457 Unnecessary dog food for breakfast

Her mind was suddenly filled with mushy pink dreams. Dreams of becoming the woman beside him flooded her mind but before she could drown in this pleasant delight her bubble burst.

He grabbed her arm tightly and pulled her close. She grimaced in pain and he tightened his grip even further like he was about to break her arm.

“Then go find them,” he spoke through gritted teeth before pushing her away. That asshole in the capsule had been screwing with him playing dead all the time like he was broken or something.

He actually knew that his very very distant cousin was on his last lag. The man was most definitely going to die soon it was just a matter of when. He had lost all hope trying everything to heal that bastard but he failed miserably. But when the fluctuations in energy occurred he finally had some hope. He should have known that bastard would send for help. If anyone showed up it meant they had the same ability which meant that he could have a new machine to use for space jumps.

“I want them found,” he said in a harsh tone before turning to leave.

The priestess massaged her arm as the mech ascended in the sky before disappearing. She clenched her jaw with an ugly expression and turned to the men slaughtering people.

“Stop!” she yelled and the men hesitantly paused waiting for her orders.

She walked over to the people remaining alive and asked, “Who knew them best? If you tell me now I will spare everybody.”

After a short moment of no movement, a woman pointed at an old granny who was trembling at the far end. She was the one who gossiped the most in the small village and she had a way of finding information about others that most wouldn’t.


When she saw they were pointing at her, the granny began to scream in a brittle voice, “No no no no... I don’t know them well.”

The woman disregarded the granny’s age and pinched her neck pulling her up from the ground. Her eyes red-rimmed with the veins on her temple throbbing she said, “Speak,” deliberately dragging the word.

“I I I I overheard them say that the man who helped them was in Kengston. That’s that’s all I know,” said the granny her face almost as red as a tomato.

The priestess let her go and turned to leave her expression terrifying. “Finish them off,” she said before walking away.

“No, you promised...”

“Spare us, priestess...”

She ignored the cries of mercy and kept walking. She needed to find these people and please her Lord again. She hated disappointing him and always wanted him to have a good impression thus she was very determined.

Meanwhile, the mech approached the temple in Kengston. He could see the few people coming to the temple to make sacrifices. The numbers had dwindled recently. That’s because a few still believed in his cause which was a very big problem. He had to get them all back in his grasp otherwise one of these nobles would think themselves bigger than they are and attempt to overthrow him and take the mech away crowning themselves the new high priest. The men and women who saw him kowtowed paying their respects to him but he kept walking. He wasn’t in a very pleasant mood.

He took an elevator down to the basement and found the capsule that was making a faint sound with a red light flashing as a warning to the attendant that the patient’s vital signs were critical.

He took out a bottle of wine and unscrewed the cork before downing more than half of it in one go. After drinking it he placed the bottle on the table with a loud bang and wiped the corners of his lips stained with wine.

“You bastard are a genius. Hahaha ahahahaha... I should have known you had one more trick up your sleeve,” he said while pointing at the glass angrily.

“You made a very very big mistake because whoever is coming for you... whoever it is... they are going to replace you. Yes yes... there you go. Now you are reacting, aren’t you?” he said as the beeping sound from his heart rate increased sharply.

“That’s the reaction I want. I will pry you out of that capsule and as you die you will watch that special person replace you,” he said before taking the bottle and drinking it all in one go.

“Oh, I can’t wait to tear the Federation apart. I can’t wait to put them all in their place. I want to burn down the entire Federation to the ground and watch them perish,” he said with a sly quirk on his lips with bloodlust in his eyes like the boy king.

As he settled on the only chair staring at the capsule he rubbed his lower lip slowly sinking into his thoughts. He had a sudden suspicion that whoever it is might be already in Kengston heading for the temple. When they do appear he should be ready for them.

His mind half drowned in wine he called his attendant requesting all information for any new people who entered through the city gates in the past few days. If this was Capital Star the task would be less arduous but this was the Republic.

While someone was turning the entire city upside down looking for him, Zi Han was lying in the bed knocked out cold. The sun had already risen but Zi Han was still sleeping and because Yi Chen was handcuffed to him as well he couldn’t get out of bed as well.

“Brother Chen,” yelled the sweet little voice while pulling the curtain but before she could continue speaking Yi Chen pressed his index finger on his lips stopping her from making any more noise.

Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach as she watched Yi Chen tenderly stroke Zi Han’s hair with affection in his eyes. This man never showed any ounce of affection to anyone in the time she had known him but here he was showing a warm expression to a man he didn’t even remember.

She felt like after a shitty night dog food was unnecessarily splattered on her face.

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