and get his footing first before the fight.

Using his environment to his advantage he camouflaged himself before taking them down in a heated exchange.

When the simulator was running the glass screens in front of Lynn Feng would go dark so she wouldn’t be able to see Zi Han but she could see him through the footage of the running simulation.

Even then she couldn’t assess him through the screen. She could only rely on his vital signs to judge whether he could truly handle it or not. The monitor was already flashing red issuing a critical warning thus her finger was hovering above the end mission button. Soon Zi Xingxi’s response came through and it was a direct answer.

Xixi: End the simulation. I will come there now.

Lynn Feng responded with an okay gesture but just as she moved her finger Zi Han suddenly spoke through gritted teeth, “Don’t you dare.”

“Uh,” exclaimed Lynn Feng wondering how he found out. She looked around her as though looking for hidden cameras or something.

“How did you...?” she asked but Zi Han who was pressed by four men didn’t respond.

The veins on his neck were bulging his skin red as he reached out with his fingertips to grab the dagger in his boot.

With a hard knee kick on one of the men’s key parts, he finally grabbed the dagger and stabbed one of them on the side of his body several times.

They loosened their grip on him and Zi Han took full advantage of it but his mental power was already at its limit. Lynn Feng couldn’t help but type fast expressing that Zi Han was refusing when the door suddenly slid open.

Instead of Zi Xingxi, it was the former Marshal that stepped in. He pushed the swivel chair Lynn Feng was sitting in and it rolled away giving him full access to the console.

“What are you doing?!” yelled Lynn Feng while trying to move the former Marshal away and stop him from touching things he shouldn’t.

Yi Zhen pulled out a laser handgun and warned her, “Don’t move.”

With a start, Lynn Feng paused her steps and raised her hands softening her tone. “What are you... you can’t mess with a simulation that’s already running. It can hurt him. Will you be responsible for that?” she said but it was like talking to a boulder.

“That’s exactly what he needs. If you all stop babying him we might actually make progress,” he said his tone very harsh.

Lynn Feng just wanted to beat this terrible person to death. Who was babying Zi Han? The young man had worked extremely hard pushing himself beyond the limit yet this person dared to say that.

Afraid Zi Han would truly be hurt, she messaged Zi Xingxi again but the former Marshal who saw her typing from the corner of his eye said, “It will already be too late,” before entering the command.

Zi Han who had been finishing off the four men suddenly witnessed the scene change. Instead of the lush greenery of the evergreen planet, he was standing in a desert with extremely high temperatures, higher than any place in the federation.

Zi Han was very confused and thus he asked Lynn Feng, “What is going on?”

Lynn Feng was about to open her mouth and tell him that his douche of a future father in law was messing with the simulation when Yi Zhen raised his finger telling her to shut up. Lynn Feng was forced to shut it.

“This is the Republic or at least what the Republic should look like. This is where you want to go, where Yi... where Chen Chen is. This is where your most important person is... your ultimate goal. Can you find this place?”

Zi Han’s adam’s apple rolled as he looked around this place of endless suffering. He half knelt fighting the wave of dizziness overwhelming him. “This is the destination,” he whispered while rubbing his temples with his thumb and forefingers on either side. The ground beneath his feet suddenly shook making him get up in a haste.

“Fuck,” he swore when a giant grey thing emerged from within the sea of sand.

“Han Han engage Igneous,” said Lynn Feng in a panic when she this through the monitor but the former Marshal pressed the prohibit mech button and Zi Han was forced to defend himself.

AN: Ohh, I want to beat the former Marshal so bad. The beating he got wasn’t enough.

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